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    brokentearsRcryd92  36, Female, Ohio, USA - 21 entries
May 2009
6:11 AM EST

The Next Day By.KL � copyright 2009

She woke up,

and turned off the alarm.

No blood,

is to flow from this arm.

She looked out the window,

cold and shallow,

She held her hands.

"When will you come back again?"

She asked as the stinging tears,

swelled behind her eyes.

she couldn't believe it.

You're gone for good this time.

Tags: Death, KL, loss, pain, poem
1 comment(s) - 02:16 PM - 05/12/2009
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    loveKL92  32, Female, Ohio, USA - 18 entries
May 2009
9:59 AM EDT

As i cry KL � copyright 2009

As i cry,

the diamonds fall from the sky,

as i cry,

the willow's weep,

as i cry,

i fall to my feet,

i cry,

because you no longer need me.

As I cry,

you walk away,

as i cry,

the pain begins to dance my days away.

As I cry,

no one stops to see,

the heart,

that's been torn right up,

and out of me.

As I cry,


you're little girl is scarred,

as i cry,


you're little girl wishes,

that you were there.

Tags: cry, dad, kl, mom, pain, poem, sorrow, tears
1 comment(s) - 04:07 PM - 05/08/2009
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    CreateSomething  52, Female, Texas, USA - 86 entries
Apr 2009
8:44 AM CST

Lost Soul Mate

� I know love and I know loss. I believe that everyone has a soul mate. Yes, there are others you will love but there is only (�I believe) one soul mate. Mine has come and gone. It hurts every day of every moment of my life. The worst days are days like this. The days that you feel it in everything you do. Everything you hear or see reminds you of them. Every breath you take makes you want to scream and your eyes hurt from the millions of tears you have shed. You can almost feel them there with you, holding you, smiling... you can almost feel their gentle touch. The worst thing is that you want to stay in this miserable moment all day just so you can be there with them once more. Then you realize that you must come back to your present reality, the one with your new love that is always there for you. You can't be in this state when they get home. The hard part is to pull yourself together and say good-bye to those cherished memories once again until that horrible day comes that�tortures you�all over again.

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Current Tags: cry, destiny, hurt, lost, lost love, love, pain, soul mate, tears, tragedy

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    z3bastian  47, Male, Philippines - 7 entries
Apr 2009
10:06 AM PST

death, harder for the living

death is harder for the living who've been left behind than on the dead who has been rid of all pain

1 comment(s) - 09:09 PM - 04/17/2009
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    darkraven  51, Female, United Kingdom - 7 entries
Mar 2008
11:54 AM GMT


I wish I had someone to tell this stuff to.

�But you can't say these you things. not out loud.. not to people who love you.� They will just be hurt, so you say nothing.

�But how I am meant to resolve it if I don't ever talk about it, or admit it?

�My inability to go out, to use the phone, to rarely be able to communicate more than a sentance online.. these things are real.� They are limiting.� They are things that much as I am striving to change, are something I can not ignore.� Plus, as bad as these things are to live with, they come with an associated cost that just makes it even worse.

�It costs me the people I love.� Because they don't understand.� They think I don't bother. That I haven't bothered.� The fact that I have pushed beyond my limits to make as much contact as I have is meaningless. Because it's not enough.� It never will be enough.

�And I am irrelevent.

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Current Tags: fear, isolation, pain

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    darkraven  51, Female, United Kingdom - 7 entries
Mar 2008
1:15 PM GMT


I still have not emotionally processed what has happened recently.�

I don't know how I feel about the funeral yesterday, much less anything else.

I do know that when I got in the car to leave H's this morning I broke down in tears.� It was a good 10 mins before I could regain enough self control to be able to drive.� And on the way back to my folks house, the tears didn't stop.

I don't really know or understand why I was crying - I just needed to cry.� It seems my emotions are behaving healthily on some level, even if my brain is able to process nothing.

Tags: crying, funeral, H, pain
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    darkraven  51, Female, United Kingdom - 7 entries
Mar 2008
1:16 AM GMT

The Real Story


Pain is the real story.

It's what lies behind everything.

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    Ranilyn  29, Female, Canada - 26 entries
Jul 2015
2:49 AM MST


Drunk on stories
Drunk on the lives of the characters - their bravery, their joy, their struggle, their pain, their persistence and resiliency
on the unconditional and awe-inspiring love shown and felt by these people
even in face of unexpected betray from someone so close that they trusted
- like a dull carving knife into one's heart
And yet, through the pain, through the agony, they bear a vicious grin with blood pouring out of their mouths, standing tall to fight.
Or they reach out and continue to love, love, and love and save
the one who had coldly pierced their exposed hearts
even if it meant taking the knife out of their murderer's hands
and further impaling themselves on it
(for all those characters who still chose to save those who hurt them, even if it meant giving up their lives)

I am drunk on their courage
their dammed unwavering loyalty�
(Oh Stefan my heart broke for you and I am in awe at your faithfulness to Marsilia)
I am drunk on their ability to find what they firmly believe
And stand for it in the face of unshakeable odds
And they come out battered, bruised, damaged, and perhaps even weaker than before
But before you stands a man who you can only look upon with great respect
and admire for making the tough choices of doing what they think is right
- though sadly enough, as we all know intimately, that sometimes that doesn't mean it is
(Thank you Harry Dresden, for teaching us that it's okay that sometimes our very best is not enough. We must always pick ourselves up and keep going, even through the face of our mistakes)
I am drunk on the lives they have lived
The decisions they have made
The adventures they have embarked upon
The loves that they had
The enemies and temptations they fought
The things they learned

The lessons they taught

I cry as they have cried through heartbreak, pain, and death

I wept among their family and mourners in their funerals

I laugh at their comical antics or the absurd situations they found themselves in

I felt the fierce swell of triumph when the underdog stands straight once again,
from the beaten pile of limbs,grinning with blood in our teeth and conviction of our victory in our eyes

- or at least our damned determination to see it through at the very least

I drink and drink and drink

of these stories spun masterfully by skilled writers

I drink until I cannot tell if I am drinking ambrosia or poison,

until I cannot tell if it inspires life in me when I am weary of the struggles and monotony of life

�or if it leaves me drugged for a fantastical substitute�

numb to real life

unable to cope with facing my own trials,
always longing and desperate for the next hit

Like a drug addict who despises his sorry situation

but makes no move to confront and make a change in his lifestyle

choosing instead to escape by injecting another wonderous shot of ecstasy

that slide through your veins like the sweetest bad decision you've ever made

I drink until I only know that I fear sobrierty

And then I drink some more so that even that fear is gone and I can live through

someone else's pain and someone else's joy

so I do not have to face my own.
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Current Tags: addiction, escape, hurt, pain, poetry, reading, rough draft

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