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    Bintang1  37, Male, Indonesia - First entry!
Nov 2017
6:26 AM IST

Menuju Pekanbaru dari Semarang dengan Menggunakan Bus


Semarang dianggap sebagai kota pelabuhan yang ramai dikunjungi, kota ini berada di pesisir utara dan cukup berhasil memanfaatkan lokasinya yang sangat strategis. Kota ini memang terkenal sebagai percampuran budaya Jawa lama dan budaya modern. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pariwisata di Kota Semarang telah mendapat dorongan besar dan telah menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata yang populer. Para wisatawan dari berbagai negara datang ke sini untuk mengamati arsitektur kolonial dan tempat-tempat kuno Arab dan Cina. Saat Anda tiba di kota ini, pastikan untuk berkunjung ke kantor informasi turis Jawa Tengah, yang berada dekat dengan Pasar Cina. Pastikan untuk meluangkan banyak waktu berkeliling di kota ini, bukan hanya untuk pergi berbelanja.


Pekanbaru merupakan ibu kota Provinsi Riau dan merupakan sentra produksi minyak utama di Negara Indonesia. Kota ini memiliki reputasi di tingkat dunia sebagai salah satu kota terbersih dan juga merupakan kota terbesar ketiga di Pulau Sumatera. Kota ini mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat belakangan ini dan masyarakat di kota ini memang terkenal mengikuti budaya Melayu. Mungkin memang bukan tempat wisata terbaik tapi kota ini juga dipenuhi dengan berbagai atraksi wisata yang menarik. Nama kota ini memiliki arti pasar baru. Karena letaknya yang berada di dekat Sungai Siak, hal ini menjadikan kota ini sebagai salah satu pelabuhan perdagangan alam terbesar - berkat aksesnya ke Selat Malaka. Kota ini memiliki total luas daerah kurang lebih sekitar 460 km2 dan total jumlah penduduk setempat sekitar 800.000 orang. Kota ini hampir tidak dikenal oleh siapa pun sebelum orang Amerika menemukan minyak di wilayah tersebut pada tahun 1930. Kota ini berfungsi sebagai titik transit utama bagi penumpang yang akan pergi ke Singapura.

Salah satu moda transportasi terbaik di wilayah Indonesia adalah bus. Dibandingkan harus terjebak dalam kemacetan dan mengeluarkan biaya lebih untuk bensin, sebagian besar penduduk setempat lebih suka bepergian dengan menggunakan bus. Frekuensi bus yang beroperasi juga cukup teratur dengan bus yang tiba hampir setiap 15 menit. Dikarenakan tiket bus setiap harinya terjual habis dengan sangat cepat, Saya sarankan Anda untuk memesan tiket bus terlebih dahulu dari Pesanlah tiket bus dari website ini dan pilihlah tempat duduk dekat dengan jendela di bus yang dilengkapi dengan AC. Website ini juga menawarkan tiket bus dengan diskon yang besar dan Anda dapat memiliki pilihan untuk memilih dari berbagai jenis bus seperti ekonomi, ekspres dan VIP. Perjalanan bus akan memakan biaya antara Rp 50.000,- sampai Rp 200.000,- semuanya tergantung dari kelas bus mana yang dipesan. Saya akan merekomendasikan Anda untuk memesan bus ekspres karena jenis bus ini memiliki lebih sedikit tempat pemberhentian dan pastinya akan membawa Anda ke tempat tujuan lebih cepat jika Anda memang sedang terburu-buru. Anda bisa memesan tiket Anda di bus ekonomi jika Anda memiliki anggaran yang ketat. Bus VIP adalah kelas bus terpisah dengan tempat duduk yang lebih nyaman, film dan makanan ringan. Jadi pesanlah tiket Anda sekarang dan pergilah berwisata ke kota-kota di Indonesia.

Anda bisa naik bus yang akan langsung mengantar Anda dari Semarang ke Pekanbaru. Hanya satu operator bus bernama Damri yang ada di rute ini. Tarif perjalanan di rute ini kurang lebih sekitar Rp 500.000,- sampai Rp 1.000.000,-. Perjalanan dengan menggunakan bus cukup nyaman dan menyenangkan - berkat pemandangan indah dalam perjalanan dan keramahan yang diberikan oleh petugas bus.

