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    sheladyanne  38, Female, Philippines - 10 entries
Jan 2012
8:58 PM PST

Just another Manic Monday!

Hello Inbox Journal!

It's Monday again, First day of a week long working mode. Actually, I really get sucked waking up early in the morning, How early is early? (Round 6 o'clock am) Yeah, good thing I have my sis who prepares my breakfast and prepares all the things that I needed. I was hesitant to bath too because of the cold weather, but it's either I bath or not bath, if I choose the latter then I'll definitely go to office looking like a mess, which I would not like to happen. So I bath with heavy heart, grab my breakfast, fixed myself went my way.

I was about to take the bus but I changed my mind, it's been a long time that I was riding the bus, standing up till I reached the bus stop. See it's not a joke that I stand up there for almost 30 minutes, some gentle men� offered there seats to me, but some do not,� let's try to rephrase it, It's once in a bluemoon that some gentlemen are willing to offer there seats to me. Anyway, I took the jeepney today, *please google what a jeepney looks like* Its our Pinoy style of cab... but its far different to a Cab..� Good thing I was not late!

Speaking of late, I HATE BEING LATE NOWADAYS! Before when I was still studying in college , I really dont care even if I get late. Sometimes I really intend to be late, then I'll make a silent entrance at our classroom wishing that my professor would not noticed my arrival. When me and my friends meet up as well I tend to be the last person who arrives. They were like cursing me and really mad at me for making them wait for almost an hour, my reason was, It's better to make them wait than I do the waiting!� Hahaha! How evil of me, but I already learned my lesson, my attitude before was so wrong. I am not into the position of making anyone wait for me. I guess it's a good improvement for myself! "Atleast", I could say something good about myself.

Today, I also commence myself for doing an error free job! Yeys! Kudos to me! I didnt received any pop up messages indicating what I did wrong and the like, I hope this will go on and on, I really should work extra careful! HMMMMMFFFF EXTRA CAREFUL! Yeah, because the past few days, I was performing really badly at work, it's either I commit one or two mistakes, and that is what I'm really avoiding. Another thing is Ella, my workmate will be resigning by February, it's kinda sad news, Since she was the first one whom I befriended and she was really nice! Its's really hard to bid her goodbye, specially that the person had already been dear to you. But that's life.. Sometimes we really need to tell our friends Farewell, but that doesnt mean goodbye. We should always have a hope that someday, you will both meet and see each other again.

On the lighter side please......

* I� already had a friend here, Bbent! I just want to thank her for adding me Up! Thank you Bbent! I hope you keep on writing! Lets's rock Inbox Journal!20*

Till here, Tomorrow is another day!


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    sheladyanne  38, Female, Philippines - 10 entries
Jan 2012
8:59 PM PST

Day full of Errors!

Today I got stucked with so many errors at work. I don't know why but I think something is wrong. Maybe with my concentration and motivation at my work or maybe I am just out of myself. I hate days like this, I just can't recover fast everytime I� was faced into such situations. Anyway! I could not spoil my day just because of this. I need to move forward and avoid these mistakes in the coming days.20

Okay let's move on. I was staring at my inbox journal today and I found out that there is less action. I dont know but I could not see any interaction between each and every member. Ive'd read some of the journals and tried to comment on some too. I think I was craving for more actions in here specially that these site is a small one not like blogger or wordpress.

Tomorrow is Sunday! I wont be at the office and I may not update this journal.. Writing will resume by� Monday. Check my blog too..� here's the site� hope you visit my page and read my rants and ramblings in life..

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    kiya  34, Female, Canada - 21 entries
Apr 2010
12:50 PM EDT

nothing really...

i'm just excited to have my hair cut tomorrow...
i'm worried about certain people in my life now...but i still believe that they can get through it and come out as winner..:)
everytime i write here...
it feels like my reflection time...LOL
anyways.... got to go read again... got an exam tomorrow at night..ish..hehehe

life sure is complicated...
but what can we do...
we just have to deal with it
and make it work/..... :)always!


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