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    javahava  47, Male, Florida, USA - 86,583 views
Jul 2006
10:57 PM CST

Got a tour of the AP newsroom courtesy Yaosh - much quieter than you'd expect. Didn't know it was a non-profit - casual laid back atmosphere. Played pool tonight - ugh; lost 5-6.
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2 comment(s) - 10:58 AM - 07/10/2008
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    kgirl  37, Female, Florida, USA - 17,252 views
Jan 2007
12:51 PM EST

i realized that I'm more than halfway to being 20. i'm not sure what would really change in life, but it feels like a big step. any 20-somethings out there who can tell me what the big 2-0 is like? hey, does anyone know a place in nyc or flushing where you can get dongdongju? i was in korea for a few days this fall, and it was my favorite thing to drink.
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1 comment(s) - 04:08 PM - 06/19/2007
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    fclanning  46, Male, Philippines - 2,580 views
Nov -0001
12:00 AM PM

Interesting quote by Bernard Baruch (the one about growing with rather than eliminating our troubles). Though I'll have to say when engulfed in one's individual troubles the last thing you're thinking about is growing. Maybe it's this feeling that you're
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    Brooke  35, Female, Florida, USA - 4,554 views
Nov -0001
12:00 AM PM

so i finally broke up with him. and all the drama at my house has yet to end.... and yesterday i was going to get kicked out so instead i just decided to find a place to go. so in about a week and ahalf im moving out and moving in with my friend marcucio...... i finally broke and so did my crazy mom. there's way more to it all but im really not in the mood to start the day off by whining.
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    vixter2012  34, Female, Florida, USA - 2,282 views
Aug 2006
12:39 AM EST

im a squirrel and i love the famous matt m from the movie sahara and justin bartha from the movie national treasure and am married to johnny depp from the movie pirates of the carribbean
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    sequoiyah  47, Female, Florida, USA - 3,544 views
Nov -0001
12:00 AM PM

Dontyou hate it when people appear to be something that they ae not? It leaves me wondering WHY!!! You can only lie or "pretend" for so long. What happened to the old saying that honesty is the best policy? I cant help feel somewhat of a loss. The person who I befriended disappeared and a stranger stood looking back at me. Life sucks sometimes.......
1 comment(s) - 04:11 AM - 02/14/2023
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Current Tags: abu dhabi city tour, desert safari abu dhabi, Desert Safari Dubai from Abu Dhabi, Dubai City Tour From Abu Dhabi

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    frozeninside  35, Male, Florida, USA - 2,798 views
Nov -0001
12:00 AM CST

my best friend talks a lot -Alexa
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    silentheart  68, Female, Texas, USA - 47,484 views
Feb 2015
8:05 PM


I am grateful for my husband, my job, my house, my son, my 3 grandsons, my creativity, and especially my Heavenly Father
1 comment(s) - 06:18 AM - 03/24/2015
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    lizzypooh  39, Female, California, USA - 2,100 views
Nov 2006
6:24 AM PST

My mother talked to me about marriage today. I am 21 yrs old right now and have been dating my boyfriend for 7 and a half years. He's 22 right now. The thing is, our relationship is growing and it is strong, and our next step in our relationship is marriage. But I think I'm wayyyy too young to get married. I want to take care of myself and my individual goals first before giving my life to someone. That doesn't mean that I'll give up my life and goals and career once I'm married; it's just simply mean that once I'm married, it's not ME ME ME anymore, it's US. My decision is not my decisions anymore, it's OUR decisions. It's good in a way, because I care about my boyfriend's feelings and opinions and so on, but by being married, my own selfish decisions may effect my spouse. So it's like getting a decision approved and asking permission in a way. *sigh* My thoughts on this... I do want to get married in time, because I think of all the amazing and joyful things in marriage. But getting married at such a young age (nowadays) my cause lots and lots of struggles and hardship. There will always struggles in every relationship and it takes maturity and hopefully the couple can grow from it. But I feel that this is one struggle that can be avoided or lessen if we simply waited (I'm looking at 28 years old). We're not financially secure (college students), STILL in school, very young, and I feel that most guys are not ready to take care of a wife until they're in their late twenties (when they already had their fun and ready to settle down). I worried about the trust in marriage. Becayse of media, I never realize how much husbands and wifes cheat on each other. News, gossip, radio, you name it! I worried. I trust my bf right now, but there will be time were he MAY lust and may fall into temptation- it's human nature to want something you dont have. It's hurtful to say this, but sometimes I just think that being single will prevent heartaches, but loneliness is another heartache too. =) His parents are strict and kinda anal in a way. The father figure is pretty stubborn, since he IS a religious leader (reverend)- he's more of "it's my way or the highway." My parents worry about marrying into a religious family... not that we're bad people, it's just that my bf's family dont often act goofy or play around... they're not really socialable or party people. boohoo. that's a bummer. Everything to them has to be proper at all times, my boyfriend is not that typical pastor's kids (goody two shoes), he's a fun and goofy guy, but the future in-laws arent's. *sigh* *sigh* My goal is, i want to finish school first, then earn some $$ to pay off my student loans, then help out my parents since they're still paying the morgage (my father works to feed a family of 5 including me), then enjoy my freedom (travel, shopping, etc), save $$ for a wedding and home (houses are at least $500K ughh)... but importantly, see what God wants. More con are: by the time I'm 28 - i'll be less wanted because I'll be an old maid(the younger the girl, the sexier and more attractive she is physically-which means, the more she is wanted by men), I not be as horny as I would be compare to younghood ( I havent had sex yet so I dont know if I would enjoy it if I'm older)... Well, this is a long entry. But any advice and inputs? Thanks. I just feel like I have no support in this. I wont fall into pressure, but I dont know if my thoughts and goals are wise or wise enough.
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    angel1360  64, Female, California, USA - 5,294 views
Jul 2006
1:54 PM PM

