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    JusticeMarie  29, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2012
8:08 AM EDT

Super Sore

Tonight I'm going to the club with two friends. And hopefully live. ^_^
im super freaking sore from this morning and the night before last :)

See ya laters, baby. xoxo
Justice Marie
Tags: sex, sore, yep
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    SdeC13  51, Male, Nevada, USA - First entry!
Sep 2011
7:19 AM

Open Bed?

�I'm happily married to a very sexy man, �I hit the husband lotto. He's a catch, and I landed him. I would like to think we are both lucky in love. Being that life together is still new we are learning about what pleases each other, turn on, and turn offs. He found out that I like the smell of him sweaty and I found out he loves porn. Nothing surprising. Nothing I would be ashamed to admit if I had to put my face with this post.�
�I consider myself an open minded woman. I do not judge people by what they choose to do in the privacy of their bedroom as long as everyone is of age and consenting. At 37 years old, i also was no virgin when we met. So, being the sexual woman that I am, our sex talk gets pretty raunch. Many women in the heat of the moment say a whole lotta bs if it spices up the moment and drives her man insane with desire." "Do you think she's sexy?" �escalates to "I wanna kiss her." then before you know it, you're telling him how you're gonna eat pussy. Blah, blah, blah. I'm in the moment. It's all in good fun, right? Yeah right, until someone gets their eye shot out.�
�I didn't blink when my husband told me he's had a 3some. I didn't blink when he said he's done it with 2 women AND I was a cool cucumber when he said he did it with a man and a woman too. No bisexual activity involved. At least he hasn't told me of any. YET,... maybe. Who knows. I'm open minded. That what I said, right? Or I was right up until the moment my ass was in the air and he says, "I'd love to see a cock in your mouth while I'm in your pussy." rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... HUH? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? COME AGAIN. EXSQUEEZE ME.
�"Did you just say you wanna see ANOTHER MAN'S PENIS IN MY MOUTH?" Well, that's what I wanted to say, but he was in the moment. I didn't want to ruin it. I also didn't want him to regret telling me anything and everything. It's like having a teenager, if you want to know it all sometimes you gotta just bite your tongue.I bit my tongue. Time stopped. Visions of our 1st date to the day we were married flashed through my mind. Okay, I'm exaggerating. What did happen was after we made love and he fell asleep I was frozen. Frozen and staring at the pervert next to me. Stiff as a board I stared at the stranger in my bed, and wondered if he ever loved me at all. The next day, all day I was tripping out.When he kissed me on his way out the door I wanted to wipe my lips. I started snooping through his things convinced he was screwing around. He was perverted. Perverts cheat. After a week of this I thought about something my older sister told me when I was 13 years old. All guys look at porn. Every guy. It's not a big deal. Ignore his porn stash, it means nothing. My husband wasn't placing personal ads for an anonymous cock in my mouth. He has dirty thoughts and shared them with me. Making love should be a safe zone. The bedroom should be the one place nothing you say can be held against you. He hasn't even mentioned it since. He loves me. He loves me and he loves the thought of me taking 2 dicks. Whatthefuckever. Is it really that serious? NO. I'm not sinking a wonderful marriage because my husband is a nasty motherf^cker. It's that very reason he is so good in bed. End of story. It's not a big deal. It means nothing. Anything said in the safe zone, during the heat of passion or immediatly pending an orgasm does not count.
Tags: marriage, sex
3 comment(s) - 10:06 PM - 09/28/2011
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    MyNameIsSteve  31, Male, Illinois, USA - 6 entries
Sep 2010
11:21 AM EDT

Am I different?

Being a guy, at age 17, is it strange that the idea of what being a "man" is nowadays pisses me off? people are stupid. That's the truth. Apparently nowadays a "man" is someone who can get with as many girls in one night as they can. What being a "man" means to me is how long you can keep that one girl and how close you can get to her heart and how close you're willing to let her get to yours. Am I a man for keeping this girl close to me and actually LOVING her AND meaning it? I think so. Every other guy seems to have the mentallity that everyone is judging their masculinity by the number of girls they've been with, so they proceed to find random girls they think they've got a shot with and tell the girl what they want to hear (without meaning a word of it of course) and if all goes as they planned, the girl gets on her knees...... fuck that. I'd much rather be living my life with someone I'll always respect, love and HAPPILY be with than living my life alone, looking for a girl that might let me fuck her (not to mention I'll be�fucking the girl of my dreams every night�while you're�out looking for something�meaningless)�Then there's guys who keep the girl close, but cheat on her...... what the hell is the point in that? You'd really be willing to risk the person that makes you happy beyond belief (assuming she means anything to you in the first place) just so you can blow a load on some stranger? That's a risk (in my eyes) that's definately not ever worth taking. 90% of the guys I know are assholes that do think it's ok as long as their girl doesn't find out.� I don't understand it, I just really think they all deserve to get their asses kicked for thinking that way, but then more than half the men in america would be in the hospital..... In my opinion, I think more girls cheat on their boyfriends than the other way around, but more guys seem to openly think it's alright if they do it to their girlfriends.

