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    Margaritas  31, Female, Canada - 14 entries
Mar 2013
1:40 PM EDT

A dream of you

(dream) I was at home, almost leaving for school, having just learned that my father had died and you came with your sister. You looked me over, as if I was unimportant, the only reason why you were here was to get some stuffs you had left behind. Then, I told you about my father and you didn't care. Your sister was also disrespectful to me. Then, you were about to leave and you offered me a lift, but I was already late.

I woke up feeeling really bad, hurt. You truly disrespected me, even if it wasn't as obvious as in the dream.�

I want to love again.�
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    Margaritas  31, Female, Canada - 14 entries
Mar 2013
11:09 PM EDT

March 17 A dream of two.

My birthday. He (Leo) was there, came thousands kilometers to see me. I hugged him. But he kept becoming old and my love seemed to have disappeared. The day before Quan's mother came to see me, she gave me a gift, she was sorry. Quan came, he was insolant. He stayed in my bedroom checking his e-mails, sleeping; I kicked him out. He came back. He tried to seduced me. there was a room (my bedroom at my dad) full of people snickerig.. And black magic. My cat threaten me to tell people what we supposedly were going to do. Inside, I took a cat and from his power I became invisible. But the cat wanted to leave and because I was holding him very tight his power faded and he fainted. Everyone knew now we were there. Then, I was a white magician. Others were entering, some reminded me of harry potter characters. But black magcians were coming behind and my friends shouted, but they attacked some of us who lost their power and fainted.�
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    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
May 2011
6:00 PM EDT

dream log 11

May 20, 2011 2:23am

Had a dream Phong drove to my house for something (I don't know what for). �Also Stewart was in my dream, like he came from behind me and gave me a hug. �He then says that he misses me. � the very beginning of the dream, Isaac calls me (I don't know what for, but oh well). �Also when Phong drives away (in a shiny new looking red car) some other people were leaving too (I don't knew who). �During the part where Phong was at my house, Tiffany was there too. �So I'm guessing Tiffany is going to see Phong soon and Stewart is still a butthead. �Oh and when Phong was leaving, I said, "Peac-e" and he did too :3
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    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
May 2011
8:48 PM EDT

Dream log 10

May 16, 2010 4:22am

Had one dream with a lot of different parts the first part was about me goin to bed late and I look at the clock and it's like five am or something. The second part was about something had to do with a show called Phil of the future or something like that. And it was about a device that did math homework. And then some adult tales it away because they don't want to kids to e using all the time or something. �The last part was about me at my bus stop (at the end of the school day) (well i was alittle bit away from my stop, i was like at the corner i turn into before i just walk straight for awhile and then turn into my neighborhood) sitting down and doing homework. Thn somehow I end up somewhere away from my books and crap and the wind starts to pick up and the clouds (which were already grey) were getter a bit darker. So I start heading over but somehow I end up trying to jump up the side of the road (idk don't ask). I saw mishala in a car and also marissa and two theres. Mishala asks them to drive beside me so that she cam say hi. And thats where the dream ends.
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    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
May 2011
2:10 PM EDT

dream log 9

May 4, 2011 5:30am
Had a drive that was on a vacation �island thingy first with the dance group and having fun...sorta. Also while I was out with my parents on that same trip I was collecting a lot of money that I found, then when I go to give a man money that my family owed him (for something we asked him a favor to do) the money was for something like for attitude (idk). I also remember somewhere in my dream I eat money >< and (in another part if the dream) I clean up moss from the ground begin I spilled plants and water on the plants. (I heard mrs. Hunt's voice in there). Whats weird is that I got the mess up with water (like I soaked up the moss with water and papertowel).�
Somewhere either in a dream or another, I dreamt that I was learning something or something because there was a person who gave my class a bunch of candy and crap like we were in a store or something. Idk >< can't really describe cause it's very random.�
Then I had a dream where I was baby sitting a bunch of kids and I see Sebastian and Jacob walking up my driveway 0_0 so I hurry to the door to the garage, only to discover that one of the kids (I think I was doing a daycare thing, it seemed that way) was trying to take off one of the door knobs =.=# (the front door). So I decide to fix it. Then when I got to the door, finally, and answers it, Sebastian and Jacob get in a car (idk from where but they were walking not driving up my driveway) and started to back out of my driveway. And I was like WTF?!! Also Sebastian was looking at me A LOT. Even like through my bed room window where the blind was open (he even walked back to my window to tell me something but I pretended to talk to someone else in the room (I think Callie was in my dream) and then they just kept going to the garage door), AND when Jacob was backing out of my driveway. Weird....why was I dreaming that?!!!!! Especially Sebastian, Jacob I can see sorta why, but not Sebastian.�
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    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
May 2011
3:07 PM EDT

dream log 8

May 3, 2011 5;49am
Had a dream that mia and Phong came over to my house to just hang out. We then ended up playing a video game that turns phong evil (more like he was obsessed with the game and got too carried away.) then after awhile I deleted him from the game(which I think I made him disappear or he just left.) In my dream after, it seemed that phong was adopted(he's not adopted in real life). Yeah. Then we had dinner and there was a scene of a family prayer or something in a Japanese style thingy. Then my mom started to talk about sterling silver and ask if there was someone else that was joining us. I said no (I didn't know where phong was ._.)
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    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
Apr 2011
8:52 PM EDT

dream log 7

April 28, 2011 5:44am
Dreamt more than one dream. The first was about Phong riding with me to somewhere with my dad being the driver. It was kinda like we were in a story thingy/movie.

Another dream that I had was about being in a church and my sister was doing stuff a woman because she wanted to find more glitter for her costume for her little performance at the church we were in. Then when I come back to give my sister he glitter, she's gone to do more of the woman's needs and I start talking to her. (idk what we were talking about, probably about why she didn't like the church we were in because it looked like a temple or something [it was a gothic style church]).�
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    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
Apr 2011
8:55 PM EDT

Dream Log 6

April 24, 2011 5:02pm

t about my friend Emily taking her driving test don't know why :/ �And I think that's all I dreamt about =.='
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    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
Apr 2011
8:56 PM EDT

Dream Log 5

April 21, 2011 4:22am

Had a dream that I had a class with Phong. The teacher was first mrs. Tortorella and then ms. Kowite. (we were watching part 1 of a movie with mrs. Tortorella and then the other half while doing book work with ms. Kowite). When the lights came onPhong accidentally wrote down the homework in the book with pen :3 hehehe. �I think his voice is starting to sound different in my mind :( I don't remember his voice being so much like mine, in fact his voice was probably deeper :/. Well after that I don't remember anything else other than I was in afterschool and my phone went off :3. And it was dark for some reason and they wouldn't turn onthe lights so people could see where they were going ><
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    Guoxiaosi88888888  28, Female, China - 494 entries
Apr 2011
8:56 PM EDT

Dream Log 4

April 18, 2011 7:29am

Had a dream that Isaac and I had to get after school detention because we kept going to a seminar thingy instead of history class. �Also I dreamt (in that same dream) that Isaac was over at my house and that he was in bed (in the secret passage at my house, which I don't have.). Other than that, that was basically my dream.
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