She @ Work!

Jan 2012
8:59 PM PST

Day full of Errors!

Today I got stucked with so many errors at work. I don't know why but I think something is wrong. Maybe with my concentration and motivation at my work or maybe I am just out of myself. I hate days like this, I just can't recover fast everytime I� was faced into such situations. Anyway! I could not spoil my day just because of this. I need to move forward and avoid these mistakes in the coming days.20

Okay let's move on. I was staring at my inbox journal today and I found out that there is less action. I dont know but I could not see any interaction between each and every member. Ive'd read some of the journals and tried to comment on some too. I think I was craving for more actions in here specially that these site is a small one not like blogger or wordpress.

Tomorrow is Sunday! I wont be at the office and I may not update this journal.. Writing will resume by� Monday. Check my blog too..� here's the site� hope you visit my page and read my rants and ramblings in life..

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sheladyanne's Profile

  • Username: sheladyanne
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: Philippines
    SHELADYANNE's Interests:

    About Me: *Please refer to my First Entry to know me more* Thank you!

    Interests: Meeting new people, travelling, blogging, writind and Web Developing using CMS. :)

    Favorite Books: The Hunter Games, You Play to Win the Game, Purpose Driven Life

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