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    loveKL92  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 18 entries
Oct 2009
5:05 AM EDT

Break -Ups (SONG)


One little girl,

One little man,

On top of the world,

Holding hands.

Why didn't it,

turn out like they planned?


How could you leave her,

dripping in tears?

How could you Tell her,

reality is her worst fear?

How could you say,

that she was you're mistake?

How could you dare begin to break,



She's cold and alone,

she's far from home,

she loved him,

he said not forgiven.


How could you leave him,

dripping in tears?

How could you tell him,

reality is his worst fear?

How could you say,

that he was your mistake?

How could you dare begin to break,



Backwards he bent,

to show her love,

to make her heart mend,

with his gift from above.


how could you leave me,

dripping in tears?

how you tell me,

reality is my worst fear?

How could you say,

I was your mistake?

How could you dare begin to break,



One little man,

One little girl,

No longer holdin' hands,

on different worlds,

Why hadn't it,

ended like they plan?

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    loveKL92  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 18 entries
Oct 2009
8:22 AM EDT

Why Mommy, why?

Dear Mommy,

I can't find you anywhere,

I love you,

don't you care?

I no longer want to live,

because of what I did.

Why Mommy,


Why am I hurting this way,

you didn't love me,

you left and turned my blue skies gray.

Why Mommy?

Why today?

Dear Mommy,

I love you,

forget it,

you'll never see the pain inside this heart,

behind these eyes,

Something told me,

it all was a lie.

That you never cared,

never wanted nor needed me to be there!

Why Mommy?


I miss you Mommy,

what did i do,

that was no good?

Why am I,

left with words mis-understood,

with lies and broken burdens,

It's my own life I have stolen,

so Why Mommy?

Why today?

Did you ever love me?

Did you ever care?

Did you ever need me,

just to be right there?

Why Mommy,



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    loveKL92  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 18 entries
Sep 2009
8:29 AM EDT


She looked into his eyes,

time after time,

to now believe that she would never,


See those eyes,

that always made her smile.

"So remember,

it's never Good-Bye;

Just see you in a while,"

he said as he spoke,

about the dead.


it's the smiles,

that mean so much more,

than tears.

Let God unsurpress all of your fears."

She smiled and bowed her head,

as her eyes turned red,

because of tears she's tasted,

knowing this time,

they weren't wasted.


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    loveKL92  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 18 entries
Sep 2009
5:51 AM EDT

Last Time


was the last time.

that tears,

for you,

will fall from these eyes.


it rained,

inside and out,

flooded our dream house.


You're son and I cried,

over and over we� broke with time.

So today is the last time will call.

because this is the last time,

I will ever choose to fall.

1 comment(s) - 09:47 AM - 09/05/2009
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    brokentearsRcryd92  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 21 entries
May 2009
5:43 AM EST


Hello. i just realized that many of you love my poems, but yet u know very little about me.

well I'm KL, I love writing, and I can't wait to blow up big, I write songs, poems and stories. thx for listening to my thoughts, my feelings, and most importantly my words.

if you ever need to contact me please feel free to at thx.

much love,


Tags: kl
2 comment(s) - 10:58 AM - 05/21/2009
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    loveKL92  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 18 entries
May 2009
3:48 AM EDT

Razor blade kisses
She’s dreaming,
It’s the nightmare again,
She flying,
Flying to see him.
Just to find,
That he’s not there.
She’s bleeding; she wants to.
It’s strange isn’t it?
Her little silver friend,
Her little blue towel,
Her little clear bottle,
She’s about to break down.
She’s thinking,
Don’t do it,
Some other part says yes.
So with one quick motion,
She’s done it again,
And again.
She’s stuck in between,
Some place,
Called misery and peace.
Some where that everyone’s,
Dying, hiding, or lying.
Where some of us wouldn’t,
Dare to go.
A place that’s never calm,
She opens her eyes,
To see,
That she’s been razor blade kissed.
She holds the silver relief,
In her hand.
Opens her mouth,
But cannot speak,
Stuck on the streets of
Misery and peace.
She bleeds as she cries,
As she watched the world,
As they all say their good-byes.
This time, it won’t be her time to cry.
3 comment(s) - 06:30 AM - 05/27/2009
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    brokentearsRcryd92  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 21 entries
May 2009
1:44 AM EST

