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    Nat12lovve  32, Female, Illinois, USA - 3 comments
Feb 2007
5:09 PM O

uh. i hate it when im bored. i wish i could talk 2 someone on the computer but no one will
1 comment(s) - 01:02 AM - 06/07/2007
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    confused  35, Male, Ohio, USA - 4 comments
Mar 2007
5:39 PM EDT

i seem to only post when i have problems..but w/e... i have a boyfriend...we've only been dating for a ex boyfriend asked me to prom..i said yes..because my current boyfriend cant go..ya know and my from Germany..he leaves this summer to go back...i said yes because he and i talked about going b4...and well i dont really like either of them ...i think i kinda like my ex ex boyfriend...gah i know i sound very sleezy...but i swear im not! im staying with my current boyfriend...i do like just being im getting ready to start my period..i dont think straight then!
1 comment(s) - 01:55 PM - 05/09/2007
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    nitemistress  66, Female, Canada - 1 comments
Mar 2007
7:13 PM EST

"What would you do with your life today if you weren't afraid of failure?" What kind of question is that?? Is this someones idea of a cruel joke?? My whole life, even when I DIDN'T fail, I inevitably was a failure in most peoples eyes. And today?? Oh please, well today I failed yet again. Let's face it, what would I do with my life if I wasn't afraid of failure??? Drop dead from shock!!! And we won't even get started on just HOW I apparently am such a failure in the eyes of others..mostly because I have no idea except that I breathe. Yep, right dandy question on todays journal heading.
1 comment(s) - 07:51 AM - 03/16/2007
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    patricks1soul  35, Male, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2007
6:10 PM EDT

so, i always wanted onw of these things so here i am. i just have so much inside of me that i feel that i can tell no one. not even my best friends. so i think that this thing and i will get along very well. so some basic info, my name is antwuan, but my friends call me ton. i am a junior at ths. i happen to love going to school, not because of school but because i can get away with my friends at school. so about these friends, ive always been able to make friends, thats just whut kinda person i am. but lately i think or at least thought that i had a solid group of friends. i think i may have been wrong. its not that we dont get along, its that we barely see each other anymore. i remember when we first started to hang out we were around each other all the time but now we barely see each other and its no ones fault we just do so many different things its just so hard for us to hang out.i dont know there was a lil incedent that may have had an effect on our friendship but thats a completly different blog. so im sayin it now loud and proud, low and in need of a serious low, mike, and ton day....really fast....hurry...and for the rest of you, until next time remember we all are fragile.
1 comment(s) - 01:59 PM - 05/09/2007
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    Tedybearbtch4u  39, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 2 comments
Feb 2007
3:56 PM EDT

Tomorrow is a new beginning But Tomorrow could be the end of a new beginning so why not Live today?!... Please tell me or explain to me why we call this Country Freedom?! Why can't weed be Legal?!

2 comment(s) - 01:45 PM - 02/24/2007
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    caseygeorgge  35, Female, Canada - 1 comments
Apr 2007
4:14 PM EDT

I turn to you.
When I'm lost in the rain,
In your eyes I know I'll find the light
To light my way.
And when I'm scared,
And losing ground,
When my world is going crazy,
You can turn it all around.
And when I'm down you're there
- pushing me to the top.
You're always there,
giving me all you've got.
1 comment(s) - 01:04 PM - 03/19/2008
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    angel9901  32, Female, Florida, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2007
2:45 PM EDT

1 comment(s) - 08:09 PM - 03/01/2007
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    carots  36, Female, Canada - 2 comments
Jun 2009
5:55 PM EDT

What am I afraid of and why?

I'm afraid of being alone. I'm afraid that I will end up alone. I have been hurt and I think part of me has come to believe that people always let you down.. they always leave. No one loves you enough to stick around or to stick it out. I guess because of that I push people away. I dont let them get close to me to hurt me.. I dont let them in.. I dont let them get to know me. As a result of this, when people do like me I dont think much of it because they dont know the real me, because I've hidden it from them. Every once and awhile I let my guard down,and spurts of the real me come out. Times like that make me wonder what is real about me. There is a part that is hidden, who I like to believe is the real me and then there is the brave face I present to the world. Yet, if that is the face that is seen most often, isnt it entirely possible that this new false me has replaced the old. Is�the new photocopied version the truth? Its hard to have identity and self worth when there are two conflicting sides. I guess because I push people away so much I worry that my worst fear will come true. People dont often surprise you and if I believe that everyone always leaves then most likely, they will. Loneliness is something I seek so often and yet its not what I want at all. Maybe more than loneliness, my worst fear is putting myself out there. Even more scary than being lonely and rejected is finding someone who wants to stay. I dont know what real love is.. I dont fully understand commitment and sacrifice.� I know what loneliness is because I've been there. Maybe my worst fear is the uncertainty of companionship. I'm scared to let someone get to know me because I worry what they might find.

