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    sparklyfizzypink  37, Female, France - 2 comments
Feb 2007
4:58 AM GMT

have a geog test on mon. i have nothing to do now.
2 comment(s) - 08:03 AM - 10/04/2009
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    Daydreamer  36, Female, Australia - 28 comments
Aug 2007
2:31 PM EDT

I am very sad today!! See almost a week ago {the week mark will be tom.} that I got up the nerve to call the guy that asked to meet me and we still havent meet. I understand that he is very shy but if he really wants me the way I hear he does then why does he act the way that he has been?? Why is he not calling me back is it because he is shy or is it because he doesnt want to really do this with me...the whole relationship thing?? I mean with him for the first time in like two years I was actually ready for a real realationship and now its just like before...the reasons why I never had realtionships for that long time....2 years....and its just like will I never actually be happy??Will anyone really ever love me or not...Am I like destined to be alone forever??Please help!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 08:58 AM - 04/19/2008
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    questioningeverything  37, Female, California, USA - 2 comments
Mar 2007
12:08 PM PST

So I am not a person who has been in many, well any real, long-term relationships. It is always a question my relatives ask me, my friends at home, and I am sure my parents are wondering why I don't date. The truth is that I have had very few opporunities to date and when they come around I take them but they never turn into anything. I wantto say that around 80 or 90% of the time I am fine with not being in a relationship. Committment scares me to death and when it comes close I tend to push it away. I don't want the man of my dreams but I am not going to settle. It would just be niced to be asked out, to get nervous and excited for a date, and then to go on one. I want the companionship, okay the making out. I think me not being in a relationship has made me a bitter person. I don't want to be that person anymore. I want to be happy for people when I see they are in a relationship. Sometimes I reach that point and I think there is just something wrong with me. There are some times when I think about it and I just don't really meet a bunch of new people all the time and it is hard to even find someone who I am interested in dating. Right now there is a boy that I has lived a floor above me this year. We met the day he moved in. We said hi and had conversations here and there. We began to get know each other but he had a girlfriend. They broke up. We have hung out a few times. My friends all read too much into this stuff and put thoughts into my head about us turing into something. I don't think we will. I guess it just too hard for me to think that someone would really like me. It must be from the years of no one being interested or at least not acting on it at all. We are going to start seeing each other a lot more which who knows what that means. And right now I would be okay with us becoming good friends. There are things that I don't like about him but for some reason those reasons have no gotten in the way of me not liking him anymore. My lack of experience also doesn't help because I don't know what the signs are that a boy likes you. There are some comments made once in awhile which would lead me to believe that may be something there. I just don't know though. I don't know what to do or what any of it means. I am sick of being alone. I want to have someone to spoon with at night. Someone to ask me how my day was at night. Someone to have fun with. Someone who will teach me about everything and anything. I want to have one of those cute moments where you are just laughing and teasing each other and have that look in our eyes. The one that is in all the chick flicks. I want a friend. I wish that all of this wasn't so cheesey but for whatever reason, no matter what it always sounds like that. So I will am going to have wonderful saturday night of homework and being on duty. It is going to be amazing.

Thanks for listening
1 comment(s) - 07:38 AM - 03/26/2007
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    beckyleigh  33, Female, Florida, USA - 5 comments
Feb 2007
7:38 PM EDT

o yea... i haven't been on in a while now but i have resently found out that my best friend cuts herself...i don't know what to do...she got therapy for it but she is still cutting and she does not want to go to a hospital...she doesn't understand that she is hurting herself!! is getting rediculas...i wish i could help her...but i don't know how to....later*
2 comment(s) - 06:31 PM - 07/19/2007
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    ressa525  59, Female, Illinois, USA - 1 comments
Jan 2007
4:59 PM CST

