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    Stump  73, Male, Massachusetts, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2006
3:45 AM EDT

When we are feeling unloved and depressed and empty inside, finding someone to give us love is not really the solution. --Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. Each of us wants to be significant to someone else. And we are -- we're significant to all the lives we're touching at this very moment. The emptiness we sometimes feel is a good reminder that the women and men in our lives need our attention. Too much self-focus fosters our feelings of loneliness, and then with desperation we look to others to fill us up. The paradox is that we heal ourselves while offering our attention to another who is, by design, on our path. It is not by chance our lives are intertwined. Loving someone today will heal two wounds, ours and theirs.
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    CallyGirl101  31, Female, Indiana, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
8:59 AM EDT

I have a neice, Naomi, she is really getting on my nerves. She lives with me and I keep telling her to go away but she won't leave me alone. Even worse, she is only a year younger than me and I hardly get any privacy. She is really starting to bug me!
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    BrokenMemories  34, Female, Virginia, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
9:17 AM EDT

I made this because I would like to talk to some people during school. and this one actually isnt blocked. also to get my feelings out.
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    Babeedol7  36, Female, New York, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
11:42 PM EDT

ok so im very content with what has happened in my life in the past 30 hours. i left the one i loved because i realized and found out i wasnt the only one he "loved". he was with some other chick when he was supposed to be with me. now normally a person would be upset when they find out that the ones they love are loving someone else but im more relieved. yeah we were supposed to get married (im too young anyway) and i never made "us" official (that was supposed to happen last night) but its ok because i realized i would have been making the biggest mistake any female could ever make when it comes to a relationship if he had of been with me instead of whoever he was with. so thank you Lord for showing me and telling the real him. i am greatful and i praise you for saving myself and my self-respect
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    wildpyro  37, Female, Utah, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
12:03 PM MST

Happy Halloween!
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    moonbay72  32, Female, Oregon, USA - 20 entries
Apr 2008
8:09 PM EDT

questions to daddy's little girls

how do you call�a man dad?/
why do you call him so?/
is there a reson that for a man to stand so tall and�offer for your trust you have never known?/
questions due pleage my mind and yet there seems to be no answer to them./
so i as a young woman who has never call a man so,/
with truth and love in her heart and voice refure to a man that she has never turly�known./
she asked truth fully "�who, what is a�dad."/ �
nani ookami's questions to all daddy's little girls
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    ab1  31, Female, Mississippi, USA - 2 entries
Oct 2006
10:26 PM EDT

I'm listening to the country song "Tim MacGraw" and it reminds me of my ex b/c some of the stuff in there I can truly relate to. I can also relate to that song "Don't Forget About Us" because the chorus is something that me and the guy I'm in love with has done time and time again at his aunt's house. I always have a blast with him no matter what mood I was in before. He is so awesome. He is the only person that has ever been able to make me laugh when I think about my friends death, and believe me plenty of people have tried. When I'm with him it's like all of my worries and promblems fade away. I feel so secure, safe, and I know that he won't let nothing bad happen to me. He's so awesome, I truly wish he loved me back. Every since I found out he didn't I haven't even been able to look at another guy without thinking and crying about him. People around here say that I'm very strong physically, but from the mental abuse that I had been through by the age of five was too much and I've been with it for 13 years. When I'm with that one special guy though I know I can be myself and not worry about being judged and it's like all of those years of mental abuse don't exist whether we're alone or with a bunch of people. He's the only guy my cousins, dad, and uncles approve of. He's so awesome and sweet. What I'd give for him to love me like I love him.
2 comment(s) - 09:29 PM - 11/10/2006
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    Ninima2  44, Female, Arizona, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
7:59 PM N

wel today my and I watched movies. Then my bestfreind told me about a cute guy she is ee and who he had a freind.
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    Enigma23  41, Female, New York, USA - 4 entries
Jul 2010
11:16 PM EDT

Some Thoughts

I think Forrest Gump said it best when He said "Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates you never know which one you're gonna get". That is so true when you're dealing with relationships or anything.
I love my ex and it's like we're going to be together no matter what happens. I enjoy that aspect of our relationship. He's seen me through some good times and bad. I love him so much and I couldn't get through some of the things I did without him by my side. I put him through a lot and I am happy to still have him. He is simply wonderful.
Y'all may be wondering why he's my ex if he's all these things. Right?? The truth is... I don't know why he's my ex. I guess I wanted to do me just a little bit. I mean we still do things like we're a couple and other times we don't. Since we broke up it seems like things are a good kind of different. Like how it used to be. All in all he's a really great guy and who knows ppl. Maybe we'll get married. Only the Lord knows abt that one. Men. SMH.
Life for me is going okay at this point in life. Well maybe not so much. But hey, it could be worse. This is some thing I can handle. I am happy with who I am that's really what all of this was abt. Being happy with me. I mean you can be happy with everyone else but can you ever just be happy when it's just you. Everyone should see how they handle that. I mean it's been kinda hard when you've been with someone for so long and you think you can only be happy with them. I had to learn to be happy on my own.
Don't get me wrong I hate to be alone. I like knowing that if I need you you'll be there. Trust me when I tell you. I learned that I can only make someone else happy if i'm happy with me.
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    honeybees  56, Male, United Kingdom - 4 entries
Aug 2007
12:25 PM EEDT

Be Persistence and strong desire
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    shem  35, Male, Florida, USA - 3 entries
Oct 2007
9:10 AM EDT

What is Success?

