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    ajax88  35, Female, DC, Washington, USA - 23 entries
Sep 2009
12:42 PM CST


From one moment
To the Next and thereafter
Wandering About
Since your inception

On my mind�
And spirit
Treading about
Without knowledge
Of how you torment me�

To think of you
As worthy or high
Will bring my downfall
For you not only tread
But fragment and confuse

Hidden across time�
Sands, water, and air
None of which give
You any clue of
My apparition.

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Current Tags: dark, illness, misery, poetry, sad, sorrow, unrequited love

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    timeflys  68, Female, United Kingdom - 37 entries
May 2008
1:06 AM EDT


been very ill,now i have to figure out how o change my lifestyle,i slept all day taking medicne that knocks me out ,i have shingles now and heart problems� im learning life is short,worry stress is a luxiery i no longer have this habit or way of coping has to change samsons asleep on the sofa hes had tuna today so hes happy� the nest has hatched i think one bird passed on but other tow seem to be doing ok� there adorable im better at taking care of others now i have to learn to take care of me,this is a diffucult lesson� any segestions pleas let me know

Tags: illness
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