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    sahuoy  60, Male, Illinois, USA - 44 entries
Nov 2013
6:39 PM CDT

"We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty." - Mother Teresa
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    sahuoy  60, Male, Illinois, USA - 44 entries
Nov 2013
6:41 PM CDT

"The worst thing you can try to do is cling to something that is gone, or to recreate it." - Johnette Napolitano
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    sahuoy  60, Male, Illinois, USA - 44 entries
Nov 2013
6:44 PM CDT

"It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him." - John Steinbeck. A self determining philosophy guided by ethics, morality and greater powers as prioritized by a less than a wanna be godly/god-like, mortal man.
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    sahuoy  60, Male, Illinois, USA - 44 entries
Nov 2013
6:48 PM CDT

What person do I admire the most and why? Do I see these qualities within myself? Mankind viewed by mirrors or peers may be a god, godly or god-like but nature, (Religion/God), will always have the last laugh. Amen.-Gary Youhas
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    sahuoy  60, Male, Illinois, USA - 44 entries
Nov 2013
6:52 PM CDT

I Wish...

"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?" - Abraham Lincoln
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    TheAllSeeingWolf  27, Female, Sweden - 7 entries
Jul 2015
2:39 PM CEST

You are here.

��������������� There is one thing that I’m certain all of us agree on, which is that life is a son of a b****. BAD WOLF. Khm… I meant to say hard. Very hard. There is this point where you just look around, evaluating all that you have done, with everyone in it. Life is, as I see it, self centered, we all have only one perspective we know about, and can rely on. What I’m trying to say is, that I could never truly put myself into someone else’s shoes. I thought about it, a lot, but I don’t think I accepted it. There is a freaking website where they track the population. …. Those numbers resemble real lives, that are here, occupying the same earth you and me stand on. Death’s and life’s tango. There are so many people, with all kinds of thoughts, memories, actions…. It feels so unreal. Well, all in all… this was just on top of my head suddenly, and now I feel isolated.
�Frogs and love. Wolfey

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    over50wifeandmother  59, Female, South Africa - 4 entries
Mar 2016
3:45 PM SAST

who am I

�I've spent so much years keeping the peace in my home, now that my children are older, 20 and 25, I'm not sure I know who I am anymore.
My husband has become loud, disagreeable and dismissive over the years and I have far too often kept quiet and allowed it in order to avoid an argument, after all, it takes two to argue I reasoned, no argument equals a peaceful environment for the children, even though never inner peace for me.
A sacrifice I was willing to make, but recently my eldest spoke to me in the same tone and attitude that my husband speaks to me.
I realised that while I was keeping the peace, the example I set was that it was okay to speak to me like that.
Ironically, she doesn't like how my husband speaks to me, yet she did the same without realizing it.
All of them expressed at various occassions that my tone and manner of speaking was not neccessary, yet it's okay for them to speak to me with tone and attitude.
Truth be told, I have actually been holding back, they have no idea to what extent my tone and attitude can go.
But if holding back and keeping the peace has resulted in a lack of respect, then I'm not holding back anymore because no one wins.

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1 comment(s) - 12:53 PM - 04/05/2016
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