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You searched for: Tag: afraid
    China  32, Female, Tennessee, USA - 7 entries
Apr 2008
6:34 PM CDT


wat do u do wen da one u love and care about has left u for da one dey like n da person dey like is treatin dem wrong n u dnt kno how 2 tell dem cuz dey won't talk 2 u n u cant do nothing about it but cry 4 dem n u cuz u kno he has dne u da same way but u dnt want him 2 get hurt even doe he hurt u badly u still want da best 4 him no matta wat cuz u care about dem enuf 2 still love dem afta everything dey did 2 hurt u n make u feel i wish der was a way i cud tell him cuz its hurtin me more than wat he's dne 2 me cuz he shud b wit me cuz i love him and care about him deeply but i jus dnt kno how 2 tell him and now it mite b 2 late well it is kind of 2 late cuz im not wit him n he ignores me even doe he said he wud still tawk 2 me idk im jus real hurt rite now

Tags: afraid, hurt
2 comment(s) - 04:50 PM - 04/09/2008
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