Guoxiaosi88888888's Journal

Apr 2011
8:56 PM EST

Dream Log 5

April 21, 2011 4:22am

Had a dream that I had a class with Phong. The teacher was first mrs. Tortorella and then ms. Kowite. (we were watching part 1 of a movie with mrs. Tortorella and then the other half while doing book work with ms. Kowite). When the lights came onPhong accidentally wrote down the homework in the book with pen :3 hehehe. �I think his voice is starting to sound different in my mind :( I don't remember his voice being so much like mine, in fact his voice was probably deeper :/. Well after that I don't remember anything else other than I was in afterschool and my phone went off :3. And it was dark for some reason and they wouldn't turn onthe lights so people could see where they were going ><
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Guoxiaosi88888888's Profile

  • Username: Guoxiaosi88888888
  • Gender / Age: Female, 29
  • Location: China