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    DarkPrincessaMiranda  34, Female, Arizona, USA - 4 entries
Dec 2010
1:37 PM


Im trying to get on with my life. Trying to change my destiny, or something like that. I live for free and I feel like a leech. My conscious is killing me over it. I want to change, I want to leave this town and find something better for me! Im not used to doing things alone, and I have almost no knowledge of how to function as an adult. I wish my parents had prepared me for this.
2 comment(s) - 11:11 AM - 12/19/2010
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    MaddMonster  29, Female, Virginia, USA - First entry!
Apr 2010
4:40 PM EDT

Fourty-Two Days

Hmmm, where should I begin?
It has been officially�fourty-two days�since the break up that nearly killed me a week ago. My wounds are almost healed but not completely, but the tears still continue to crash around me.
People swear up and down that my fragile, broken, heart will heal soon, but I don't believe them. The wounds will leave scars�that will always remain�deep within�me, and the memories will surely be the death of me. Things haven't been the same for days, and so I continue to find myself in my thoughts, thinking about taking my very own life. Everday is a battle for me to not give in to the sin of death.
But, when I truely think about taking my own life, the peace I find in my heart, makes suicide all the more tempting.

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4 comment(s) - 03:40 PM - 05/04/2010
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    kiya  33, Female, Canada - 21 entries
Apr 2010
2:55 PM EDT

when you feel down, think.

�Problems are usually temporary,
and death is permanent.
There is always a brighter side to things,
even when everything seems wrong.
You gotta just look really hard for something
that keeps you going, and stick with it.

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Current Tags: fight, help, hope, listen

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    JBaby14  30, Female, Iowa, USA - 8 entries
Mar 2009
3:43 PM CST


You know, It continues to amaze me. I think back to elementary school when all you needed to worry about is if you were going to pack your lunch or buy it.

Now everything seems to be about sex.�I can't go a day in school without hearing about it. I'm just so sick of it.

I�have this friend (We'll call her Ryley) that I�used to be really close with. We are still close, but lately we haven't been. I just found out that she has already had sex. Okay. A)We are freshmen. and�B)She has only been dating him for about two months. She is way in over her head. I just worry about her.

My sixth period class is art. I love art. It's one of my favorite classes. But now, I�dread going there. Everyday I just hate going there. Why? Well, there is a couple that sits at my table. Thay are always talking about when they had sex. Or when they took a shower together. Really? I don't want to hear that.

And honestly. That is personal. You would think that people would want the whole world to know that.

Anyway now everybody knows about Ryley and her boyfriend and she is pissed because she confided that information with one of my best friends�(we'll call her Ashely)�and she told me, and my two other friends. (We'll call them Jasmine and Jacey)

So now there is like this feud thing and I just don't want to get involved.

But anyway my I am completely in love with my boyfriend. (let's call him Lucas.) We have been dating for three months since March 7th. He is my other half. He tells me he wants to spend the rest of�his life with me. And I�know where I�stand on the whole sex thing. I don't want to do it untill I'm married. He is fine with that. but peopl assume things. They assume that we will do stuff or that he is going to pressure me to do things. But see. He's not like that. Even my mom doesn't think he is like that. If she thinks it's fine, then how come my friends can't?

Anyway, I�just want to avoid the whole sex topic period. But I�don't want to be a bitch when they start talking about it. how can I�just avoid it? Please help me. I'm just a teenage girl who is sick of it.


1 comment(s) - 11:48 AM - 03/15/2009
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    chinacatx  34, Female, Texas, USA - First entry!
Feb 2009
8:19 AM EDT

Hello World.

Hi Everyone.
I'd like to introduce myself first and foremost.
My name is Bailey Strange and I'm an aspiring novelist.
I have some chapters to a story I've been writing and see, I'm kind of in a bind...I'm hesistant about sending my stories to a publishing agency for fear of rejection. So, I've decided that I'll send my story to those who are interested to gain some feedback and people's reaction, hoping it will help me take criticism a little bit better. I'd really appreciate if you'd take a look at the chapters and get back to me with whatever you feel should be said. I'm open for comments, advice, suggestions, and brutally honest (and harsh if necessary) critiques. If there is something you need done that pertains to this, I'd be happy to return the favor. Thank You! - Bailey Strange.