Fuck people like that, they're all dumbasses for not being true to themselves and their partner. I just hate liars/fake people more than anything, hence the reason why I have much to say about this.

2 comment(s) - 01:11 AM - 10/02/2010
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    JBaby14  30, Female, Iowa, USA - 8 entries
Mar 2009
3:43 PM CST


You know, It continues to amaze me. I think back to elementary school when all you needed to worry about is if you were going to pack your lunch or buy it.

Now everything seems to be about sex.�I can't go a day in school without hearing about it. I'm just so sick of it.

I�have this friend (We'll call her Ryley) that I�used to be really close with. We are still close, but lately we haven't been. I just found out that she has already had sex. Okay. A)We are freshmen. and�B)She has only been dating him for about two months. She is way in over her head. I just worry about her.

My sixth period class is art. I love art. It's one of my favorite classes. But now, I�dread going there. Everyday I just hate going there. Why? Well, there is a couple that sits at my table. Thay are always talking about when they had sex. Or when they took a shower together. Really? I don't want to hear that.

And honestly. That is personal. You would think that people would want the whole world to know that.

Anyway now everybody knows about Ryley and her boyfriend and she is pissed because she confided that information with one of my best friends�(we'll call her Ashely)�and she told me, and my two other friends. (We'll call them Jasmine and Jacey)

So now there is like this feud thing and I just don't want to get involved.

But anyway my I am completely in love with my boyfriend. (let's call him Lucas.) We have been dating for three months since March 7th. He is my other half. He tells me he wants to spend the rest of�his life with me. And I�know where I�stand on the whole sex thing. I don't want to do it untill I'm married. He is fine with that. but peopl assume things. They assume that we will do stuff or that he is going to pressure me to do things. But see. He's not like that. Even my mom doesn't think he is like that. If she thinks it's fine, then how come my friends can't?

Anyway, I�just want to avoid the whole sex topic period. But I�don't want to be a bitch when they start talking about it. how can I�just avoid it? Please help me. I'm just a teenage girl who is sick of it.


1 comment(s) - 11:48 AM - 03/15/2009
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    Starblogger  31, Male, New York, USA - 3 entries
Aug 2020
1:04 AM EDT

The only way to have the best sex

To many individuals, the possibility that marriage is between one man and one lady and that sex is just suitable for hitched couples appears to be curious, obsolete and prohibitive. Is this actually the main way?

Through Adam and Eve's relationship, God uncovers His structure for marriage and for sex.

In God pronounced that all that He shaped was acceptable. Be that as it may, after Adam showed up, there was a solitary shortage in the entirety of creation. Adam was separated from everyone else and that wasn't acceptable. So utilizing Adam's rib, God made Eve, a perfect ally for Adam. God joined Adam and Eve and everything was generally excellent. "Be productive and duplicate," God let them know.

Sex Is About Trust

At last, our perspectives on sex and marriage say a great deal regarding the amount we confide in God.

God's essential concern isn't an issue of duty, science, culture or lawfulness. How we express our sexuality, paying little mind to sexual inclination, is a trust issue. Do I believe that God is a decent Father? Do I believe that He knows better than I do? Do I believe that He is never persuaded by pitilessness or lack of interest toward me, however rather by His longing to put forth a valiant effort for me? Do I believe that His arrangement for sex and marriage is best regardless?

On the off chance that you have confided in God with your spirit, you can unquestionably confide in Him with your sexuality.

Seeking after sex outside of marriage is a journey for opportunity, opportunity from God's guidance.

In sought after opportunity from God's orders as her most significant standard, however she didn't discover opportunity. She got partition from God and enmity with others, as God's perfect plan for her most noteworthy great evaporated. Her doubt of God brought her into servitude, not freedom. The equivalent is genuine when we avoid God's orders in our dating lives, picking what we incline toward over what God has appointed.

Jesus realized we would have trust issues. He was the main individual who strolled this world and didn't have them. In one of Jesus' messages, he told the group that God was a decent Father who gives great blessings to His youngsters. God wouldn't set out give them something that would leave them needing or cause them hurt.

Sex that is Less Than God's Best

C.S. Lewis, one of the incomparable Christian essayists of the twentieth century, proclaimed, "In fact, in the event that we think about the cheeky guarantees of remuneration and the amazing idea of the prizes guaranteed in the Gospels, no doubt Our Lord finds our wants not very solid, yet excessively powerless. We are irresolute animals, tricking about with drink and sex and desire when interminable satisfaction is offered us, similar to an oblivious kid who needs to continue making mud pies in a ghetto since he can't envision what is implied by a proposal of a vacation at the ocean. We are excessively effortlessly satisfied."

In , the missionary Paul urges us to wait for God's best saying, "He who didn't extra his own Son, however surrendered him for all of us�€”in what manner will he not additionally, alongside him, charitably give all of us things?"