This is my first time making an entry for others to read. I hope to heal and grow from my entries about whatever I experience in my life. One week ago today I heard from my ex-boyfried. He had called me to say he received my correspondence I had mailed to where he is living now. My correspondence detailed my stamp that I will survive him and my friends support me. That I believed him and that I am amazed that he has not responded to me when notified that I had two deaths in my family 1 month apart. Finally that he needs to pay me back the money he owes me. When he called me he sounded not happy because his now WIFE has suspicions and she wants to know information. To my surprise, he said to me she does not know who I am. He told her I am someone that worked with him (which is not true) and that he had paid my boyfriend back. Another lie. I was so upset I could not think, all I could do was sound hysterical and blurt out questions angrily. 1st question, what is going on? He called me last month, ask about my family and tells me what he is doing. He says he thinks about me everyday and that he loves me. I reply the same. What the hell!!! That does not mean go marry your baby mama, that I know you are not in love with. He now tells me this is not the time to talk and says I will have to call you back in front of her. I am shouting you cannot tell me you love me and you really don't. He says he does love me and his life, no one understands how chaotic things have become. That still does not mean to go marry someone you are not in love with. And to think you have been lying to me all this time and lying to his now WIFE. There is much more, but I will stop. I have cried, my stomach became upset and to add insult to injury, had laryngitis, which I have never had before. I am sad and angry at the same time. I want to burst his bubble of lies. I loved him, cared for him. And to think he is an ordained minister.
1 comment(s) - 11:46 AM - 12/12/2008
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    jazzsoulp  39, Female, Rhode Island, USA - 2 comments
Jan 2007
10:53 PM GMT

January 30th...High point of my day...Got a job offer...yayyy...and best believe I am on top of it...I'm thru staying at home...and to think ppl would kill to be in my position. Havent told mom or even D- K..wen it all becomes official, I want to suprise them...O how I wish i could see thier faces. Low Point...I have the flu, couldn't sleep all night so I kept drinking Nyquil like it was diet coke,...twas nasty so I made some HOT MILK,..I think dat did it...slept like a baby until mom decided to wake me up wiv her morning calls...Love her for it tho. Havent really thot about babe since we last spoke...Lets see if its a me or if he subconciously does call on Thursdays...hmmmm.
1 comment(s) - 02:45 PM - 02/01/2007
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    marilyn385  73, Female, California, USA - 3 comments
Apr 2008
7:28 AM PST

The Rubber Stamp

The Rubber Stamp
I routinely stamp the invoices with�“date entered”.�I enjoy this task, the clicking sound of the self –inking stamp, the repetition, the neat uniform size of the letters and numbers.
I remember as a child wishing for a rubber stamp.�I used to cut shapes out of pieces of potatoes and use food color to press images on my books.
This fascination began with trips to our neighborhood library.�Back then libraries were still quiet.�No one ate or chewed gum in the library.�If we were even whispering we would get a “Shhh” from the librarian.�She seemed to know off the top of her head where all of the books were and could answer any of our childish questions. She would patiently explain to me time and again how the Dewy Decimal System worked.
The librarian wore a dress and I remember her bracelets that tinkled as she stamped the books.�I was mesmerized by this motion and sound of the repetition of the stamp, her bracelets and the scent of her perfume mixed with the smell of the paper and ink.
In my bedroom I was the librarian, checking books out with my potato stamp, wearing my mothers bracelets.
Today I have a “real” stamp and I get to use it as part of my job on a daily basis.�Most times it is just a mundane task but today I recall the Librarian and realize I now have what I always wished for, a rubber stamp.
1 comment(s) - 11:09 AM - 06/24/2008
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    Mrsceegee  44, Female, Florida, USA - 1 comments
Jan 2007
4:37 AM EDT

The rain falls today same as the day I met her, who would imagine the joy I feel.Ill write more later today.
1 comment(s) - 10:07 AM - 01/28/2007
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    Carlie  49, Female, Louisiana, USA - 1 comments
Jan 2007
1:52 PM EST

Sometimes I feel realy bad like I have no one but other times I feel like I have a everyone on the earth loving me.Also I realy like my guy friend alot but can't tell him.I don't know how to tell him how should I tell him??
1 comment(s) - 08:34 PM - 01/28/2007
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    chelsealynn15  33, Female, Maine, USA - 4 comments
Feb 2007
9:17 AM EDT

Today was an ok day, it went by really fast! Sometimes i wish that the day wouldnt just go by as if life was a movie, in fast forward, but then again there are moments where you wish it would play in slow motion. Ha you cant win both ways. I went with my friend yesterday to talk to a consulor and the woman says that im depressed and that i need to find ways to try to get my mind off all the negative things that are happening in my life.. i think writting in my journal is the only way other then drawing. My mom signed me up for a tutor in Bangor and it's 134$ for an assessment to see what i need help in and then 45$ an hour after that! i wasnt about to have my mom pay that much but if that means getting an aducation that i can actually use later on in life and possibly in college then OK. I think im going to go and get my hair cut tonight or possibly tomarrow either or.. i cant wait im going to get blonde on the top and blackish brown ( my hair color know ) underneath. haha yesterday we had a basketball game in howland and we went into overtime twice! we lost though by one point, i played the whole game except for 1 minuite... i was so exhausted that my leg when i went to stand up crampted up and i couldnt even walk! i was so mad that i go taken out of the game.. i wanted to beat the crap out of the girl who was tripping and hitting and smacking (trying) me around! i was pissed. i guess this journal is good for know i'll prob. write tomarrow.. wish me luck on tomarrow's game!!!! .-.Chelsea-Lynn.-.
2 comment(s) - 06:54 AM - 02/02/2007
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    XxOctoberxX  36, Female, Kansas, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2007
10:09 AM MST

