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    z3bastian  47, Male, Philippines - 7 entries
Apr 2009
3:18 PM PST

what a contradiction

�"I'm sorry for everything, but I won't admit I made a mistake" - words from the bastard that disowned me

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    z3bastian  47, Male, Philippines - 7 entries
Apr 2009
3:15 PM PST


�"being disowned isn't all that, specially when the person disowning isn't given of much value."

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    lyubomirb  35, Male, Florida, USA - 44 entries
Aug 2008
1:06 PM EST

What I have

������������ The closest I have to a father is his brother. I never had a good time with my father. He always calls me stupid and retarded. I never had a father and son time. I don’t even know any of my father’s friends. When he was a child he never wanted to be a part. My uncles tell me he never wanted to hang out with them.�

����������� � I’ve tried to talk to him buy he keeps calling me names. Both of my parents have an odd relation ship. My dad never bought my mom flowers or gifts. He told me to buy her something for her birthday. My dad doesn’t spend time with my mom like a married couple should. He is very stubborn and almost as if he does not have feelings. Lately the most important to him is money. He doesn’t care about his children.

When I spend time with my uncle, helping him with something or talking about anything, it feels like I could have had a better life. I can’t sit with my dad for a min with out him telling me to get him a drink or something else that just ruins the moment. When I was a small boy, my dad came from work and I was shy to look at him because he seemed like a stranger.

������������ My uncle tried telling my dad. He tried to make him understand that you can’t force his children around like this. He treats everyone like his slaves. And me, growing up like this has done much pain. He becomes violent at times. I have tried my best to keep things under control. Being a brother of two sisters has put more responsibility on me.�It would be too selfish for me to move out with out my sisters. I had taken a lot of blame and took care of them the best I could.

������������ �I live with a stranger who is my biological father. I don’t think he deserved to have children. He never prepares a meal or fixes his bed. He never makes a plan that everyone can agree on.�He can’t do anything right. All he is a guy who goes to work, comes home and yells at me complaining that he pays for my electricity, food, etc. he goes to the beach by himself while I work my ass of at home.

������������� I get very depressed because he makes me feel like I am worth nothing. He always ruins my mood and makes me feel bad. I don’t remember ever being inspired or encouraged by him. I grew up alone with out a father. I am a son of no father. My mother isn’t much different.
1 comment(s) - 06:45 PM - 08/06/2008
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