"gratitude"a hard thing to realize some times...I am grateful for my parents..who tho know now a part of my past that they were unsure about.have accepted it..and are a great sense of security for me..I almost lost my dad earlier this year and I am very greatful that it wasnt his time to leave this world,and like all families we have had or share of problems but I wouldnt trade him for the world...I am also grateful to have found the love of my life..he too is ill as I,6 months older,he's a yankee I am a "grits"...he is my Angel..and I love him so very much..I have been married 3 times but I have never loved anyone as much...
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    ellen  59, Male, California, USA - 3,541 views
Jul 2006
12:23 PM PDT

How can I trust someone if that someone has broken my trust, My heart is empty, Its cold as ice, As it reach to break, It leaks out of water, That water drips and slips away, That trust, That moment, All within those you have broken, I may not trust you or your friends but that don’t mean we can’t be friends, Just friends without that trust, You have to work your trust with me, You have to make me understand why should I ever trust you again, You have to repair that broken trust, You have to work hard, That don’t mean be hateful towards me, Just show me that I can trust you once more.
1 comment(s) - 05:32 AM - 04/29/2007
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    alonebut2gether8844  33, Male, California, USA - 3,765 views
Jul 2006
12:05 AM CST

"I just need someone to hold"
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    amymercedes  46, Female, California, USA - 1,837 views
Jul 2006
11:23 AM CST

without any communication we become stifled.
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    sandynassa  44, Male, Minnesota, USA - 9,304 views
Feb 2007
10:48 AM I

i think nothing can be perfect..any thing can improve for perfection that's it but it can't be perfect.anything may be close to perfection..Perfection is a ideal type of thing and as i think ideal things are only ideal not a reality
Sandeep Nassa
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    cupcakegirl  30, Female, Minnesota, USA - 1,665 views
Nov 2006
9:27 AM EDT

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    kay  57, Female, United Kingdom - 2,551 views
Dec 2006
8:11 PM EEDT

Hi Just wanted to say feeling very xmassy - and looking forward to being with friends and family and having a good time. Looking forward also to the new year as I intend to do a lot more travelling. Fingers Cross. Merry Xmas
1 comment(s) - 09:10 PM - 12/13/2006
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    ChrisBrownLover  29, Female, Minnesota, USA - 3,311 views
Jul 2006
5:25 PM EDT

HEY! I WAS SO BORED I THOUGHT I WOULD MAKE UP A POEM. Wet- When I'm all wet when i see you I dry all up. And when I'm all Dry I get all Wet again but when your nnot around I Just feel like I should move to a Desert , Or I should move to my imaginary Land called "Rainy Town."-Dry
1 comment(s) - 08:05 PM - 12/18/2006
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    PurpleSquishy  37, Female, Minnesota, USA - 3,514 views
Aug 2006
1:27 AM EDT