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    Additri84  39, Male, Indonesia - 4 entries
Nov 2017
1:51 AM IST

Bepergian Naik Bus dari Kebumen Menuju Jakarta


Kebumen is one of the cities located on the island of Java and is the capital of Kebumen District. The city has a population of about 122,000 people. In recent years, the city has become the administrative center. The city is quite famous for its very unique culture and its people are warm enough and friendly to welcome the tourists who come. Has a total area of ​​about 203 miles 2, the city is in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean. Most of the people who live here are Javanese and the majority religion here is Islam. The city is rich in food crops especially rice, soybean and coconut plantations. Some of the best tourist attractions you can visit in Kebumen are Menganti Beach, Jatijajar Cave, Van der Wijck Castle and also Karang Bolong Beach. The weather in this city is quite comfortable because it ranges from 24 o Celsius throughout the year, and this is also what makes the city cooler than other cities in Indonesia.

One of the best transportation means in Indonesia is bus. Compared to having stuck congestion on the street and paying more, most local residents prefer to travel by bus. The number of buses available is also quite a lot with buses arriving almost every 15 minutes. One thing I suggest is book your bus ticket first from karena tiket bus setiap hari terjual habis dengan cepat. Website ini menawarkan tiket dengan harga diskon yang besar dan Anda memiliki pilihan untuk memilih dari berbagai macam bus seperti ekonomi, ekspres dan VIP. Perjalanan dengan menggunakan bus akan menghabiskan biaya antara Rp 50.000,- sampai Rp 200.000,- semuanya tergantung dari kelas bus yang dipesan. Saya merekomendasikan Anda untuk memesan bus ekspres karena jenis bus ini memiliki lebih sedikit pemberhentian dan tentunya akan membawa Anda ke tempat tujuan lebih cepat, jika Anda sedang dikejar waktu. Anda bisa memesan tiket di bus ekonomi, jika Anda sedang menghemat pengeluaran Anda. Bus VIP adalah kelas bus terpisah dengan tempat duduk dan dilengkapi dengan film dan makanan ringan. Pesanlah tiket bus Anda sekarang dan rencakanlah liburan yang menyenangkan.


Jakarta adalah salah satu kota yang paling penting di Indonesia dan merupakan ibu kota Negara Republik Indonesia. Negara Indonesia terdiri lebih dari 13.000 pulau dan memiliki total jumlah penduduk lebih dari 180 juta jiwa. Kota ini terdiri dari 300 kelompok etnis yang berbeda yang berbicara dalam 200 bahasa yang berbeda. Oleh karena itulah, Jakarta terkenal sebagai salah satu kota yang memiliki populasi penduduk paling beragam di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kota yang megah ini telah lama ditetapkan sebagai sebuah provinsi khusus yang terdiri dari Jabodetabek dan memiliki total luas daerah sekitar 637 km2. Lokasi kota ini yang sangat strategis telah memegang peranan penting dalam menjalankan bisnis dengan negara-negara internasional. Di dalam kota ini terdapat banyak bangunan pemerintah, pusat komersial dan pusat industri utama. Kota Jakarta juga telah berhasil membangun jaringan komunikasi yang luas di dalam kota dan ke berbagai kota di dalam negeri, serta dengan dunia luar. Kota ini memang dikenal oleh para wisatawan sebagai pintu gerbang menuju Indonesia.

Perjalanan antara Kota Kebumen dan Kota Jakarta akan menghabiskan waktu sekitar 7 jam dan 15 menit dengan menggunakan bus. Operator bus yang beroperasi pada rute ini adalah Senar Jaya. Anda bisa naik bus dari Terminal Bus Kebumen. Bus berangkat setiap hari tepat pada pukul 17.30 sore hari. Harga tiket kelas ekonomi di Bus AC akan menghabiskan biaya sekitar Rp 70.000,-.

