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    irene  29, Female, New York, USA - 3 comments
May 2007
3:57 AM EDT

Dear Journal,
Whats with all the quotes on the top??? I am so bored. Today I had to write this Letter in the coloniel times. It was kinda fun. Well there is nothig to write. Well there is somethig to write but I wrote in my private joural....
1 comment(s) - 04:03 PM - 05/10/2007
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    letstalk  53, Male, Iowa, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2007
8:23 PM EDT


Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.
Belive in yourself.
Consider things from every angle.
Don't give up and don't give in.
Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come.
Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches.
Give more than you planned to.
Hang on to your dreams.
Ignore those who try to discourage you.
Just do it.
Keep trying n matter how hard it seems, it will get easier. or
Love yourself first and most.
Make it happen.
Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal.
Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
Practice makes perfect.
Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Read, study and learn about everthing important in your life.
Stop procrastinating.
Take control of your own desting.
Understand yourself in order to better understand others.
Visualize it.
Want it more than anything.
Xcellerate your efforts.
You are unique all God's creations, nothing can replace YOU.
Zero in on your target and go for it!
1 comment(s) - 12:46 AM - 04/23/2007
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    possiblepsycho  35, Male, South Carolina, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2007
4:56 AM EDT

I am so confused right now. I mean, I went to the psychiatrist place the other day, and I was thinking, omigosh... i can probably get better! thats all i really want. but then... the lady said that she would have to be able to look through my mom's past and everything, and mom would have to get treatment before she helped us. mom refused, so the place said that they couldn't treat me or my brother. now i feel so hopeless, like now i'll never get better. I take like, 7 or 8 allergy pills when i get home.. 'cause i just want to sleep the day away. nothing is going right.

but there are people who are worse off than me... who have been through worse things... and they're fine! and here i am, a little whiny baby. but i cant help it, and i want to... so bad. i dont want to be like this anymore. but i just don't know what to do. i feel like all i do is complain to my friends, so i try to be quiet and not talk, but then i make my friends feel bad b/c they think something major is wrong with me. i dont want to make them feel bad like that. this is MY stuff to deal with... they shouldnt have to suffer.

I thought about quitting my job yesterday, 'cause all i wanna do is go home and lie down. i dont want to go to school in the morning. that is when all the stress starts. i mean, i only have 2 As now! 4 Bs!! Maybe even a C! What is happening?? So now I have to work to get those way up.... i have to worry about my absences... i have to worry about getting to work and making enough money... college is starting in like.. 5 months and i have to be ready for that... what if i lose my scholarship?!? How am i supposed to pay for college??

I get snappy at people sometimes, b/c now i get aggravated and agitated easily. that's not nice. im normally a nice person. i have given up on "love". who would want me?? Alex didnt... and he supposedly loved me for a while there. no one would want a stupid depressed ugly crybaby. i want to change so bad. i just dont know how, or what to do. i need help... seriously. but i probably cant get proffessional help until 3 more months, when i turn 18. i dont know what to do.
[[Im not writing about what they say to above this... i want to write about what I want to... i need to get things off my chest]]
2 comment(s) - 01:52 PM - 05/09/2007
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    brookie175  33, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 comments
Apr 2007
6:33 PM EDT

1st entry.

We all have our stories. Mine starts here. On this internet page on April 23rd.
I have friends, plenty and plenty. I'm not miss popular, scratch that. I'm pretty damn popular. But with popularity usually follows with 'whore'. I'd summarize myself into that catagory.

I'd say this because for the past month i've been seeing a boy. His name's Ronnie.
He's older, less mature then what I would usually pick. I'm the classy type of girl. Mature-ness is very sexy to me, a boy who reads, drinks cofee, etc. Then, I have my kind of 'bad girl' side. This boy brings that part of me out. Back to the story line. I've been 'seeing him'. As in sex on every occasion we see each other. It doesn't seem too bad at first, right? well guess again. Ive put a twist on it all. I'm dating another boy named Kyle. Short story I'm dating two men at the same time. They're completely oppisate. Totally different. Ronnie = bad boy. Kyle = good christian, religous, band boy. There's more to the story. Ronnie also has another person named Carrie who he's dating, and they have a kid.

Then kenny comes into the story. I'm dating him as well, And guess what. He has a girlfriend as well. I'm not sure of her name, but i know she's not the cutest thing in the world...

