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    cnulsulaim  43, Female, Indonesia - 12 entries
Jul 2008
7:11 PM EDT

my life

soul will lonely without friends

heart will die without creed

yesterday was memorialize

last night was dream

today is reality

start ur days with smileeeeeeee

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    csauls3378  46, Male, Tennessee, USA - 25 entries
Jun 2008
4:30 AM EDT

"Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so." - John Stuart Mill

���� I see what Mr. Mill is saying in that quote, but I don't necessarily agree with the statement.� I think that he is saying that when you stop being happy to wonder if you are....then you are putting a pause on your happiness.�� Everyone now and again needs to take a look at themselves and evaluate....If no one ever evaluated themselves, we would always be "leaping before we jump."� Another way I could interpret this quote.....maybe he is saying that if you get caught up in evaluating yourself, then you can never move forward.�� I sometimes wonder if I have done this....probably so.� If you are always trying to fix and concentrate on your problems, it probably is harder to focus on the happiness in your life.� I think that when negative thoughts cloud your mind, it is like trying to run on fly paper.� Your stuck on the negative...and like a fly if you wiggle around too much on the fly paper (negativity) then it will lead to your demise.�� These are my morning thoughts for the day...Thanks random quote!

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    csauls3378  46, Male, Tennessee, USA - 25 entries
Jun 2008
9:52 PM EDT

What advantages have I been given in life....?

���� Well for starters, I have been gifted with a brain that works.� Some people are just born without common sense....I sometimes wonder how some people can be so stupid.��Another advantage I have been given is that I was born in the US instead of some third-world country.���Random thought:� Why do they call them third world countries when earth and ALL of its countries are in the 3rd world from the sun?...weird.� Anyways, I am lucky to have 2 parents that love me and help support me when times are tough..and trust me there have been some tough times.�� I wasn't born with any defects or diseases, so I guess I'm lucky in that regard....� thats all the thoughts I have on that at the moment.

Til next time............

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2 comment(s) - 09:40 AM - 06/17/2008
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    mommy  35, Female, New York, USA - 20 entries
Apr 2008
9:54 AM EDT

Subject: Happy: Current mood: happy Category: Life Time: 4:15 pm

Ok so I am Happy & I Know Most of you Are Like, "What? OMG she's Happy, that's Surprising." But Its True, I am in Love, the persons name is Wade. Yes I Know some of you Are Saying, "But what About your Promise to Yourself?" I Can Help that I Broke my Promise to Myself, But I fell in Love & I Really Want this to work.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Ok, Something that I Hate About this Relationship, More Like the Family Involved, is that my Parent's Hate Wade & Dont Believe me When I Say that he's Changed. But Hey If we Can Deal With It Together I Know my Parent's will come around. It Was Like that With a Friend of Mine.������������������ Anyway Sis If your Reading this Good I am Glad. Because Now you will Finally Know what the Hell is Going on With me & my Life. I Have Stopped Cutting, But I Did Have a slip-up a month Ago & Wade Was Really Understanding About It. I Have cut down on my Drinking & well I Stop Smoking Tomorrow!!! I Cant Wait Because Its Just one More Step to Fixing my Life & making It Better. Yes I am Scared Though, I Know Its Going to be hard For me & I Also Know that I Probably Wont be Able to Deal With It Alone. I Love you all so Much, you all Mean the world to me, your my Family. Oh Sis Tell�Ed that I am out of my colors. I Left. Again Just Another Step to Bettering my Life.����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Well I Think that's all For Now. If you Want to Read my Real Blog go to:

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    KaityGirl214  31, Female, New York, USA - 30 entries
Apr 2008
7:58 AM EDT


I haven't been on this site in like forever! It's been almost a year. I've changed a wicked lot since then. Puberty an all just kidding. I've learned how to type better and thats a good thing. Also I've cleared my life of most of my problems. I figured out exactly who I am. I'm more obsessed with acting and drawing now :P! Yay!�

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    dramaqueen  34, Female, Virginia, USA - 11 entries
Apr 2008
9:55 PM EDT