1 comment(s) - 04:50 PM - 02/08/2009
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    thekewlestdork  28, Female, Illinois, USA - First entry!
Dec 2008
3:20 PM EDT

I'm so confused. Please help.

Ok well my name is Caitlin and I'm in the 7th grade. I don't have a big sis but a big bro. whos not very helpful. *lol* In grades kindergarden thru 4th grade a guy I am completely in love with was at my school and in my grade, too. His name is Alex. I have always had the same feeling when ever i see Alex. Except its gotten a little bit stronger. I start to shake if i see him or i get really really quiet. I have a "friend", Angel, (who I hate) whos mom sits me. Alex and Angel are like best friends but in fifth grade Alex transford. Sometimes Alex comes over Angel's house but all I can do is look at the floor the WHOLE time because im afraid that i will lock eyes with him and he might think im weird. I don't know if he likes me but everytime i say just one little thing to him then i start to shake like crazy! I want him to know but im too shy and im worried about what he would think, if he likes me and his response. Please help me!

*The Kewlest Dork*

3 comment(s) - 11:50 PM - 04/03/2009
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    LAWMAKER15  32, Female, Texas, USA - 8 entries
Dec 2007
2:49 PM EDT


i have been like totalyy depressed lately and my mind hos not found the source. it seems like alot of things are going wrong lately like im not smart enough to control whats going on in the devilish world. i wanna do all these things but i can only do one like a kid wanting all the candy but can only afford one bubble gum. i feel like i wont be the success story ji thought i once was b coming like yea right i would have a life woth living i feel like really empty can anybody help me?
2 comment(s) - 01:53 PM - 02/12/2008
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    mommy  35, Female, New York, USA - 20 entries
Aug 2007
12:48 PM EDT

Hi everyone. How are you all Doing today? I am Doing ok today. I got a Call From one of my Best Friends, his name is Thomas (Tom). Back About a month or 2 ago, I Told him that I Loved him, he took it Better than I Expected. Anyway, he hasnt Been Doing to Good, he's Been Really Depressed, down in the dumps, and Just plain Sad, so I Had Emailed him back 2 days ago Telling him that if he Needs Anything that I am here For him. Well he Called today and we were on the Phone For About 30 minutes Talking. I Helped him sort some Stuff out, But he wants to Talk more so I Can Help him sort some more Things out With him. Anyway, what has everyone Been up to Lately? How has Life Been Treating you all? How are you all Doing? I Miss Talking too you all. Sorry that I havent Written in so long. So fill me in on what I Missed, and how everything is. Talk to you all Soon. With Love, & Support, Krysta
1 comment(s) - 05:49 PM - 09/05/2007
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    mommy  35, Female, New York, USA - 20 entries
Aug 2007
1:09 PM EDT

Hi its Krysta, Sorry that I haven't Written in Such a long time, But I have Been so Busy With my Website and Helping Pleople. Anyway this Journal Entry is About Self-Injury: and I am Sure most of you Know what that this. I use to be a Self-Injurer, I have Been Self-Injury Free For About 6 months to a year, But as Always I Still Get the Feeling of wanting to Self-Injure. Also if you want to Know more or Find some Information on Self-Injury, you Can Always check out my Website at: (There you Can Find Information on Self-Injury and many Other Things as well, and ifyou want me to Put something Else on the Website Just E-mail me at: (in the Subject Put: Website) well I am Going to go For Now, so take Care, be Safe, and Please Remember that Things will Get Better, that it Does take time, and Also Remember that I am Always here For you. With Love, Always, Krysta
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Current Tags: Dark, Depression, Health, Help, Helper, Hope, Hopeless, Hopelessness, Info, Information, Pressure, Saddness, Self-Harm, Self-Injury, Stress, Teen Advisor, Websites

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    DustyRose  43, Female, Indiana, USA - First entry!
Jun 2017
2:13 AM EDT

What would you Do?

I have been in this relationship for a little over a year. I have forgiven him for cheating in the beginning when I was already living with him. We have come so far from them, but just recently I caught him talking shit about our relationship to a female friend. I confronted him about it and he was pissed said I was spying on him or getting all of his messages some way. All I did was wait for him to pass out and check his phone. I have tried everything to get passed all the other shit, but no matter what I do he makes me feel like it is all my fault, but can never give me an honest answer as to what I have done wrong. I know the old adage that if he is accusing me of shit it is what he is actually doing it. If that is the case then why keep me around if he wants something different?�
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