i hate my life.
1 comment(s) - 06:41 PM - 02/28/2007
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    xxwolfxrosexx  33, Female, Hawaii, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2007
1:19 PM EDT

hey everyone who reads this plz add me to ur friends list cuz im new here and need frineds.=) xxwolfxrosexx
1 comment(s) - 08:35 PM - 02/01/2007
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    shirleyxu  54, Female, China - 24 comments
Mar 2010
12:54 AM EST






3 comment(s) - 11:22 PM - 03/26/2010
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    nonstop  27, Male, China - 1 comments
May 2007
6:36 AM EST

My Mom

I am not in the mood but I will write. My old Mom is always happy. ALWAYS, I'm telling you. Sometimes she is very annoying but she is my Mom and I love her. Sometimes I am annoyed by her because she lost the "SP" I begged her to buy for many years but perhaps that's the chance that has come to me for getting an X-BOX. I will buy one when I grow up. I hope she respects my wishes.

Though she doesn't understand that an X-BOX is important in a kid's life, she is, well, a good Mom. She knows mental needs very well. I also have a great knowledge of cultural heritage, due to the great amount of travel.

But now, I am already full of physiological theories and understanding of ethnocentrism, and I am falling back in the modern world, and I want to now some good games in the internet, so I can have some say in this modern world.

She is a great partner when I am sick, and also a very good comforter. Sometimes, when friends aren't very nice to me, she makes me optimistic.

So, apart from her not understanding me, she it a perfect Mom.

1 comment(s) - 12:19 PM - 05/08/2007
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    bigbadp0thead  44, Male, Canada - 1 comments
Feb 2007
11:02 PM EDT

puff puff pass 420 Allday&Night Thats the High Life
1 comment(s) - 02:13 PM - 02/08/2007
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    AngelzPower  32, Female, New York, USA - 2 comments
Feb 2007
2:32 PM EST

I can't believe i accually have a journal or something i can keep my things in! i did not like any of those other blogs i had exept for REDBLOGS. but for sosme reason i cant go to that web site anymore. I have been looking through these site to get a blog! 1. 2. blogging 4. yahoo 5.etc etc etc! well now i hope this kind of journal is enjoyable since it took me a long time to get iT! 1.AOL REDblogs (which are now shut down) 2.Xanga ( dunno where the box is to write a journal) 3. Myspace ( dangurous) 4. Blogstream (dunno how to function it!) 5. Journalspace ( not very interesting to me): ) 6. well.......I guess those are the blogs I got! i dont even like them theres always something wrong with it! well ttyl!
1 comment(s) - 06:37 PM - 02/07/2007
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    Lost  38, Female, Washington, USA - 3 comments
May 2007
9:48 PM EDT

so i'm really not into wirting about this right now so i'll hit the high light my step dads in jail my mom is falling apart i'm going to chiacgo friday and um well thats about it other than my oldest brother is getting married on th 25th and i still can't go
1 comment(s) - 10:38 PM - 05/27/2007
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    Dominoe14  32, Female, Arkansas, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2007
7:59 PM EDT

Living today as if there was no tomorrow! Goodness...just got moved in and well its ok...I guess! I am tired as heck and well I think I have a ghost here! lol its kind of freaky but kind of cool at the same time...ya know! I hope he/she is not BAD! lol well keepin in touch! Buh-Bye

1 comment(s) - 08:02 PM - 02/26/2007
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    scarlett  35, Female, Bahamas - 3 comments
Apr 2008
10:16 AM EDT

Is my loneliness my fault?� I am so tired of being single. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. hasn't even been a year. But I still think�about Connor all the time. I'm supposed to be this mature, strong, independent college student. And I guess I a lot of ways...but I have a long way to go.

1 comment(s) - 07:38 AM - 05/24/2009
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    christysmith  37, Female, Virginia, USA - 3 comments
Mar 2007
2:31 PM EDT

This is me on sunday of last week... i'm so sexy!!!
1 comment(s) - 10:43 AM - 03/13/2007
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