
Apr 2010
4:40 PM EDT

Fourty-Two Days

Hmmm, where should I begin?
It has been officially�fourty-two days�since the break up that nearly killed me a week ago. My wounds are almost healed but not completely, but the tears still continue to crash around me.
People swear up and down that my fragile, broken, heart will heal soon, but I don't believe them. The wounds will leave scars�that will always remain�deep within�me, and the memories will surely be the death of me. Things haven't been the same for days, and so I continue to find myself in my thoughts, thinking about taking my very own life. Everday is a battle for me to not give in to the sin of death.
But, when I truely think about taking my own life, the peace I find in my heart, makes suicide all the more tempting.

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MaddMonster's Profile

  • Username: MaddMonster
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Virginia
    MADDMONSTER's Interests:

    About Me: Sup Skankk? Why hello there, Monster is what I go by.... Just to start off, I’ve made millions of mistakes in my life, but I learn from them time to time. Trying to live without regrets is easier said than done, but I try not to regret anything, and even if I do, every person is entitled to at least a few secrets. My life is something I will always regret because I hate my existence, but I'm still learning to deal with it no matter how much it sucks. All my friends are guys, but that doesn't make me a slut. I think of my guy friends as my "big brothers" that I’ve never had. Our relationship will be nothing more either because I don’t chill like that. I have a bad side just like everyone else in the world...but if you run your mouth to me, then I’m going to break your pretty little face because to be honest, I just don't give a fuck. I have no time for two-faced people. My tolerance in bullshit is utterly low.....more like zero. I have a tendency to speak what is on my mind, whether if you like it or not. Words that come out of my mouth are often cold and truthful because I don't like it when things are left unsaid.

    Interests: Writing dark poetry, cosmetology, and texting.

    Favorite Music: Where to start......

    Favorite Movies: Where to start....

    Favorite Books: Twilight saga, Vampire kisses, Gossip Girl, and Vampire Acedemy.