patricks1soul's Journal

Feb 2007
6:10 PM EDT

so, i always wanted onw of these things so here i am. i just have so much inside of me that i feel that i can tell no one. not even my best friends. so i think that this thing and i will get along very well. so some basic info, my name is antwuan, but my friends call me ton. i am a junior at ths. i happen to love going to school, not because of school but because i can get away with my friends at school. so about these friends, ive always been able to make friends, thats just whut kinda person i am. but lately i think or at least thought that i had a solid group of friends. i think i may have been wrong. its not that we dont get along, its that we barely see each other anymore. i remember when we first started to hang out we were around each other all the time but now we barely see each other and its no ones fault we just do so many different things its just so hard for us to hang out.i dont know there was a lil incedent that may have had an effect on our friendship but thats a completly different blog. so im sayin it now loud and proud, low and in need of a serious low, mike, and ton day....really fast....hurry...and for the rest of you, until next time remember we all are fragile.
1 comment(s) - 01:59 PM - 05/09/2007
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patricks1soul's Profile

  • Username: patricks1soul
  • Gender / Age: Male, 34
  • Location: USA - Ohio