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    MyNameIsSteve  31, Male, Illinois, USA - 6 entries
Oct 2010
3:06 AM EDT


This girl amazes me.
It's as if�I'm no longer awake, as if I'm stuck in a dream where something so perfect is actually possible, believable. I am stuck with her, and damn lucky for it. Without this girl, I would be fucked. She is all i have, want and need. Normally I'd hate myself for being so typical but in this situation i can FEEL it. Like something inside me is telling me to always stay with her and be by her side.�She has done far more for me than any other person possibly could EVER do. This girl is mine, and will forever be mine. Love is one of the greatest steps towards true happiness. True love is all you need to be happy. I am happy now. I was oblivious to the meaning of love and happiness before my world became whole. Now i understand that i was just incomplete before, missing something that was needed. Something i had never felt so strongly before. She gives me a purpose in life, she IS my purpose in life. We were meant for each other, meant to complete each other and live life together.This is something deeper than any temporary infatuation that momentarily grabs hold of you. No, this isn't me just getting caught up in the moment. This is something that everyone DREAMS of, something that hardly anyone is lucky enough to ever feel in their entire LIFE. This is what i feel true love is. This is what i feel when it comes to this girl. She is every possible thing i could ever ask for and i can never be more thankful that we found each other when we did.
This girl amazes me......�

2 comment(s) - 08:05 PM - 11/19/2010
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