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    Additri84  39, Male, Indonesia - 4 entries
Nov 2017
1:52 AM IST

Bepergian Naik Bus dari Kebumen Menuju Jakarta


Kebumen is one of the cities located on the island of Java and is the capital of Kebumen District. The city has a population of about 122,000 people. In recent years, the city has become the administrative center. The city is quite famous for its very unique culture and its people are warm enough and friendly to welcome the tourists who come. Has a total area of ​​about 203 miles 2, the city is in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean. Most of the people who live here are Javanese and the majority religion here is Islam. The city is rich in food crops especially rice, soybean and coconut plantations. Some of the best tourist attractions you can visit in Kebumen are Menganti Beach, Jatijajar Cave, Van der Wijck Castle and also Karang Bolong Beach. Weather in this city is quite comfortable because it Celcius year-round, and this is also what makes this city cooler than other cities in Indonesia.

One of the best transportation means in Indonesia is bus. Compared to having stuck congestion on the street and paying more, most local residents prefer to travel by bus. The number of buses available is also quite a lot with buses arriving almost every 15 minutes. One thing I suggest is book your bus ticket first from Book your bus ticket now and plan a fun holiday.


Jakarta is one of the most important cities in Indonesia and is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. The country of Indonesia consists of over 13,000 islands and has a total population of over 180 million people. The city consists of 300 different ethnic groups speaking in 200 different languages. Therefore, Jakarta is famous as one of the most diverse population cities in the whole of Indonesia. This magnificent city has long been designated as a special province consisting of Jabodetabek and has a total area of ​​approximately 637 km 2. The location of this city is very strategic has played an important role in conducting business with international countries. Within this city there are many government buildings, commercial centers and major industrial centers. The city of Jakarta has also succeeded in establishing a wide communication network within the city and to various cities in the country, as well as with the outside world. This city is known by tourists as a gateway to Indonesia.

The journey between Kota Kebumen and Kota Jakarta will take about 7 hours and 15 minutes by bus. The bus operators operating on this route are Senar Jaya. You can take a bus from Kebumen Bus Station. Buses leave daily at 17.30pm. The price of economy class ticket in AC Bus will cost around Rp 70.000, -.

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    Additri84  39, Male, Indonesia - 4 entries
Nov 2017
1:54 AM IST


Kebumen is one of the cities located on the island of Java and is the capital of Kebumen District. The city has a population of about 122,000 people. In recent years, the city has become the administrative center. The city is quite famous for its very unique culture and its people are warm enough and friendly to welcome the tourists who come. Has a total area of ​​about 203 miles 2 , the city is in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean. Most of the people who live here are Javanese and the majority religion here is Islam. The city is rich in food crops especially rice, soybean and coconut plantations.Some of the best tourist attractions you can visit in Kebumen are Menganti Beach, Jatijajar Cave, Van der Wijck Castle and also Karang Bolong Beach. The weather in this city is quite comfortable because it ranges from 24 o Celsius throughout the year, and this is also what makes the city cooler than other cities in Indonesia.

One of the best transportation means in Indonesia is bus. Compared to having stuck congestion on the street and paying more, most local residents prefer to travel by bus. The number of buses available is also quite a lot with buses arriving almost every 15 minutes. One thing I suggest is book your bus ticket first from redbus.idbecause every day bus tickets were sold out quickly. This website offers tickets at a wide range of buses such as economy, express and VIP. Travel by bus will cost between Rp 50.000, - to Rp 200.000, - it all depends on the class of buses booked.I recommend you to book an express bus because this type of bus has fewer stops and will certainly take you to the destination faster, if you are being chased the time. You can book a ticket on an economy bus, if you're saving your spending. The VIP bus is a separate bus class with seating and is equipped with movies and snacks. Book your bus ticket now and plan a fun holiday.


