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    Ranilyn  29, Female, Canada - 26 entries
Jun 2011
8:23 PM MST

Not much I can say for what happened today...I would've like to leave a more detailed entry, but I am really tired right now. Today was good, but long.

I woke up rather late this morning. However, seeing as I was on the phone with Janette until about 4:30 this morning, I'll say it was expected. What I didn't expect was a phone call from Kim inviting over� for a Harry Potter movie marathon. With a bit of grumbling (silent and internal, of course) I agreed to go over. It was a good bit of fun actually with Kim, Jin and Steven. We stayed till 8 and somehow Jin and Steven went home with me and stayed till about 10. Then we proceeded to play dutch blitz while calling Sandra to make her jealous. And then Steven, the silly guy, refused to borrow a sweater for his walk home, or use any bug spray for the mosquitos. Seriously!

Not that I didn't want to go - I did want to hang out a bit with Kim and co - but hey, I have one week before summer school starts...and for a week that I had originally intended for some reviving and relaxing chill-at-home time, I seem to have some out and about activity planned for every single day this week.

Monday: Well, I did nothing...but seing as I woke up at 12:30 and didn't do a whole lot, it was a bit of a waste of a good day.
Tuesday: There was the Dovercourt reunion which turned out surprisingly well...and with some interesting results. Oh right, piano concert too.
Wednesday: Harry Potter movie marathon!
Thursday: We're all headed to Sandra's place for a crazy water balloon fight.
Friday: Hopefully nothing.
Saturday/Sunday : The usual weekend thing. And I hope, and boy, do I hope, that Jiat wen will not try to pull off a sleepover weekend thing. I really don't think I can handle more outings right now.

Then we're back to school on Monday. Oh joy...summer school.

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    Ranilyn  29, Female, Canada - 26 entries
Jul 2010
4:59 PM MDT

Just A Summer School Day

This is going to bea short entry post; just a quick jot of thoughts about what's going on and stuff. I really don't want to spend too much time on this because...well...I could be using this time to read spuffy fics! Or write stories of my own!'s summer...and I'm in school. I took the gym and CALM combo to free up an option. It's keeping me busy, but I'm having fun - most of the time. Having school with Janette, and other elementary friends is pretty cool. :D We're headed for the Velodrome tomorrow. Some bike field trip thingy. Janette says it's fun but I heard its scary too! I'm seriously learning some interesting stuff in Career and Life Management.
Phew, and I also FINALLY dealt with the Taylor thing. I opted out on going over, and just made a phone call saying that I could make it to her Bday. I know, not very nice - but I really didn't want to get stuck for hours at her place before going home!
We're going to Vancouver this Saturday for two weeks. This time we'll get to see Uncle Fred, Aunty Naomi, Samuel and Megan! I hope they had a good landing in Canada and they're adapting well to Vancouver! It's going to be a fun trip - hopefully much better than the last one! I'll make sure I do something productive on the long drive there. Daydreaming's fun, however for 18 hours is a waste of time - no matter how fun that is.
That's about it for now. I'm gonna to do some other stuff before mom comes hounding me about sleep.
Love Joyce.
Ohh, here's to the few latest songs I've been listening to. (Besides Bonaminah by Super Junior) "Xian Yu" and "Wo De Ma" by Huang Jing Lun. *squeal* He's so adorable especially as Yu Yi in Momo Love. His songs are funny too! Oh...and to randomly add....he's also a Singaporean! Woot!

*inhale sharply* so short entry after all.
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    Cobra376  25, Male, New York, USA - 5 entries
Jun 2010
7:23 AM EDT

I just finished my summer cleaning.
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    BryanRK  33, Male, Ohio, USA - First entry!
May 2009
7:50 AM EST

What is my biggest time-waster in my life... I would have to say video games like every other guy in the world. Sure we could all play a bit less, but you know how it is ^_^ What do I plan to do about it this year? Well, nothing! Summer's coming up, and I'm probably going to spend the greater majority of my time playing video games, especially because I'm getting my 360 in a couple of days! :D
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    Nelly  33, Female, Russia - 8 entries
Sep 2008
9:36 PM EEDT

My summer

That's all! This summer had ended, but I can't say, that I'm upset about it. It was maby the best time in my life...but now...more meeting with friends, more work for me

My love...I don't understand anything about him and about me. I's very hard for me? but I can't sat, that I've dissapointed in him.I want to see him,hug and kiss, but...another question:what wants he.

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    heykaro89  35, Female, Taiwan - 6 entries
Aug 2007
10:28 AM EDT

the summer vacation is almost over
gotta pack up all the memories, wildness and lazyness wutever and hit the road.
it's still a long journey forward, only keep moving will i get to know this life better, complaints are helpless to make the situation easier. there's a proverb whih said: plans are never faster than changes. i've made lotta plans for this summer but only some of it were lived up. i wish i could manage my time better next time.

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    heykaro89  35, Female, Taiwan - 6 entries
Aug 2007
12:38 PM EDT

the summer days are great and i wish this never ends...

i think im totally cursed by i went shopping with my crew..ended up like 9 T-SHIRTS with me was soooo crazy!! well thanks to the fair discount and cheap vendors..oh and some little money i earned from my part time job.

i love holidays. specially sumer holidays...i could get up anytime i want without being afraid to be kicked ass by my school teachers,i could play my guitar as long as i want,i can go swimmingall monday,go dancing all tuesday,paintall wednessday,learn franch or english all thursday,watch the oc all friday, hang outwith friends the entire saturday,and sleep all sunday HA.. yeah it sounds kinda time wasting but this is how holidays should be isn't it?

ummm one of my friends asked me why dont i get a b.f...well im not sure why..but i think i prob just dont wanna get stuck n another relationship again and im sick of worrying for someone and crying over the broken just enjoying my happy summer time. actually i wanna get with someone different..perhaps a foreign guy would be nice? haha :p

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    freetooshop  33, Female, California, USA - 6 entries
Jun 2007
8:37 AM PST

My journal is the best place to be, everyone! This is my journal/blog which i will be able to share with...EVERYONE! Okay so first I'd like to remind everyome to wear teir sunscreen in these summer months. It is really nice for me because I have no problem slathering on all that cold sunscreen, because it saves me a ton of pain! In addition, the smell always reminds me that its summertime... so have a good time!

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