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    itshardbeingm3butistilldntwant2bu  32, Female, New York, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
4:18 PM EST

omg how do u upload ur photo i hat3 this stuff it causes me so much trouble 4 no reason
1 comment(s) - 10:43 AM - 11/06/2006
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    Riley5353  32, Female, Minnesota, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
3:56 PM MST

sighs, today has not been the greatest. yes I know its thaknsgiving but does that mean you HAVE to have fun? take a wild guess what my family did for thanksgiving?!? we served people at a poor house! yes I know what you thinking, this person is self centered and conceeded but heres the thing, it was such a mind wrenching job that I was so tired after that I could barely move , on top of the fact we were there for almost five hours!I never want to see another turkey as long as I live!! dead or alive!!! about 4,000 people came and there were about 500 vollunteers!!! if I'm right thats 8 people to a helper, and alot of them were no older than 10!!! so many pumkin pies not enough time. I haven't the faintest doubt that tonight I'll have night mares of a thanks giving feast attacking me, and it get's worse ! theres the possiblity of me being on TV (and I was hotter than the turkey in the oven if ya know what I mean). that was my thanksgiving how was yours?
1 comment(s) - 01:15 AM - 11/25/2006
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    jcole15  41, Male, Ohio, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
5:55 PM EDT

When i am bored i call my ex girlfriend. We dated for five years and she left me for another guy. She might of even cheated. We broke up about two months ago and i do fine when i am busy but when i get bored i call her non stop and text her. It has gotten to the point to where she doesnt even want to be friends anymore and that kills me. i am trying to meet with her so we can talk this out. i need to just keep myself busy and i wont get on her nerves and we can be cool.
1 comment(s) - 09:49 AM - 12/09/2006
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    stepstv  35, Female, California, USA - 2 comments
Dec 2006
11:58 AM EDT

I expect them to be nice and to respect me for who I am.
2 comment(s) - 02:09 PM - 12/21/2006
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    cursers44  34, Female, Florida, USA - 2 comments
Feb 2007
8:06 AM HNP


is the one thing we always forget


is the one thing we never forget


is refreshing when your life's a routin


money destroys


is the worst feeling a person could give birth to


are a flood, you never know what you can feel until you feel it


opens up every possibility


is how we remember to come together


means nothing when your life isn't about your possessions


is a lighted path to a new life


never dies no matter how quitox it is


only comes from God


in the ones who don't think you can do it


for the things that you think you'll never do


the empty space inside and fill it with love


when you think you've had your fill


God's mercy when you come before the cross


like your the one who sinned


the secrets of the people that you don't like


like your destination might disappear


for living come with a purpose for giving


comes from the people you love


is the person who takes to heart their blessings


is the person who never lets go of doubt


is the person who hides their treasure in their heart


the world before it's too late


away the things holding you back


as if it's your last words


when your alone in prayer


because God listens


others when their hope is gone

1 comment(s) - 08:07 AM - 03/19/2007
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    susmita  36, Female, Hong Kong SAR - 5 comments
Nov 2006
10:31 AM GMT

I went to the Mosque today for the Chinese Class and the ladies are ok there.. they respect each other and each others' religions as well. you know when you have to go or involve in someone else's lifestyles, you have a fearinside whether we would be able to adopt it or not..but its different here. anyways, i just had mah dinner and now i have to work on some stuffs that need to be readied by coming Firday. some people from head office are going to visit our office,i hope we can put a good impression on them. ohh ...i dunno wats happenning but its starting to make me do i explain it to mah self as well. everything looks so good, everything feels so good and when everything is so nice, i think of YOU.
5 comment(s) - 08:00 AM - 10/04/2009
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    aithuypham  34, Male, Florida, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
5:15 PM EDT

hey people i'm ________.Give your self a hint try to fingure out the _______(blanks).Hi my name is ___.And my last name is____.And I love Dogs.
1 comment(s) - 10:06 PM - 02/18/2007
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    GothicPrincessOfDarkness  34, Female, Washington, USA - 2 comments
Nov 2006
3:33 PM EDT

My World:(poem) In my field of hearts, I'm invisible. The clouds of paper flowers linger above me. Candy eyes of lullaby set me free of fear. The raindrops whisper to me. The wind tells a story during the storm. The stars tell me to open my heart to all the fake smiles. I see you linger behind the trees. I feel you haunt me. Your presence there. The reason I'm real, the reason you're free. The moon stares into my soul. The sun shines into my dreams. The way I wish you were here yet gone. I close my eyes and it's you I see. I can't seem to wash my thoughts of you away. Your voice, it haunts my once pleasent world.
2 comment(s) - 04:58 PM - 02/27/2007
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    Katelyn0147  30, Female, North Carolina, USA - 4 comments
Nov 2006
1:09 PM EDT

Wow today is Thanks Giving of course but i am stuffed because i ate at my Mawmaws house and now i have to go to my nanas house and i have to eat at her house to last year i had to go to 3 different house my mawmaw my nana and my aunt Jatana so last year i was so full i couldnt even walk lol!! GoSh i am so full but i guess thats what i have to get used to ever year now lol i mean i love thanks giving but just to much food i love to see my family so yea lol!! XoXo***
1 comment(s) - 10:08 PM - 11/23/2006
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    Ultrawarriorjouranl  49, Male, New York, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
4:40 PM EDT

hello I am new and I just want to say hello
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    amyystar  37, Male, Kansas, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
10:26 PM EDT

