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    myredhighheels75  30, Male, Texas, USA - 3 entries
Oct 2006
5:47 PM EDT

wuz up???
2 comment(s) - 06:56 PM - 03/17/2007
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    dancingdiva15  33, Female, Texas, USA - 6 entries
Jan 2007
6:06 PM EDT

somethng has happened to night and omg i have never felt so bad in my life!!! this guy has fallen for me like 100% and now that i have told him that i love someone that i have been involved with for a bout a year now he wants to die... but hes never been in love before and now he thinks he has fallen in love with me but i think its obsession!! hes only talked to me for about a month and hes like i cant live with out u and ur the one for me and i love u but how does he know if hes never loved before never the less dated a girl??
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    purpletulip  42, Female, West Virginia, USA - First entry!
Dec 2007
9:48 AM EDT

Is anyone else excited about christmas?

I love this time of year! This year I was actually able to buy a tree and some ornaments. Last year I was too poor! As of Friday I will be free for a couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to relaxing and soaking up the christmas atmosphere.

There are so many things I love about christmas: the snow (if we get any), snuggling up by the fire, sharing a good cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate with a friend or family member, giving gifts and seeing people enjoy them, being with people you don't get to see on a regualr basis....

I want to hear what other peoples favourote things are about christmas and what your favourite christmas stories are.

Merry Christmas!


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    ibelieve  34, Female, Vermont, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
3:51 PM EDT

Hi! So yeah ... my first entry ... well ... I really don't want 2 be whiny ... but ... life basically sucks! I have given up on everything ... friends ... relationships ... my family! The only thing that I really care about (besides my TV shows) is school ... now ur probably like oh well she is like a nerd or something ... but I am not ... school is all I have going for me ... it is going 2 get me out of this place that I hate with a burning passion ... it is my way out! Up until a few weeks ago I had a lot of friends ... but now they just aren't. Let's see well I was best friends with this girl ... lets call her S ... but then S started hanging out with this other girl, N, and N is a bitch, all cares about is herself, and she is mean to everyone and by everyone I mean everyone, and God forbid if something doesn't go her way because then the world just might end! So since S started hanging out with N S has turned into a total bitch ... and I am not the only one to notice my friend F noticed 2! Then there is my friend O who I have been friends with since 3rd grade ... well she started dating L and then she got all full of herself and all she cares about any more is L and what she get for herself. It almost seems like her relationship with L has changed her completely! Then there is my love life ... I have had a few boyfriends ... but none have lasted ... they just didn't feel right ... I haven't had a real boyfriend since last November ... that is like a year ago! And now I am just giving up because it just doesn't seem worth it ... the guys that I know are basically a waste of time ... they are either hicks or assholes ... so you can see my problem! Well I guess that is all I have complain about ... for now! lol!
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    spinzncircles  36, Male, Oklahoma, USA - 2 entries
Apr 2007
5:16 AM EDT

Joey and I once more....Its been 7 months now and me and joey are separated now its my fault i met someone who i thought was for me but come to find out he wasnt in that process i broke joey heart he isnt the type of person to show his feelings or emotions out to anyone but when i broke his heart he said fine walked off and walked past all of our friends...i thought he was just being the hard up that he usually is but no when he passed our friends he fell to his knees and started crying i broke his heart i crushed it and now it bleeds for me..i want to be with him but i fear he has given up on me and i dont want to lose him he is everything to me and i want everything with him everything a life you know i want to be happy with this boy for the rest of my life.
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    AllyzThoughts  37, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
6:23 PM EDT

Today was sucky. Me and Ray (Baby/Dickhead) talked for a little while. He says he loves me and that we're going to be ok. I'm not sure. I'm scared I'm going to lose the one true love I ever had. That man means everything to me. I can't lose him. I love Ray with all my heart. He means the everything to me!! ~~ <3 ~~
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    TheRedGryphon  35, Female, Arizona, USA - 6 entries
May 2007
11:12 AM EDT

My mom lives in utah with my 3 brothers and my little sister and we never have gotten along. I have always admired yet hated my mom because she is the most materialistic person I have ever met. I live in Arizona with my real dad because she kicked me out. She wants mo to move back to Utah so I can live wth her and the sad thing is it is so much cheaper to live there. The apartments are only like 150 with utilities and my mom is rich. I have never thought about it more then today.

My boyfriend of 3 years, the man i felt I was going to marry. the guy that i lost my virginity to and the guy who is my everything doesn't know about our relationship anymore which is absolutly retarded. He says he wants a future with me, he says he wants to marry me. he talks about our kids all the time. Now he doesn't want to be with me anymore, but he claims that he still wants that.

