Users With Most Entries

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    piecandace  30, Female, Ohio, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
10:51 PM EDT

i met a new boy
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    Xx1lovenitsu  35, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 5 entries
Nov 2006
6:13 PM EDT

do you need me as much as i need you? do you love me as much as i love you? do you want me as much as i want you? do you get the butterflys when you see me? do you dream about me like i do about you? do YOU?
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    Riley5353  32, Female, Minnesota, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
3:56 PM MST

sighs, today has not been the greatest. yes I know its thaknsgiving but does that mean you HAVE to have fun? take a wild guess what my family did for thanksgiving?!? we served people at a poor house! yes I know what you thinking, this person is self centered and conceeded but heres the thing, it was such a mind wrenching job that I was so tired after that I could barely move , on top of the fact we were there for almost five hours!I never want to see another turkey as long as I live!! dead or alive!!! about 4,000 people came and there were about 500 vollunteers!!! if I'm right thats 8 people to a helper, and alot of them were no older than 10!!! so many pumkin pies not enough time. I haven't the faintest doubt that tonight I'll have night mares of a thanks giving feast attacking me, and it get's worse ! theres the possiblity of me being on TV (and I was hotter than the turkey in the oven if ya know what I mean). that was my thanksgiving how was yours?
1 comment(s) - 01:15 AM - 11/25/2006
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    domr  71, Male, Brazil - 7 entries
Jan 2008
5:29 PM HAA


O termo é genérico, e carência é tudo aquilo que nos faz menos, seja menos completos, seja menos felizes. Muitas vezes compensamos, ou buscamos consolos (ou serão fugas?) nos outros, até na infelicidade alheia. Quanta vezes já fomos aconselhados a "olhar para trás", na triste constatação de que deviamos nos confortar no fato de que existem serês mais infelizes, mais sofridos.

É triste ser feliz pela existência de alguém que possa ser ainda mais miseravel do que nós somos. Pobre consolo. Acreditar que não fomos criados para a felicidade, mas só para ser um pouco menos infelizes do que quem quer que seja, é acreditar num plano de Deus fraquinho, num plano pobre...

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    manan  36, Male, New York, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
1:39 PM N

twertwerteeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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    jcole15  41, Male, Ohio, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
5:55 PM EDT

When i am bored i call my ex girlfriend. We dated for five years and she left me for another guy. She might of even cheated. We broke up about two months ago and i do fine when i am busy but when i get bored i call her non stop and text her. It has gotten to the point to where she doesnt even want to be friends anymore and that kills me. i am trying to meet with her so we can talk this out. i need to just keep myself busy and i wont get on her nerves and we can be cool.
1 comment(s) - 09:49 AM - 12/09/2006
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    stepstv  35, Female, California, USA - 18 entries
Jan 2007
12:07 PM EDT

Winning does not a tempt a man actually it does because when you see another person win you want to win, it actually makes you stronger and better. By being defeated you learn from your mistakes.
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    Loni  38, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2006
5:50 PM CST

I see the wise Quote. Get close and learn your enemies and their deepest fears. Then when time passes attack with a passion of revenge.
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    Catdevil  33, Female, Illinois, USA - 3 entries
May 2008
3:51 PM EDT

hey.. well yeah... im almost a junior in high school. counserling is being demanded by ,my teachers n counselor.. wonder who the teachers are...
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    xblackpurpleraindropsx  34, Male, California, USA - 4 entries
Nov 2006
11:20 AM EDT

i got a a on my poerty.
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    gooeybooey  30, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
1:42 PM EDT

Hey, If you dont know me. I have a very, very suckesh life. I live with my siser.( who is like living in Hell) My freind cassy is a BIG mouth. Drew, jakes freind ( cassy LOVES jake) And she tells drew and jake i like jake and i dont (i like him alittle) And then cassy slams my finger behind my locker. Then i broke a nail it hurt ALL day. Cassy is an idiot bc she thinks jake doesnt know she likes him and she makes it looks like she likes drew (OMG HE IS LIKE SO MENTAL RETARDED AND MEAN) He was freinds with nathin eskin and its funny hes retarded i see where drew got it from!!!! Dont ask me whois nathin it will take the rest of his life (if he bugs me it will take intill tomorrow LOL) Well i live with my sister ( she comes from hell) and i have to be stuck with my DAD all nigth ( It's like living with a monster ) HE LIKE DOENST NOT BUG ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i swear he mead me lose ALL my IQ points!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to suffer haveing a gay stupide idiot faget guy like me (Kevin Favore) WHO IS SO JELIOUSE CUS I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE I MEAN IM AN EVIL LITTLE ***** whats their to like about an evil little ***** Well see yah and have fun hot living with a little girl from hell. AND COURTNEY GETS OUT OF THE HOSPITAL TOMMORRO AND GOES TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY THE GUY BELOW IS SOOOOO HOT
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    cursers44  34, Female, Florida, USA - 4 entries
Feb 2007
8:06 AM HNP


