Azrael's Meanderings

Aug 2010
9:03 AM CST

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor. " - Dr. Alexis Carrel
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Jun 2010
10:29 AM CST

Trust Me

�Looking for something I've never seen
Alone and I'm in between
The place that I'm from and
The place that I'm in
A city I never been
I found a friend or should I say a foe
Said there's a few things you should know
We don't want you to see
We come and we go
Here today, gone tomorrow.

We're only taking turns
Holding this world
It's how it's always been
When you're older you will understand.

If I say who I know it just goes to show
You need me less than I need you
Take it from me we
Don't give sympathy
You can trust me trust nobody
But I said you and me
We don't have honesty
The things we don't want to speak
I'll try to get out but I never will
Traffic is perfectly still

We're only taking turns
Holding this world
It's how it's always been
When you're older you will understand

And then again maybe you don't..
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Jun 2010
3:46 AM CST

Manichean Thoughts

In the beginning...the two "natures" or "substances", light and obscurity, good and evil, God and matter, coexisted, separated by a frontier. In the North reigned the Father of the South, the Prince of Darkness...the "disorderly motion" of matter drove the Prince of Darkness toward the upper frontier of his kingdom. Seeing the splendor of light, he is fired by the desire to conquer it. It is then that the Father decides that he will himself repulse the adversary. He...projects from himself, the Mother of Life, who...projects a new hypostasis, the Primordial Man...With his five sons, who are...his "soul" and "armor" made from five lights, the Primordial Man descends to the frontier. He challenges the darkness, but he is conquered, and his sons are devoured by the demons...This defeat marks the beginning of the cosmic "mixture", but at the same time it insures the final triumph of God. For obscurity (matter) now possesses a portion of light...and the Father, preparing its deliverance, at the same time arranges for his definitive victory against darkness. In a second Creation, the Father "evokes" the Living Spirit, which, descending toward obscurity, grasps the hand of the Primordial Man and raises him to his celestial homeland, the Paradise of Lights. Overwhelming the demonic Archontes, the Living Spirit fashions the heavens from their skins, the mountains from their bones, the earth from their flesh and their excretments...In addition, he achieves a first deliverance of light by creating the sun, the moon, and the stars from portions of it that had not suffered too much from contact with obscurity. Finally, the Father proceeds to a last evocation and projects by emanation the Third Messenger. The latter organizes the cosmos into a kind of machine to collect - deliver - the still-captive particles of light. During the first two weeks of the month, the particles rise to the moon, which becomes a full moon; during the second two weeks, light is transferred from the moon to the sun and, finally, to its celestial homeland. But there were still the particles that had been swallowed by the demons. Then the messenger displays himself to the male demons in the form of a dazzling naked virgin, while the female demons see him as a handsome naked young man...fired by desire, the male demons...give forth their�semen, and, with it, the light that they had swallowed. Fallen to the ground, their semen gives birth to all the vegetable species. As for the female devils who were already pregnant, at the sight of the handsome young man they give birth to abortions, which, cast onto the ground, eat the buds of trees, thus assimilating the light that they contained. Alarmed by the Third Messenger's tactics, matter, personified as Concupiscence, decides to create a stronger prison around the still-captive particles of light. Two demons, one male, the other female, devour all the abortions in order to absorb the totality of light, and they then�couple. Thus Adam and�Eve�were engendered

--Mircea Eliade, �"A History of Religious Ideas"
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May 2010
12:40 PM CST

Set , Set, Bright Sun

Set, set bright sun,
set, darken away,
And moon too,
Go, drown

Dark forest, dark sister
let us darken together,
you for your leaves,
me for my youth,
your leaves, forest sister
will come again,
my youth, forest sister,
will not return.
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Mar 2010
9:26 AM CST


Look at all the lonely hearts
Shivering out in the dark
Hiding from the Truth
Cover up the proof
Demons that I've tried to hide�
Imprison me in my own lies
And all that I can do is
� cover up the proof
Secrets got me torn apart
Trying to destroy my heart
But I can't see the light
All that's cutting through me
Now�is night.
1 comment(s) - 07:39 PM - 03/20/2010
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Sep 2009
12:42 PM CST


From one moment
To the Next and thereafter
Wandering About
Since your inception

On my mind�
And spirit
Treading about
Without knowledge
Of how you torment me�

To think of you
As worthy or high
Will bring my downfall
For you not only tread
But fragment and confuse

Hidden across time�
Sands, water, and air
None of which give
You any clue of
My apparition.

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Current Tags: dark, illness, misery, poetry, sad, sorrow, unrequited love

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May 2009
12:43 PM CST


Sitting atop my mind
On a throne of �black,
In nothing but a black cloak
As if mocking that which I lack

Through paleness and stature
Daring eyes and smirking lips,
Coming down for my rapture

With pull greater than any other force
Unwavering and mesmerizing power
Knowing that from him, I myself cannot divorce

More spirit than man in other worlds
Resides in my deepest spaces
Knowing my darkest and well kept secrets
Whispers with wisdom and knowing
�" It is I who has come,
" To conquer the conqueror".

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