Then, my boss fires me....but he doesn't just fire me, he hires my best friend instead
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    mute89  36, Male, California, USA - 5 entries
Dec 2006
1:48 PM EDT

Well lately everything has been going okay. but man "I WANT TO GET OUT OF SCHOOL" but thats the only thing that is going wrong. and man i need to find my self a new job. everthing with my girlfriend is going okay. but i dont no i dont really worry about being with he or not any more. but christmas is around the corner. so i really dont have anything to say. Peace.
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    milagros  36, Female, California, USA - 13 entries
Jan 2007
7:48 PM EDT

i think that qoute is true because when you try to get something you already loose or had theres no way to get it back so that why i think we should always think first about the consecuences before doing something.and thats why i think is the worst thing that a person can do.
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    ngamez77  47, Female, Florida, USA - First entry!
Mar 2007
4:10 AM EDT

Ok i havent written in a long time. we have our moments of bliss and then a hurrican comes through. Im tired of bein accused of cheating all the time and then he says he forgives me. For what i didnt do anything. He reads my journal entries and goes through my things. What am i guilty of. At this point im not going to say sorry for things i havent done.No more. I have to much going on with my son. my work and him to .. why does it have to be so complicated. I cant lie to him i cant telll him the truth it really doesnt make a difference because he believes what he believes. This is my journal where i can let things out without being judged. He asked me not to write his name on the internet and that is fine i have deleted his name. I respect his privacy. He spends loads of time online sharing whatever he is sharing looking at things married men shouldnt look at. I have accepted that i cant change that or anything for that matter. Comment of other women lunches with other women. he say he does all these things because of me. thats a cop out he doing it because that what he wants to do. i dont blame anyone for the things i do. i own up to them. Im such a bad wife. fat ashtray. losser. ive learned u have to be careful what u say. Being angry and screaming doesnt help either but i get to this point . i hold it and hold it. it doesnt make it right i am not perfect although he would love me to be but no one is not even him. thank god i dont have the balls to say what i think about him because love does make u nicer even though they are not.Im done writing READ THIS if you wish but its my journal. MY JOURNAL MY OUTLET no one replies not one has comments just a place for me to write. this will be the only entry that you will see every other entry is private and for me to see only. My Private thoughts are mine. All future entries will be posted as private and none will be accessible. these entries also protect the privacy of others involved in my thoughts and i have to respect that.
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    Angel  33, Female, Colorado, USA - 3 entries
Nov 2006
9:54 AM EDT

hey yallz!!
1 comment(s) - 12:21 PM - 11/17/2006
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    dee23  53, Female, United Kingdom - 139 entries
Sep 2009
8:21 PM GMT

�well life gets worse all the time round here and why because pepole gosip and spead lies and in the mean time i have lost my one true friend and miss him so much we used to have a laugh together tell each other our thoughts and problems but other people just said we were having an afair and that he was just sniffing round waiting for his chance .we had been friends for seven years and i realy could tell him any thing i miss my freind so much ,its been about two months since we last spoke and i miss him i have no one else to talk to now and im lonley with out him . i dont know what to do now�

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    princess  49, Male, New York, USA - 9 entries
Apr 2007
8:29 AM EDT

stop emailing me
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    zebtoswr  54, Female, South Carolina, USA - First entry!
Mar 2007
2:44 PM EDT

keith went with his dad house all was he with some one else and not with his dad.b/c he is at work.i really don't the current arrangement. i pray in due time things will change for the son appears to be okay.that all thst matter.
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    jqjt  31, Male, California, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
12:01 PM EDT

Hey what it do? My name is JERRON andi play football 4 the ALVARADO PATRIOTS JR MIDGET and we r 7&1 and i played basketball and when i'm not playing football or basketball i run doing track season. well igot togo. bye
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    DAVID019  29, Female, Ohio, USA - 3 entries
Nov 2006
12:59 PM EDT

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    Temari  31, Female, California, USA - 2 entries
Dec 2006
10:25 AM EDT

Hi!, I'm Ana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    SamanthaAlexandra  36, Female, California, USA - 28 entries
Apr 2007
5:09 PM PST

I was looking at some pictures and I was reminded at how lucky I'm to have such a wonderful life.
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    sparkysdaughter  64, Female, Ohio, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
6:02 PM EDT

I just can't believe how selfish people can be. Ken makes me so mad. I want to watch the country music awards, but no, we have to watch all of the shows that HE wants to watch, with no other word about what I would like to watch. I can't even get that channel on the other tv. I'm so sick of his selfishness that I just want to throw something and hit him in the head. I don't think I've ever been that selfish to another person, this is just ridiculous. When will it ever end? Why can't he see it?
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    itshardbeingm3butistilldntwant2bu  32, Female, New York, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2006
4:18 PM EST

omg how do u upload ur photo i hat3 this stuff it causes me so much trouble 4 no reason
1 comment(s) - 10:43 AM - 11/06/2006
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