Me, Myself, and I (Join the party!)

Jul 2008
3:31 PM EDT

What to say? What to say? I have an idea! How crazy. I just went to Florida and it was absolutely amazing. I'm so freaking tan now. Its kick ass. Because up her in New York (near Canada land of the moose, right above us...) we've got snow like crazy. I mean down in the middle of the united states, theyre all omg weve got an inch of snow lets close school for a month! not even kidding. How did I get so off topic? no clue. check me out� peace!�

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Apr 2008
7:58 AM EDT


I haven't been on this site in like forever! It's been almost a year. I've changed a wicked lot since then. Puberty an all just kidding. I've learned how to type better and thats a good thing. Also I've cleared my life of most of my problems. I figured out exactly who I am. I'm more obsessed with acting and drawing now :P! Yay!�

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Apr 2007
8:23 AM EDT

So pplz I'm so majorly bored becuase i sprained my ankle and theres nothing to do....grrrrrrr silvie was telling me that i was gonna be a mod (male model) when i tripped over the lunch table.
1 comment(s) - 10:22 AM - 04/04/2008
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Feb 2007
4:45 PM EDT

Good day Good day!!!
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Feb 2007
9:20 AM EDT

gonna go to the movies and were gonna bring in soda and popcorn!
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Feb 2007
12:47 PM EDT

hey dudes I'm #2 with most entrys, # 15 most viewed, and #21 most commented!!!!!! ;)Kaitlyn;)
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Feb 2007
7:05 PM EDT

ooh i forgot I just bought a bass on E-bay!
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Feb 2007
7:01 PM EDT

ok i just wrote this whole speech explaining the issus in america when I looked at it as a sign of maturity! well one thing I DONT WANT TO BE MATURE!
1 comment(s) - 09:03 PM - 02/08/2007
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Feb 2007
1:15 PM EDT

Today I realized that my BirthDay is in 8 days!!!! 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 YaY! So yeah, um I kind of noticed that no one really blogs everyday like I do. If you correct me and let me know because I didn't want to false state anyone! ooh I'm #2 on most blogs and # like 20 for most viewed!!!! thxx guys
1 comment(s) - 09:04 PM - 02/08/2007
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Feb 2007
8:49 AM EDT

Ok sorri I haven't written in like forever my life is wayy to demanding now, between friends ,school, play practice and basketball everythings hectic! I feel like my life is being used so much and i need a break. Do I get one??? Yes its called a weekend, but every saturday I have a b-ball game and sundays I have to get up and go to church @ 9 then curch class @ 10 then I teach a church class @ 11! Then I get a break! Phew! Write me a little ~Kool Yo~ Kaitlyn :)
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Feb 2007
4:19 PM EDT

I need positive reinforcement!!!!!!!
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Feb 2007
9:10 AM EDT

What does life mean if you cant share it with anyone?
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Jan 2007
10:39 AM EDT

I'm eating a Yummy orange right now yummy yummy!
1 comment(s) - 09:04 PM - 02/08/2007
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Jan 2007
7:55 PM EDT

esh that girl you know as Kaitlyn is sick :'( blegh!
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Jan 2007
2:46 PM EDT

oh heyy guys just tellin you that I have a ~*+$^NEW^$+*~ website......... its.................. ! Check it out!
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Jan 2007
2:37 PM EDT

OMG i just checked my stats on the site and ive gotten 513 views! so fans view more! I love you guys! also now im #2 on the most enteries! so yeah! send me comments galore and view me! thx! did I already say that I love you guys? ~love@ Kaitlyn~ :-P
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Jan 2007
2:30 PM EDT

Ok heres the low down... I TRIED out for SOUR KANGAROO, and the part I got was...................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ...... I got YERTLE THE TURTLE! ( a smaller part but I guess its ok)
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Jan 2007
2:02 PM EDT

yeahh im talkin to my wayy kewl friend jenna. shes tooo kewl for yall. but i CANT wait for tomorrows drama club announcement! argh keep you posted on what part i get
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Jan 2007
1:59 PM EDT

hi i have basketball tonight yay! but c u l8r
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Jan 2007
5:14 PM EDT

When you pass him in the hallway... You can either walk on by or go up to him. When he doesn't notice you, you get sad. But usually guys really dont care about feelings well because they're guys. You always get happy when you see him again over and over! but when he finally does notice you you fall in LOVE! THE END! ~Kaitlyn~
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KaityGirl214's Profile

  • Username: KaityGirl214
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - New York
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    KAITYGIRL214's Interests:

    About Me: I'm Kaitlyn. Nice to meet you (ish). I love the color yellow. It's beautiful. And yes I do wear assorted colored pants. I'm 15 and 3/4 5'3". I'm sorry I'm so short but maybe you're just too tall.

    Interests: Acting. Singing. Bass. Coloring. Painting. Le Television. My Cat.

    Favorite Music: The Beatles. No Question.

    Favorite Movies: Across the Universe.

    Favorite Television: Invader Zim.

    Favorite Books: The Uglies Series.

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