Oh, Best part about it, Ive come down to writing this all on this lonely internet place because i cant tell my girl-friends. My friends would think im the most low-lifed whore they've ever met. and im not about to lose my bestfriends for that.

2 comment(s) - 07:01 PM - 05/04/2007
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    ghhtk0  70, Female, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2007
4:49 PM CDT

Having some second thoughts about taking this job in Austin manager is a bit on the moody side and tends to tell tall tales. Not sure of course why she would feel compelled to do this but worried about working with someone like that, of course I have worked with someone like this before and did not like it then. She told the other supervisor Stan that she had told me to go home on Saturday early but did not and she never mentioned leaving early, since I was going to Wimberly I would have loved to have left early so I could have spent more time with Lucy. She also told me that she said she told us to use the 0 factor for the revaluation on the 41c stamps but I know that she never did that, that may that she forgot, not sure. I have been catching her in alot of those kind of tall tales. She also was upset because Stan and I had discussed that I needed to go to the doctor but that I would have to take a day off to do that because I have to go to Conroe of course. But if I don't he will not refill my pre scription. Maybe I am just being paranoid.
1 comment(s) - 11:27 PM - 04/23/2007
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    tea  65, Female, Texas, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2009
6:27 PM EDT

The things I expect from others varies from situation to situation. It would be nice however for some of these priviledged people to step upto the plate without being asked, I mean if I have to ask, do I really want you to do it? Doesn't it mean more if done voluntarily? The truth is I expect too much from people and that is why I am always disappointed.
1 comment(s) - 06:48 AM - 05/24/2009
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    ronowen  69, Male, Texas, USA - 485 comments
Apr 2008
5:55 AM CST

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Ron continues to make progress, moving his arms, now legs more!� He is working hard daily in physical therapy and occupational therapy to become stronger.� Please continue to pray for Ron's strength and continued progress.� ONE year ago, he was put on the ventilator for his condition.� We are so thankful that he no longer needs it and look forward to this next year having continued progress.

11 comment(s) - 05:28 AM - 09/27/2020
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    shootingstar420  30, Female, California, USA - 9 comments
Mar 2010
5:56 PM EDT

My boyfriend and I broke up yesterday, and wow today I been fighting with myself so much to not talk to him. I just want to call him up and be like baby im sorry, i want you back. Im sorry for breaking up with you i dont care of the distance I need you soo bad ): ! But then i stop myself because I know I want someone better for myself. I couldnt deal with the distance anymore /:! It hurts to accept it but I had to.. I just had too.. I was with him for 6 wonderful months. He was the best boyfriend I've ever had and thats why it's so hard to move on. Maybe in time things would get better? I just feel so lonley rite now.. I want him but I cant have him anymore.. I gotta move on no matter how hard it hurts. Man/: !

I'm really not the type to be acting like this over a guy, but he has some great power over me.. and well now its no WE. It cant ever be again /: Sad, but its reality..

Well besides that I been good actually.. I dnt really feel like talking.. soo idk ? I'll write on yuu some other time /: ...
Karyna </33
2 comment(s) - 08:41 PM - 03/29/2010
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    Jocelyn  54, Female, Taiwan - 2 comments
May 2007
11:47 PM EDT

It's my birthday. No cake, no candle-lit dinner. Tons of house chores. How miserable!
2 comment(s) - 03:03 AM - 06/06/2007
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    vabronxboogie  44, Female, Virginia, USA - 1 comments
Apr 2007
9:19 PM EDT

Gosh last night was hectic. I locked myself out my work bldg and I slept in my car all night till 6 in the morning. Well of course I was pissed and I had to sorta keep to myself, well everyone ran cuz when I'm pissed I seem to take it out on everybody, which is not good.but my boo made it up to me when he arrive in the morning. yeah I missed him so much and he missed me like crazy.
1 comment(s) - 11:49 AM - 04/27/2007
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    angelofbliss  32, Female, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
11:28 AM EDT

How do you tell someone that you are in love with them? How do you also tell them that you lied and that you are ten years younger than what you said? How do you fall out of love?

I am only a fourteen year old girl in love with a man ten years my senior. He wants honesty and I can't tell him this, can I? Life has always been cruel to me and when it becomes normal and I am actually respected than it ups and does this. How do you tell him, especially since your "son" just passed away. Even though he really wasn't mine, I loved him and so do I this man. Yet, I shall never be accepted.

