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    kiya  33, Female, Canada - 21 entries
Apr 2010
2:50 PM EDT

i don't know if this has ever happened to you... but did it ever happen that in a random day, for no reason... you suddenly feel sad, alone, like noone understands and end up crying? if yes... how do you stop?
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    MajorAnon  53, Female, Australia - 3 entries
Dec 2007
10:35 PM EST


"Endurance is frequently a form of indecision." - Elizabeth Bibesco, Haven, 1951

what do you think this quote actually means?

1 comment(s) - 06:55 AM - 10/08/2008
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    heykaro89  35, Female, Taiwan - 6 entries
Aug 2007
1:12 PM EDT

ok i got a question here..

it sounds kinda idiot but i just sign up for this recently and im not quite sure how this works..when i tried to add a new entry,why there are some words on the top ..somethen like(for now) "how do i define love?" ....wondering if the others got the same words too?
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