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    berries7cinnamon  37, Female, Singapore - 20 entries
Jul 2007
7:11 AM EDT

I watched 'Toki o kakeru shoujo' on Sunday. For short, it's known as 'TokiKake', and in English it's 'The Girl Who Leapt Through Time'.
I've come across this movie quite some time ago, a friend showed me this website of someone who blogged about this movie.

This is a good link to visit, to help having a good or basic understanding of that movie:

In Wikipedia, the genre is "drama, romance, science fiction, slice of life".

After watching this movie, this is what I have to say:

I never really like science fiction because they seldom have good stories or even good endings. It always left me feeling empty after watching them. But 'TokiKake' was quite alright, at least it still has some meaning to the whole story, and there's even a story line.
So that's where the "slice of life" comes in. This movie kinda sets me thinking as I'm one who always think too much. Like I would think what's gonna happen in the future or maybe being bothered too much by what happened in the past. Eventually I missed out the fun that I should have focused NOW. Present is what that matters the most.
'Romance'... It's very important to me these days. There's only a little bit of romance in the movie, but it's more about cherishing someone in the present; cherish every single moment you have together kind of meaning. There's also friendships and relationships with other people, those moments (makoto and friends) are totally enjoyable to watch.

Well, the ending... Reminds me of 'Spirited Away', except one is from the past and the other is from the future.

This somehow makes me wonder too. Makoto got sorethroat for singing karaoke for about 10 hours because she kept travelling back in time and do it over and over again. That means her whole person actually was being transported back in time.
Chiaki was from the future, and he said he'll be waiting for her in the future (or something like that), then does that mean... Chiaki is actually much younger than Makoto?

Chiaki's time seemed far away, like distant future. Time travel is like a big technology, I doubt it could be discovered or a dream to be realised in the near future.

Though I prefer a more definite ending, this incident actually motivated Makoto, give her more drive in life. The wonderful thing is that none of the others got their memories related to Chiaki being erased away.

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