Really, I lied about mostly everything in my life. But being in school. I have no biological son but he was mine the day I found him on my doorstep. I have had sex, forced but the guy who raped me didn't break my hyman. I am just a messed up teenage girl who is in love with a man older than her.

What more can be wrong?
1 comment(s) - 06:10 PM - 05/01/2007
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    Alanna  50, Female, Australia - 2 comments
Jun 2007
11:46 PM EDT

hi everyone, i have a friend over and her name is keara.
we just read my comments from 7 months agoand if anyone wants to comment, i dont want a bf!!!!!
kearas gonna right something now keara:: hi everybody wat doin im
doin nothin but playing around with alanna(not in the sexual way) Alanna is not a lesbian and neither am i ( thank god)
Alanna: by 4 now

Alanna Cassar
1 comment(s) - 11:00 PM - 06/13/2007
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    2hott2handle  36, Female, California, USA - 3 comments
Apr 2007
6:59 PM EDT

hey u think im 2 young 2 have sex....well i already did! me and my b/f thought 2 celebrate our 4 years of going out we both decided that we were ready...and omg did it feel good
3 comment(s) - 01:10 AM - 06/07/2007
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    XoXcaseyXoX  29, Female, Australia - 3 comments
May 2007
10:46 PM EDT

5th of may 4:40pm
Yes i am writting this at my friends house from my maraculas sick recovery.....
not much to say realy as my friends probably want me to hurry up... he he he ...
Well im here finally, we went to the Swimming Pool and when Elise was getting out of the pool she cute her foot, she might need stiches... i dont think she will but the perents think she will...poor leese!
Where about to have dinner and yeh , were going to rent stick it the movie so yeh and were going to watch it and eat and go to sleep! make that not go to sleep...
So yeh, she might make an account, yay ( everybody cheers! )
From Casey
P.S. i write to you later!
1 comment(s) - 11:53 PM - 05/15/2007
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    melissakaspszak  56, Female, Arizona, USA - 2 comments
Dec 2008
3:19 AM MST

online class

So far I have recieved all points possible on my essays. I hope I do as well on my first midterm.

2 comment(s) - 11:32 AM - 12/12/2008
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    usrswthrt01  43, Female, Illinois, USA - 1 comments
Jun 2007
12:38 PM CST

I Am A Woman...

I am a woman that loves with all her heart

I am a woman that's silly and smart

I�am a woman with many open wounds

I am a woman that's still needs to be tuned

I am a woman that has much fear

I am a woman that still brings cheer

I am a woman that's still lost

I am a woman that know's the cost

I am a woman that's hurting inside

I am a woman that hides behind her foolish pride

I am a woman that can't look you in the eye

I am a woman alone that cries

I am a woman that's imprisoned with chains

I am a woman that holds her pain in vain

I am a woman, a mother,a friend

I am a woman someone you can depend

I am a woman of all this and more

I am a woman who will one day soar

What you see is all that is left to see

Just a woman that you can truly believe

1 comment(s) - 02:20 AM - 06/21/2007
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    tacross1s  43, Female, Missouri, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
2:33 PM EDT

It is amazing how I live my life to see someone else'. I watch movies, which is a story of others struggles on film. Particularly I looked up Brian J White's profile. I was introduced to this person by his portrayal of Sly on Stomp The Yard (my favorite movie), and what I found was incredible. I found out that this man is a philanthropist, businessman, model, actor, dancer and then some. He has much experience in making positive choices with his life, and it shows. Except as I continued to think about it, only what we do for God will last. It is not our impressive resume's that will get God's attention but it is what we do for God.
1 comment(s) - 09:39 PM - 05/27/2007
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    maritza  17, Male, Virginia, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
9:32 AM EDT

Sleeping Beauty weak up
1 comment(s) - 04:04 PM - 05/10/2007
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    Jade  34, Female, Florida, USA - 1 comments
May 2007
6:30 AM EDT

1 comment(s) - 12:36 PM - 05/08/2007
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    Holly  52, Female, New York, USA - 18 comments
Jul 2007
9:13 PM EDT

Note to self: Don't eat guacamole before sex again. BURP!!!
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4 comment(s) - 04:15 PM - 08/21/2007
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