Internal war

Internal war

Good job shay!
What did I do?
You messed up again.
When do I not?
I don’t know,
But again, four walls and a window?
Yes, again, my escape.
You push the limit way too far.
I know.
You are nothing but a screw-up.
I know.
When are you not?
I screw up ok?
Really? No, it’s not.
Good job Shay.
Tags: kl, poems, war
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    brokentearsRcryd92  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 21 entries
May 2009
5:56 AM EST

Perfect illusion

Perfect Illusion

Part 1:

They torment me,

Inside my home,

Never being anything,

Except truly alone.

Feeling the weight,

Put me under pressure,

Hating to let go,

Of life’s easy pleasures.

Of course they don’t know me,

The one who soul,

Still bleeds…

Part 2:


People have lied all my life,

They have left me with so many questions and two little answers.

Begging to hold on to happiness,

Pleading to let go.

I have no simple ery,

No place to go.

They see me smile,

But do not se the scars,

From when I was but a mere child.

They wonder why I act so happy,

But most of my family,

Can see the brokenness inside.

I am chocking on my words.

And loosing it all too quick,

Now’s not the time,

To play any tricks.

Part 3:

I stand,

Leaning over,

The sink.

Taking a good look,

At the image Staring back at me.

Holding my self up.

As I begin to bleed.

This blood is shed,

This blood is lost.

This is my escape from death.

I stare up into the sky.

Wanting so much to be apart of it.

Never knowing what part I’m left with.

Part 4:

Listening the others around,

They do notice me,

But they don’t know,

How often I’ve fallen to the ground.

I fight to many wars inside,

To keep the happiness alive.

I jump from,

One emotion to the next.

They can’t see,

The hurt that hides inside my chest.

Looking deep into my thoughts.

Breaking down,

When ever thoughts,

Of my father cross.

Part 5:

He never meant to hurt me,

Or at least he says so…

He’ll always says,

“I’ll protect you from pain,”

But the only pain I feel,

Is the pain that he parades.

Cracking in my voice,

I try not to speak.


Just makes me feel so weak.

Hating what I’ve become,

Falling into the numb.

Part 6:
I’m feeling too banged up,

This emotion stuck in my gut.

He’s holding me closely,

And promises t will be ok.

He’s to innocent for me,

To dance the days away

I ask him from something,

He thinks I need a better way,

But I demand,
So he gives it to me anyway.

Just six hits,

That’s all it’ll take,

Just six hits,

And I won’t have to break.

I feel so dizzy,

My mind flows into the party.

I can barely grasp what’s happening,

Yet I’m laughing hysterically.

If the world moves too fast,

I beg it to slow down,

As I fall to the ground.

I don’t notice I’m falling,

Until I start to bleed.

Hating my self,

Because the world hates me.

Part 7:

Picking up the lighter,

And a pack of menthols,

No one sees me better,

Compared to this,

No one at all.

Chocking one down after another,

No one sees but me.

Laughing at the intimate.

Hacking at the porn.

Taking it all in,

And finally blowing out.

This is the one thing,

I’ll never really doubt.

Getting pissed at the world,

No one knew what I could do,

No one except me,

And now you.


Part 8:

See I’m the perfect illusion,

I get good grades,

I hide the pain,

I keep my other life secret,

And I don’t talk of the streets.

Now you can see,

Five minutes in the life of me.

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    brokentearsRcryd92  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 21 entries
May 2009
4:56 AM EST




I enterd a poetry contest,

they loved the poem,

and yes,

it's really happening.

ttyl on the book for which it will be in.





2 comment(s) - 09:53 PM - 05/15/2009
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    loveKL92  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 18 entries
May 2009
8:27 AM EDT


Incase you don't me,

don't feel sorry.


im just lost,

it's ok,

I'll find my way some day.

Do I know me?

sure i do.

but incase if i haven't told you lately,

I'm KL,

I write,

thats it,

and yes,

I'm proud of it.

Tags: kl, poems, writing
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