All in all, why settle? Why settle for any sexual articulation that is not as much as God's best for you? On the off chance that you have confided in God with your spirit, you can unquestionably confide in Him with your sexuality.

In all dating markets, applications give off an impression of being generally useful to the exceptionally photogenic. As Emma, a 26-year-old virgin who inconsistently attempts her karma with web based dating, morosely let me know, "Dating applications make it simple for hot individuals�€”who as of now have the least demanding time." ,a prime supporter (one of the less appearance-driven dating administrations, in that it empowers point by point composed profiles), announced in 2009 that the male clients who were evaluated most genuinely alluring by female clients got 11 fold the number of messages as the least appraised men did; medium-appraised men got around four fold the number of messages. The dissimilarity was starker for ladies: About 66% of messages went to the 33% of ladies who were evaluated most truly appealing. A later report by scientists at the University of Michigan and the Santa Fe Institute found that online daters of the two sexual orientations will in general seek after forthcoming mates who are on normal 25 percent more attractive than they are�€”apparently not a triumphant system.

The retreat from sex isn't an only American wonder. Most nations don't follow their residents' sexual experiences intently, however those that attempt (every one of them rich) are detailing their own sex postponements and decreases. One of the most regarded sex concentrates on the planet, Britain's National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, announced in 2001 that individuals ages 16 to 44 were engaging in sexual relations in excess of six times each month overall. By 2012, the rate had dropped to less than multiple times. Over generally a similar period, Australians seeing someone went from having intercourse about 1.8 times each week to 1.4 occasions� discovered decreases in intercourse recurrence, alongside increasing paces of masturbation.

I began secondary school in , around the time the youngster pregnancy and birth rates hit their most elevated levels in decades, and the middle age at which adolescents started engaging in sexual relations was moving toward its advanced low . Ladies conceived in , the year I was conceived, have a questionable respect: We were more youthful when we began engaging in sexual relations than any gathering since.

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    Starblogger  31, Male, New York, USA - 3 entries
Jan 2021
1:08 AM IST

8 Guidelines for first timer with an escort | Dpboss

Take note that escort girls may not be official where you live. Have yourself familiarized in the legalities of your area, so you will be aware of the possible risks.
And so, you have settled on hiring your first escort. There are lots of many causes of hiring someone – you have already made up your mind, now you are looking for somebody to contact. Below are the tips to make sure you have the best experience.
Before Contacting Them:
1. Have yourself familiar with your vicinity’s laws.
You do not need to be informed of almost everything, but having that overview is the best for everyone. In some places, it is legal to promote for the time of escort girls, but not for extra pleasure or sex. In those cases, the service providers (SPs) will not be willing to talk about the sex that you’re most interested in.
2. Figure out your total budget.
It has been considered to tip the escort, so bear this in mind that when you are making your budget, when planning to get an escort. There are also some SPs with the wide range of charges, and so keeping the budget in mind during your browsing of ads will save time for everybody. Be sure that you take time to read their charges before you decide to contact them.
3. Know what you are really looking for and also all their policies.
If you are searching for someone that takes pleasure of anal practice or someone that love to be spanked, then, there are lots of them that will be happy to do this. You just have to check their ads or website and try figuring out what they are offering so you are not wasting everyone’s time in asking for the things that they do not do or want to do or to receive.
During the Correspondence and Session:
4. Having great communication is always important.
If the SP is using acronyms like Greek, BBBJ, CIM, etc. or are they using the real words or the name of the activity? Respond with polite and kind manner, to that extend of point and direct question. No provider will want you feel as if they are prying facts out of you. Just be upfront with the name and the references they are asking, if requested.
Also, remember that there are some providers that may be comfortable in bringing these topics out, but allow them to select when and where they wanted to talk about it, and how they wanted to handle the voicing out of information.
5. Be on time.
When you will be more than five minutes late, inform the provider first. Understand that you are being early without any warning is not really good either or being late. So inform them if something came up and you will be late or even early.
6. Reviews and cancellations.
Don’t post any reviews without asking when the provider wanted a review. If they do, be sure to become honest, but do not write erotica.
7. Be respectful.
It means that you have to have showered and already brushed your teeth about 30 minutes before your actual session starts, to lessen any STI risks, and also have your fingernails and toenails neatly trimmed.
8. Tips or gifts.
Anyone is not obliged to give that huge tip, but giving tip is important to allow the SP be aware that you have enjoyed your time. It is also important if you wanted to book again, while handling them the tip. If you are not going to give them tips, consider giving them gift instead. When the provider has her personal website, it can list there some of the gifts they want, like or the link to their wish-list. Some of the SPs are using Delivery Codes. When this is not available, you can inquire, ask, or provide the gift certificate instead to a place such as Amazon where they will select or choose their own gift.

1 comment(s) - 07:58 AM - 06/01/2021
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