2 comment(s) - 01:50 AM - 11/14/2009
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    martytx07  36, Male, Texas, USA - 10 comments
Mar 2009
6:15 PM CST

OK, so just came out to 2 of my cousins...I'm on a role now! :D
2 comment(s) - 07:35 AM - 03/06/2009
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    TAC122  37, Female, Washington, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2007
10:49 PM EDT

today my mom told me that she might have cancer in her overies. This scares the shit out of me. i dont know what i will do if she has it and if she dies. i hope that when they do sugery its just a growth. I already had a shaky faith and wasnt sure if there even is a god. But this, if she has cancer then i think that god doesnt excist. my mom is so unselfish. she would do anything for me and my family. she deserves the best. i love her so much. she has so much faith in everything she has this journal and today i read some of the things and she writes to god and the last thing she wrote was that she is praying for me and my sisters future husbands and that i got thanksgiving off from work and she is so amazing just the little things like that i just cant believe that she would pray for. if i lost my mom i dont know what i would do. who would i talk to about everything that happend at school? or my problems w/ my boyfriend. or watch scary movies w/. my mom is so beautiful to me i love her.
1 comment(s) - 08:11 PM - 03/01/2007
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    brokenheart  31, Female, Montana, USA - 1 comments
Feb 2007
9:21 PM EDT

Okay I can make anyone smile and i love to be out with my friends and my "guy" friends! I geuss that I have a great life Oh My who I am trying to fool I hate mylife my boyfriend bet the crap out of me and i dont know what to do and i love him and dont want to get him in troubel or anything and i told one of my friends and boy did she want to kill him but yeah oh and i am in love with an really hot guy but i dont think it will ever happen i am just to hidious and even my boyfriend agrees with me that i am ugly so yeah and i think that i should just die its not like anyone would care i get hated for being bi i am bi get over it! All my friends dont know what to do with me anymore i am just in hell right now and my life suxs! I wish that i could find just one friend that just could be there for me no matter what i do or what happens i just hate mylife i fell inlove and then i ancedendly told them that i was in love with them and so now i dont know what to do with myself i want to die and no i do not have depression its just the truth i think that life is just hell at this time in any girls life! so yeah my life is just hell in every way and i dont want to feel like this i want to be happy but i am just not i am just sad all the time well except when I am with him! (lyle) he brings all the light i have ever needed to my life if i am cryin he could make me laugh and just smile forever but he isnt around much so when he is gone my life is hell but when he walks in i just begin to shine like i never have before and then there is chrisco the worlds greatest guy in the whole world he never leaves my heart i love him soooooooooo much all i do is think about him night and day and i dont know what to do i have no clue about anything anymore I just forgot how to do anything i just dont want to make a big mistake because i want to do things with him that i dont know if i am ready for but i also dont know if he is ready eather i dont want ot rush him because i dont want to be a slut or anything but i think that everyone already thinks that I am i dont want to lie any more i dont want to hurt anymore but i geuss i will forever!

1 comment(s) - 10:18 AM - 02/23/2007
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    charliemay  30, Female, United Kingdom - 3 comments
Apr 2007
1:10 AM EET

okey,i know its a long time since i last wrote and im very sorry,ive just had alot of stuff going on.the primary reason im wriying is cos i just found out that 1 of my best friends fancys my kind of ex toby.i know its silly to be woried cos shes my frind and she wouldnt do anyhing like that but im still not sure.she flirts with him alot and im scared hes gonna start liking her.i love him so much and i dont want to loose him now,especialy to maya.are relationship is worth the risk though,i think,its quite fragile at the moment without all this other crap going on.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi just dont know.this is all new to me really.
1 comment(s) - 05:12 PM - 04/25/2007
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    oki  32, Female, Japan - 1 comments
Apr 2007
11:45 AM PST

I don't really define love. Love can't be defined. You're a fool to try it. Love cannot take a form---it cannot be defined. Do you mean, what it means to me? WEll I'll tell you--love is my hate, and that hate is love. It gets on my nerves. Its like a bug that flies around, annoying people. Love comes and goes. Nothing lasts forever. My grandparents; my great grandparents; and my parents have all divorced. Isnt that hinting something?
1 comment(s) - 07:33 PM - 01/22/2009
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    LB*13  31, Female, Texas, USA - 30 comments
Jun 2007
6:40 PM EDT