Life´s no fairytale

today on my way home from dinner with my family.. as i sat in the back seat of my car... i was thinking about all my problems.. i could almost hear the background music they put in movies when the girl fights with the guy and they both look out the window at the rain.... so i started thinking... and none of that is true... so many lives end everyday without a happy ending... the stories in popular romantic songs are not is just not like that... ever since i was little movies like cindirella and other disney productions have had me thinking that no matter what happens love always finds a way... and that it is so full of great surprises.. well at least the last part is true. except that the surprises are not always good ones... actually they are almost always terrible... and prince charming is dead... and chivalry died with him.. men in our generation expect to get a maid when they start a relationship.. at the beginning they can�t get enough of you... the little by little they start to show the real side of them... and let me tell you its not pretty.. my boyfriend and i (yes we�re still together) are gonna be 5 years old as acouple.. in may... and now.. i know men are jerks.... and most of the reason that life is not�a fairy tale is because of them.. all girls expect to find a prince waiting for them.. and all the guy needs to do is make that simple wish come true.. is it too much to ask for a guy to open the door for us... to hug us and give us their jacket when we�re cold... to kiss our pains gently away.. i think not... and its hard enough trying to keep the flame alive while the guy is being a total jerk sitting infront of the tv. watching football� withough them treating us so bad.... i for one. plan not to cry for a guy ever againn.. imagine.. if he treats me bad NOW... imagine if we got MARRIED!!!�

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1 comment(s) - 06:35 PM - 04/21/2008
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    mommy  35, Female, New York, USA - 20 entries
Apr 2008
3:38 PM EDT

(Life) My Feelings (Part 1):

Subject: My Feelings (Part 1): Current Mood: � Disappointed������ Category: Life Time: 12:20 pm

Ok For the people Who Really Know me, I Normally Dont Write or Talk About my Feelings so this is a big step For me & the Reason Why is Because I Have big Trust Issues Because of my Past! For Those Who Honestly Know me you Know that�I Just Keep all my Emotions inside Because I Dont Trust Many people or Trust people Enough to Talk to or�Tell them How I am Feeling Exactly. But this is where I am Going to Try, But I Know that it�is Not Going to be Easy For me to Write About my Feelings For the world to Read.
Most of my Live Ive Felt Depressed, Sad, Lonely, Helpless, Hopeless & Like the weight of the world Was on my shoulders. I Rarely Ever Felt Happy & When I Did Something Always Changed that to Were I Was Feeling Depressed Again. Now I Have someone in my Life Who Actually makes�me Feel Happy��& that For me is Scary Because that’s Not what I am Used to, But I Can Say that It Feels Good to be Happy!
This is where Things Get Really Hard on the people I Love & Care About & that ones that Actually Love & Care About me: I push people Away all the time. My Family, my Friends, Every one. I Hurt my Fam all the time by pushin them Away. But Ive Learned that If I push Every one Away I am Not Gonna Have Any one to Lean on When times Get to Hard & I Wanna Die. Ive Been There all my Life. You Dont Honestly Know How Many times Ive Wanted to Die. But Suicide is Not the Answer. Ive Been There all my Life With Everything that Has Happend to me & With the Things that Ive Done ( Just Ask my Mother ) & I Can Tell you this: Things do Get Better Its Gonna take time Because it Wont Happen Over Nite. I Can Also Say With all Honesty that�Lifes Not Easy:�I Can Tell you that ( You’re Not Going to hear the Lie that Life is Easy From me, I Just Cant Tell you a Lie Like that�), I Know what�I am Talking About Because Ive Been Through so Much in�my Life that No one person Should Ever Have to go Through in Their Lifetime.�I Know what�I am Talking About Because Ive Been Through so Much in�my Life that No one person Should Ever Have to go Through in Their Lifetime.�
As Most of the people Who Really Know me Ive Always Said that I Hate my Life, the world & Every one, But Really I Can Say in Honesty in Truth�that I Respect my�Life, the world ( Even Though this country is Going Downhill & I Dont see that Changing. Its Not that I Hate the world, I Just Hate what this world is comming to. ) & Its Not Like I Hate Every one Its Just that I Hate peoples actions. Talking About my Feelings Like this & then Reading It Gets me Emotional Because I Never Thought I Could Have Feelings Like this.
Ok, Wow! I Cant Believe I Wrote my Feelings For the world to see! Thats�So Not Like me! And Please�Dont Ask me Why I am Writing this For the whole world to see, Because I Really Dont Know. It Just�makes me Feel Better Though to Tell you all�that Ive Been There & Noramally am There. Not Many people Know me so Most people that Read this ( If they Even do ) Are Not Gonna Know How I Was Feeling At the time that I Wrote this, Nor will they Understand what the Hell Ive Been Through or am Going Through. I Just Hope that people will Understand what I Meant & what I Wrote.�Please�Understand that Things will Get Better that they do take time Because I Know that When�people Feel Like�this�they Didnt Think or take that Into Consideration.
I Always�Wonder what the Meaning of Life Really is. People Say that There is a Meaning to Life But I Still Havent Found out Just what the Hell it is ( Honestly I Dont Really Think that There is a Meaning to Life But to Teach us Things, Have a Family of Our Own, Have a Good job, Help Others, Get Sick & then Die ) But If I Ever do Find out or come across the Meaning of Life you all�will be the�2nd�to Know. But�Maybe we Are the Meaning of Life!
Well I Can Say this About Life: Life�is a Mindless Spinning-Whirlpool of Nothingness, Emotions, Hatered & Love. With all that Being Said Why do we Exist, If we Are Only to Die? Is Life so Worth Living that we go on Every Single day Doing Everything we Can to Get somewhere But we Most Likely will Never see & will Never Happen? What is True Happiness? We Continue on this Downward-Spiral of Depression, Sadness & Hopelessness Only to Find the True Meaning of what Life Really is to Eventually Die! All that Life Really is, is a Series of Events that lead up to a persons Death. So I Ask, "What is the Point of Living If you Are Only Going to Die Anyway?" Whether It’s Going to be three days From Now or sixty years down the road. It’s all Part of the Vicious-Cycle of Life. Isn’t that Great? We Live to Die & There Truely Isn’t Anything that Can be Done About It.
I Can Honestly Say that Life Isn’t Easy & Not Knowing what Our True Meaning/Purpose in Life is Can be Harder in Living Life Because we Just Think that Death is the Meaning & Purpose to Life. Then of Course we go Through Things Good & Bad in Our Life that Can Either Break us or make us, Hurt us or Help us, Love us or Hate us. Life Just Isn’t Easy, I Know Because I Have Been Through so Much in my Life that No one person Should Have to Deal With in Their Lifetime. SO WHAT IS LIFE REALLY? I Dont Think Any one Really Knows the Answer to this Question & If they do, they Are Obviously Keeping the Answer to Themselves or they Are Already Dead. Remember that Ive Been Through Alot in my Life so I do Know what im Talking About & Also Because of what Ive Been Through I will Understand. Honestly Life Can be Scary, It plays With your Emotions & your Mind.�
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1 comment(s) - 04:39 PM - 05/10/2008
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    stranger  35, Female, Philippines - 2 entries
Apr 2008
9:31 PM EDT