What is it? We can say it is a feeling that surpasses all. But that does not really sum it up. So what is it? Is it some kind of drug that people often strive so hard to get and by any means which is their means.

Some wait their whole lives to find success which can just be a momentary state, feeling or whatever you might find it to be. But what drives us to get it? Athletes train for months on end to be the best, or at least contend to be. All of this with the chance that they might not even win anything at all or even gets success.

So in essence then, success could be a number of things; a feeling, a state of mind or just a place that exist only in the minds of those who so fervently try to get it. It can be also interpreted for other people than just athletes. Doctors, lawyers, scientist, teacher, and priest any and everyone have their own success that they try to achieve. Because of it, people do many things just to say that "yea I have reached the Plato called success. Some used growth hormones; some sabotage another or do unthinkable things to reach the top.

Personally I think that success is not a place that a person could arrive to; I think that it is an on going journey that has its own rewards along the way.

Shemroy Charles
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    lhe87  55, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2006
1:02 PM CST

Today was aweful, woke up late got in the car and was on my way to my new job of 5 days and my alarm started going off as I was getting on the freeway but my keychain clicker would not work! I had to rush home to get my husbands. THEN I was on my way (30 miles) and got a flat tire. I had to call work tell them I would be late wait an hour for Roadside. Got to work and my husband called and said that I lost my other jobs check and cursed my from "Sunday to Monday" and also left me 3 nasty messages about it and what an idiot I am. So I called him on break and he said Oh by the way, I found the check I had it the whole time! I got an every unsincere apology! This relationship is getting harder and harder to deal with. What about me? -
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    chens  56, Male, China - 19 entries
Oct 2009
4:17 AM H

We got our house with 8 acres.
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    JohnAnthony  48, Male, Texas, USA - 3 entries
Nov 2006
7:07 AM EDT

I don't know what this really is saying so just forget it ok!! lol just playing... But really, I don't know how to answer this one...
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    se7enzsrb  44, Female, Texas, USA - 3 entries
Oct 2006
8:57 AM EDT

I hear you talking bout your family life I wish I knew just what that means I guess my Mother never loved my Dad And now I wear it on my sleeve My Brother called just the other day It felt so GOOD to hear his voice My problem is, I do not have much to say I guess he does not have a choice And I am SORRY!!! LOOK AT ME I AM SO PATHETIC I CAN NOT BELIEVE I AM JUST A MANIC I NEVER NEEDED ANY ONE TO HELP ME I AM BEGGING YOU PLEASE COME SAVE ME FROM M Y S E L F My Mother always tried to change herself She never learned to let things be She does not know how bad she messed me up And now, she seems so fake to me BUT, YET, I LOVE HER!!!??? LOOK AT ME I AM SO PATHETIC I CAN NOT BELIEVE I AM JUST A MANIC I NEVER NEEDED ANY ONE TO HELP ME I AM BEGGING YOU PLEASE COME SAVE ME FROM M Y S E L F If you push me I will not fall I have been programmed To take it ALL And shove it WAY down inside LIKE MY FATHER j.b.
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    xBabyBluex  32, Female, New York, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
5:21 PM EDT

There isnt' really much going on today. My crush obviously likes some other girl. He talks to nearly everyone in the grade. Especially to girls too. I'm not sure but i think i'm starting to lose interest in him, today i didn't feel like there is anything going on between us, only that he thinks we are enemies. His friend keeps making fun of him and says that he likes me but i mostly pretend i'm doing my work and not eavesdropping on their convo. My crush said that he doesn't like me...well...who would? Oh wellz...I hope he finds himself a nice girlfriend someday...cause it's not gonna be me...
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    ladybugmama06  40, Female, Arizona, USA - 4 entries
Feb 2007
11:24 AM EDT

It been 10 years that my cousin giving me a really hard times and getting me depressed. She always think that she is the boss of me but she is not. She think im stupid cause i am hard hearing (deaf) but im not stupid, im smart for not doing something stupid like she did. She is pregnany and I don't think she is doing the right thing cause she is still dying her hair which is bad for the baby and her behavior isn't so good either. She is always jealous of me for some reason and she doesn't need to be so damn jealous of me. I got my own life and she got her damn life. She got husband who is also in the iraq right now and she carried their first baby. I got a beautiful son and im also single mother which is i am really happy about. I hate seeing myself getting hurt by her. I hate being hurt and depressed. It is time for her to stay out of my business and my life for now on! I wish I have something to talk about my life and stuff but i got my mom!
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    uttam  43, Male, India - 5 entries
Nov 2006
10:07 AM GMT

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    lily  34, Female, Illinois, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2006
9:16 AM EDT

If some one would like to tell me how to do all the cool thing son this web site then rite to me.And how we get frinds or add frinds.
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    myredhighheels  36, Female, Texas, USA - 2 entries
Oct 2006
5:34 PM EDT

Hey this is dedicated to my fav A.I singer, Kellie Pickler!!! Go my red high heels and deerpark football team!!! god bless-Eryn
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