Hey all! I guess this is my first entry so i should make it a public viewing one. I will be writing mostly private entries, because my life is full of mostly private moments; my life is a mess. But I need somewhere to get it out- and i have no where to get it ALL out, everything! I don't know any of you, therefore i don't fear being judged, or fear that you know who i am and will take what i've been going through and use it against me somehow. You know what i mean? Everyone has things about them that they don't want others around them to know, but can't keep hidden forever! Am I right? Well, I guess this journal is just to get it all out, wither it's in public or private entries, and no one around me knows the better of it, right? My name is Amy. I am 18 yrs old. Hang out in boring old KS. USA. Nothing facinating about it, really....looking from the outside in, unless you got the inside scoop. I really wish i could have a 100% assurance that no one would ever know about this journal who knew me perosnally and I could say anything i wanted and no one would ever know...but i know from personal and past experiences that that's not 100% possible. And that suxs. DAMNIT! That makes me angry. Why can't i just be myself...honest, truthful...and not hide anything.... So I guess, i'm going to put what i can out there, and the rest is going to be my private journal. I guess you can read what you want of what's left in the public entries...i'll make the most of what i can there......sorry. I just don't feel comfortable putting certain things on public entry when i don't know whose reading it.....sorry. Adios. ~AF
1 comment(s) - 09:53 AM - 12/09/2006
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    charlax  70, Male, Arizona, USA - 10 comments
Nov 2010
10:06 AM


Lovers SHe loves me she is in my heart in my dreams in my mind when she tells me love is forever eye smile eye take her for granted too much but eye got my old Lady she is so full of love its amazing eye do love my friends in the same Way shape & manner like the cocker spaniel needing to be petted one to one to the customer in the world gone mad insanity rules life is gone murder rules the sun shines on your dirty deeds even iff no one sees you will be the answer soon while some of us learn how to be lovers in the night
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1 comment(s) - 07:43 PM - 11/19/2010
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    kyle  32, Male, California, USA - 2 comments
Jan 2007
4:13 AM PDT

Man this is great i am going paintballing two weeks in a month back to back. one weekend after the next . But it sucks at the same time when we are going we are going to have 35 degree weather . Mna this is bougus my paintballs are going to freeze and so are other people's which means its going to hurt like a mother fu#$er . Well any how me and some of myfriend are going one weekend and me and my team are going the next weekend . God I love this sport you hurt people and they hurt you .
1 comment(s) - 12:24 PM - 01/12/2007
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    FinalFantasy  34, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
Dec 2006
10:41 AM EDT

Haha Im Looking At All Of My Class-Mate's Journals. Interesting. lol Anyways Does This Count As a Journal Entery? Well i Write More Just So i Can Get One Page! Well...Ummmm Yup Thats It Nothing Else To Put Haha.
1 comment(s) - 01:22 PM - 12/15/2006
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    Franky  35, Male, California, USA - 1 comments
Dec 2006
12:12 PM WST

wut i expect from others is showing me the way they want to be treated. if they act stupid to me then ima act stupid to them. i expect all people to know who they talk about b4 they start talking about them. if the people dont respect me then i dont respect them. if my parents dont respect me then i dont treat them with respect either, i treat people the way i am treated by them. screw all haters that dont know me! people that take the time to know who i am is the kinda person i respect.
1 comment(s) - 02:19 PM - 12/21/2006
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    aznballah  36, Male, California, USA - 2 comments
Dec 2006
12:01 PM EDT

well most people keep gratitude journal because most of the time that where they write about their private life. but most of the time its all about sadness and sorrow of what happened that day. most of the time they never write anything positive because not everyday that positive things happen to people. thats why people when they write their their journal, they rather write something sad because of how they feel rather than writeing something positive.
2 comment(s) - 10:28 PM - 02/16/2007
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    natedizzle  36, Male, California, USA - 2 comments
Dec 2006
12:09 PM EDT

What i expect of others to respect me and not talk crap behind my back and if they dont like me not to fake that they do like me. Because thats just a waste of time on me thinking that those people dont like me. But yeah if they do then its cool ill talk to them.
1 comment(s) - 02:21 PM - 12/21/2006
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    OverDose  35, Male, California, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
6:15 AM PDT

Don't hold on to what might not last 4 a long time... The End.
1 comment(s) - 02:21 PM - 11/13/2006
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    cindy  35, Female, California, USA - 1 comments
Nov 2006
8:09 AM EDT

It doesn't just take knowing something to be inteligent it takes more than that like love.
1 comment(s) - 02:20 PM - 12/21/2006
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    speedking  35, Male, California, USA - 1 comments
Dec 2006
2:07 AM PDT

By turning your back on those who critizes you is the best way to put it aside and not get angered from what they say. Most people who critizes are those who do not know themselves and might dislike you because you probably have something they don't wether it is popularity at school or the way you interact with people and how easily you make friends or they just envy you for what you have. If you get angered and you take it up on yourself then you just scooped down to their level and that is exactly what they are trying to do to you, they try to push your buttons so that they can see what your weekness is and once they find that out they are always going to use that agaisnt you to get you mad. That is when they have you were they want.
1 comment(s) - 07:30 PM - 12/24/2006
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