Girl I've been in love many times before So many time it left me so broken hearted, So I turned my back on love And then you turned it all around (Much to my surprise, girl I cannot lie) Baby it's you that made me realize That love was all I ever really wanted And now I'm thinking that I never really felt it Baby it's you, couldn't ask for nothing more Girl it's you that I adore And there's nothing that could change the way I feel I'm in it for the long run, I wanna be here with you forever And only you can make me feel like I do I wouldn't trade this for the world Can't believe you're my girl Say you'll stay happily ever after... And ever since I've had, had you here with me It's impossible to see my life without you Cause I need you, girl And I want you to share my world (When I'm in your arms, you can feel my heart beat) To the metronome that's beating To the melody in your heart And no matter where you are, Baby you can count on my love I guess I never really knew how love could feel Cause you make my heart skip a beat Girl you know, like I know, that this is for real No we can't deny it Give me your hand so we can plant this seed Cause all we need is love to grow this family tree My baby, be forever my lady... Girl it's you...
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    jodigirl25  58, Female, Ohio, USA - 33,266 views
Dec 2007
9:29 AM EDT

I've been busy being a NURSE!

I've made it to be a nurse...finally! Years of dreaming it, and now have accomplished it. But wait! Not finished yet with my dream...will be starting school again next week, to go further to be an RN! I think I will not be satisfied until the original dream has been seen and touched. So onward I march....
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    RMEHRT  44, Male, Ohio, USA - 2,528 views
Jul 2006
11:25 AM EDT

So i met this guy who is irresitable and so not the right one for me as far as my mom is concerned but i can't help but like him so much. I have noticed him coming into my place of buisness alot and he stays for hours. I started flirting with him about 2 months ago to see if there was anything there and to my suprise he flirted back. So last week i made cookies for everyone and hoping i might see him i brought him some also. He came in that night and i gave them to him. man his smile just makes my heart jump and its hard to keep my thoughts PG when i am around him. That feeling i haven't felt in a long time. ANYWAY!!! her ate the cookies and i asked him how they were. He told me the only thing they were missing was my phone number! i could of died. I thought this guy must be joking. he's way out of my league. Hes the kind of guy you see with a pamela anderson look alike. Some size 0 blonde bombshell. I'm so not in that catagory. I'm 6 ft tall and weigh 215 pounds. I'm an ex army medic and i work in law enforcement, lol not the girlie type at all. But i have alot of good things about me most of these things don't matter to people this day and age. So here i am in a awesome but awkward moment where this hott guy is asking for my number and what do i say? I say whatever, then laugh and go about my work. I'm a dumbass i know, i thin i just blew it i say to myself! But thank the lord he knew what a joker i am and he asked for it again about 5 minutes later. So i gave him my number! WOOO-HOOOO i was so excited. This guy actually asked for my number. So later that night I get a text message. It was rob and he asked if i missed him. did i ever! we talked for awhile had a great conversation. i like this guy more and more. we set up a date to hang out on monday evening. I was so excited i couldn't wait to go. Monday evening comes and no phone call. no rob. no nothing. I waited ans waited. I should of known i say to myself as i listen to music in my room. I just should have known.So i start feeling like amybe i should just call it quits this isn't a good way to start anything. so i texted him and told him that i would see him around my workplace and hope everything was ok. I got a call around 9pm he asked if i was mad. I wasn't mad i was disappointed. and i told him so. Its thursday now and he barely texts me anymore i hardly see him anymore and we have yet to go out on one date. LOL my luck i swear, Are you thinking what I am thinking lol IF he ain't callin then he ain't interested. So i try to leave it be. Yesterday i didn't hear from him at all.So I tell myself i have never chased anyone and i ain't about to start now. If someone doesn't like me for who i am then they can kick rocks. these are the things you tell yourself when you want to feel better when what your really feeling is if only i was 30 pounds liter if only i was prettier if only i was this and if only i was that , he'd like me, he'd call me if i did look like pam anderson. Because face it you can have all the honor and integrity in the world. You could be freakin mother theresa but what really matters is tits an ass people. you get everything with tits and ass. Its crazy. So I brace myself for a long lonley life LMAO. Its really not so bad i do really enjoy being by myself but somedays it would be good to know that you have someone who has your back and who thinks you are beautiful. That would be nice. So now i hae put the thought of Rob out of my mind, and then Chris calls me up. NOw Chris is a fishing buddy of mine. Also very fine. Chris is awesome, he's sweet and funny and a great fishing buddy. well turns out that we flirted and stuff but decied to stay friends. Out of the blue he calls me yesterday and asks me to spend some time with him friday night, But it doesn't sounds like friends hanging out if you know what i mean lol. So i wonder about that, Its funny. the things we go through in a avarage day lol
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