How do you decide something that will change your life forever??
If you have any advice please tell me....
5 comment(s) - 09:30 PM - 07/16/2007
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    babygurl12  32, Female, Tennessee, USA - 2 comments
Aug 2010
11:11 AM EDT

well i'm loviq life and evrythinq aboud it so i'm straiqht .
2 comment(s) - 07:47 AM - 10/01/2010
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    manindra  49, Male, India - 9 comments
Aug 2007
8:13 AM I

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2 comment(s) - 05:45 PM - 11/05/2007
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    nurseha  36, Female, Singapore - 2 comments
Mar 2007
4:03 PM EDT

Dear friends,
i'm sick and tired debating with my husband...i don't understand why we should quarel..i want to talkwith him nicely and setle the problem but he always choose not to talk..i juz don't noe why..and i think it's better for him to talk with me first rather then i come to him if he choose not to talk..the reason why he don't want to talk with me becoz ichat with my sister at msn..maybe he don't like me playing the msn so thati will not chat with other guys or he don't like my sister..i try to save our relationship we juz married not even 1 year and i don't want him to divorce me one day...please give me some advise..
2 comment(s) - 09:08 AM - 03/16/2007
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    a person no1 understands  32, Female, Arizona, USA - 7 comments
Apr 2007
5:15 PM EDT

i hate my life. absolutely no one likes me at school, cuz im "different" and my parents are a bunch of jackasses who dont care about me. i absolutley hate it. i know i have so many options (religion) and i take them all, but nothing seems to be working. i just dont know what to do anymore. i hate my life!! absolutely hate it!! by the time i go to bed im in tears. yeah, i know i have it off a lot better than most people in the world, but that doesn't mean i'm enjoying it. sure i have a lot of fancy stuff, but i dont want it! its useless if you dont have the right morale behind it. usually my parents get me stuff to shut me up. i cant wait till i get out of this hell hole. id gladly trade my world for one of those poeple in africa who really deserve this kind of life (the luxeries, not the people in it). i dont think its fair that i have this "luxurious" life while they're in kenya suffering. i'm not even grateful for my "wonderful" life. i am greatful for the stuff, but not for the people, id trade it all away if i could. if i could just get out of these walls. this prison cell. i hate it. i might as well kill myself, besides, im thinking of going goth, then my parents would kill me for me. ugh! just make all the pain and suffering go away in the world, then work on my problem! UGH!!! i dont know what to do anymore. my parents are making me do all this stuff i dont want to do and they dont care. typical. i wonder why im surprised. JUST MAKE IT GO AWAY!! i absolutely hate this! but i feel guilty feeling bad for myself because there are people way worse than i. AAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! i want to just run away, just run away and keep running. i hate everyone in my life. i have no friends, no loving family, just a whole bunch of stuff i didnt even want. i wonder why im so upset. i guess its because i have no love in my life, just an endless closet with prep clothes, (NOT A PREP!!) toys for todlers that my parents wont let me give away to a family that actually deserves it, and all this other shit that i dont deserve or want. i just want it all to go away, the people, the things,this life, just for it all to suddenly dissapear. I WISH I COULD DRIVE!!! then i go far away from here. so very far away. *sigh* i hate my parents and the people at my school and every one around me. they never did anything for me, yet they expect me to do stuff for them like they were my best friends in the whole wide world. just make it go away. JUST MAKE IT ALL GO AWAY!!!! im sorry i droned on like this, i really shouldnt be feeling sorry for myself like this. its not worth anyones time, just like me.
3 comment(s) - 06:36 AM - 04/25/2007
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    earthangel  71, Male, Canada - 3 comments
May 2007
8:27 AM PST

I will be so much more relaxed once the USA elections are over and Bush is out of politics. We all know he doesn't have a chance of getting back in and we do hope the American do not vote any of his family memebers in to politics either. I am so surprised with this president that he has never been empeached up to now. This man's mistakes will go down in history as the worse president to run a country. He has the whole world frowning upon the USA. We here in Canada have no room to talk with Harper who has taken all we stand for and taken it apart by placing us into a war as well as tearing our values on inviroment apart with Kyoto as well as taking money away from, native, women issues and children. Of course he was led by the nose with Bush a presedient who blew up his own towers to start a war and blasme it on arabs just to cement the fear in his own country. The fact are there and the citizens of the USA need to see that. Thanks to that you now have the whole Midle East against you because he decided to invade a country on false pretenses. Like I said and he is still the president. One thing left about being American and Canadian is we still have freedom of thought and speech. Or at least some still think we do.
2 comment(s) - 11:16 AM - 05/22/2007
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    byrd  36, Male, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Mar 2007
8:36 PM EDT

my experience with life has changed my mind dearly i feel like there is no one to trust or be with
1 comment(s) - 07:16 PM - 05/11/2007
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