is the one thing we always forget


is the one thing we never forget


is refreshing when your life's a routin


money destroys


is the worst feeling a person could give birth to


are a flood, you never know what you can feel until you feel it


opens up every possibility


is how we remember to come together


means nothing when your life isn't about your possessions


is a lighted path to a new life


never dies no matter how quitox it is


only comes from God


in the ones who don't think you can do it


for the things that you think you'll never do


the empty space inside and fill it with love


when you think you've had your fill


God's mercy when you come before the cross


like your the one who sinned


the secrets of the people that you don't like


like your destination might disappear


for living come with a purpose for giving


comes from the people you love


is the person who takes to heart their blessings


is the person who never lets go of doubt


is the person who hides their treasure in their heart


the world before it's too late


away the things holding you back


as if it's your last words


when your alone in prayer


because God listens


others when their hope is gone

1 comment(s) - 08:07 AM - 03/19/2007
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    susmita  37, Female, Hong Kong SAR - 4 entries
Nov 2006
10:31 AM GMT

I went to the Mosque today for the Chinese Class and the ladies are ok there.. they respect each other and each others' religions as well. you know when you have to go or involve in someone else's lifestyles, you have a fearinside whether we would be able to adopt it or not..but its different here. anyways, i just had mah dinner and now i have to work on some stuffs that need to be readied by coming Firday. some people from head office are going to visit our office,i hope we can put a good impression on them. ohh ...i dunno wats happenning but its starting to make me do i explain it to mah self as well. everything looks so good, everything feels so good and when everything is so nice, i think of YOU.
5 comment(s) - 08:00 AM - 10/04/2009
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    BABYGIRL47  38, Female, South Carolina, USA - 3 entries
Nov 2006
10:53 AM EDT

well i have been writeing back in forth with my ex girl friend who is also my baby ex gf well all is good between us she is even sking my opinoin on her wedding which is something i never thought she would do she even tells me she not mad at me she has even sent me some pics of her and her hubby and the kids i really do miss all of them but is my man finds out im talking to her agin he will get mad at me i love them both to death and i should have to choose betweent he 2 of them i have know her longer but i have been with him for a year and i am soppes to marry him but this might me a set back for us but hey all in all everything ig great today the babys r asleep so i got a few mins to my self i ave been gettin a little mad at this pc but i think will get over it got a little fed up with my spades team to tho but my the end of the night everything should be ok i thik well im waiting on my hubby to come home cauuse its pay day and i want to go shoping with him well ill write back later
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    Dreamer2086  38, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2006
9:04 AM EDT

I'm thankful for family, life, good health, America, food, clothes, house, money, my sweetheart, and God because without God, I wouldn't have any of these. Thank You Lord, for You are GOOD!
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    TruGrayce  60, Female, Washington, USA - 10 entries
Sep 2007
4:28 AM PST

It's been awhile since I've last written. So much has happened..where should I start? Well, I'm working again. In May Iaccepted an offer to join a great compnay as a Business Development Manager and all is going well there.

Omar (the younger man I met in January) and I are just friends now or that's the direction I aiming for. He's a nice guy but he has way too many issues thatONLYHE can resolve. But I wish him the best and pray that he finds what he needs to be happy.

The kids are back at school and I'm considering going back to school myself. It just hit me that I should look into my options. So I'm gathering infomation and who knows what will come next. I had a blast at my family reunion in Omaha. My birthday was awesome last month and the girls brought me breakfast in bed (it was sweet).

Things are really FAB and I'm looking forward to the holidays...I love Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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    Sarah  49, Female, South Carolina, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
4:30 PM EDT

Most of my entrys will be private so dont expect much : ]
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    aithuypham  34, Male, Florida, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2006
5:15 PM EDT

hey people i'm ________.Give your self a hint try to fingure out the _______(blanks).Hi my name is ___.And my last name is____.And I love Dogs.
1 comment(s) - 10:06 PM - 02/18/2007
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    norma  32, Male, California, USA - 4 entries
Nov 2006
4:07 PM EDT

the greatness is really bad because their is otheir people that dont Belief in the greatness.
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    GothicPrincessOfDarkness  34, Female, Washington, USA - 4 entries
Nov 2006
3:40 PM EDT

Scars:(poem) Scars can be anywhere. Scars can be visible for any reason. Scars are physical and mental. Scars leave memories. Scars tell stories that aren't always the best. Scars can come from painful relationships. Scars can come from falling off your bike when you were five. That was too long ago. The scars of today hurt too much to let go. Scars haunt you. Scars yell and scream and you. You're the only one feeling their pain and hearing their cry. My scars, I thought were my past. But as I said, scars haunt you and you return to the past which becomes the present. My scars never fade and always seem to multiply. What about yours? They may want to be alive. Or do they become wounds that cry for the grave and next thing you know, you're at your ending point? Scars leading to our suicide.
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