hai. haha. gud day! just wanted to�tell more about myself. hmmm. just a simple junior student. well, my life isn't too hard coz i have�many friends out there. and�of course i had my family.�.�at this very young age,�many trials and problems has come in my life. problems on friends, family. haha.�but proud to say i overcome it all. well i just do�the things that�can make me forget and overcome it. haha.� be continue�

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1 comment(s) - 05:12 AM - 05/21/2008
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    Cafegurl17  35, Female, Missouri, USA - 3 entries
Apr 2008
2:25 PM CST

college woes

Well, im trying to study my brains out for the GED. And im having trouble getting a good laptop and money for college, maybe this journal will be my college journal, the life of a student/ young adult trying to make her way in the world.. That's sounds so much better.
Also some other troubles of a older teen are: driving lessons,paying your insurance and vet bills for your pup, finding housing and scraping cash together for a life. Actually kellena my friend is doing a little better than me she already has a car and is starting her driving lessons, hopfully i'll start next week or the next! :-)

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    thatsmxchic  44, Female, South Carolina, USA - 9 entries
Mar 2008
8:32 AM EDT

Sumter Livin... life in hell

Sumter living is not so great what do people get out of living in a hell hole where people are allways up your ass about some really unimportant crap. spreading really damming rumours that are way to mean to be real.. but sometimes you never know ... cause this is a jacked up world.. with jacked up people who have jacked up atttitudes.

If i was originally from this place I would probably be a lot worse off... Love you sumter people but some of this is just unnatural. I miss big city bright light.. that is kinda weird because i grew on an island that is 37sqaure miles, which is like half of Sumter County... but damn.... please get me out of here beforeI become one of them... start talking crazy shit that I don't know about,( judging others based on my ignorance...The biggest problem around here)

Hey people don't open your mouth to say stuff that you can't even understand like other peoples religion... judging others because they have a different faith than you is very ignorant.. it is racism it is against my freedom of expression and religion for some douchebage to tell me my religion is wrong.. no bitch, your wrong,afew months ago you drank and smoked like it was going out of style ... now you are a child of god and we are all going to hell because we do not wish to become a proffesional hippocrite ... guess i'm going to hell then............. see ya there fuckers.. i'll be the one holding the book of names helping the devil decide if you are worthy of hell's wrath.

Judgementwill not be passed on me based onyour perceptions of me, it's what i have done and shown on my own recognance. so pleasekeep talking shit behind my back... you are building me up morethan tearing me down... thanks for the encouragement ... negativity gives me the strength to be me and carry on doingwhat makes you crazy..

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