Jakarta is one of the most important cities in Indonesia and is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. The country of Indonesia consists of over 13,000 islands and has a total population of over 180 million people. The city consists of 300 different ethnic groups speaking in 200 different languages. Therefore, Jakarta is famous as one of the most diverse population cities in the whole of Indonesia. This magnificent city has long been designated as a special province consisting of Jabodetabek and has a total area of ​​approximately 637 km 2. The location of this city is very strategic has played an important role in conducting business with international countries. Within this city there are many government buildings, commercial centers and major industrial centers. The city of Jakarta has also succeeded in establishing a wide communication network within the city and to various cities in the country, as well as with the outside world. This city is known by tourists as a gateway to Indonesia.

The journey between Kota Kebumen and Kota Jakarta will take about 7 hours and 15 minutes by bus. The bus operators operating on this route are Senar Jaya. You can take a bus from Kebumen Bus Station. Buses leave daily at 17.30pm. The price of economy class ticket in AC Bus will cost around Rp 70.000, -.

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    Additri84  39, Male, Indonesia - 4 entries
Nov 2017
1:54 AM IST

Bepergian Naik Bus dari Kebumen Menuju Jakarta


Kebumen is one of the cities located on the island of Java and is the capital of Kebumen District. The city has a population of about 122,000 people. In recent years, the city has become the administrative center. The city is quite famous for its very unique culture and its people are warm enough and friendly to welcome the tourists who come. Has a total area of ​​about 203 miles 2, the city is in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean. Most of the people who live here are Javanese and the majority religion here is Islam. The city is rich in food crops especially rice, soybean and coconut plantations. Some of the best tourist attractions you can visit in Kebumen are Menganti Beach, Jatijajar Cave, Van der Wijck Castle and also Karang Bolong Beach. Weather in this city is quite comfortable because it Celcius year-round, and this is also what makes this city cooler than other cities in Indonesia.

One of the best transportation means in Indonesia is bus. Compared to having stuck congestion on the street and paying more, most local residents prefer to travel by bus. The number of buses available is also quite a lot with buses arriving almost every 15 minutes. One thing I suggest is book your bus ticket first from Book your bus ticket now and plan a fun holiday.


Jakarta adalah salah satu kota yang paling penting di Indonesia dan merupakan ibu kota Negara Republik Indonesia. Negara Indonesia terdiri lebih dari 13.000 pulau dan memiliki total jumlah penduduk lebih dari 180 juta jiwa. Kota ini terdiri dari 300 kelompok etnis yang berbeda yang berbicara dalam 200 bahasa yang berbeda. Oleh karena itulah, Jakarta terkenal sebagai salah satu kota yang memiliki populasi penduduk paling beragam di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kota yang megah ini telah lama ditetapkan sebagai sebuah provinsi khusus yang terdiri dari Jabodetabek dan memiliki total luas daerah sekitar 637 km2. The location of this city is very strategic has played an important role in conducting business with international countries. Within this city there are many government buildings, commercial centers and major industrial centers. The city of Jakarta has also succeeded in establishing a wide communication network within the city and to various cities in the country, as well as with the outside world. This city is known by tourists as a gateway to Indonesia.

The journey between Kota Kebumen and Kota Jakarta will take about 7 hours and 15 minutes by bus. The bus operators operating on this route are Senar Jaya. You can take a bus from Kebumen Bus Station. Buses leave daily at 17.30pm. The price of economy class ticket in AC Bus will cost around Rp 70.000, -.

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    anashi  36, Female, Malaysia - First entry!
Nov 2017
2:05 AM IST

A Bus Ride from Golden Mile Tower to Brinchang Hotel

Completed in the year 1974 Golden Mile Tower is basically a commercial property that is solely intended as an office space and also doubles up as a Bus Boarding Point. It is a 24 storey building with its ground floor exclusively dedicated for boarding and arrival of buses. There are quite a few coffee shops located on the ground level for you to sip on some coffee while your bus arrives. Not to forget if you reach too early there is also a moview theatre here with a seating capacity of about 1500. You can catch up on your favourite movies here to kill time. The tower is located in one of the most prime areas of Singapore and is quite easy to reach via an Intercity Bus. In the vicinity of Golden Mile tower there are shopping malls like Bugis Junction, Bugis Cube and the very popular Suntek City Mall. After my journey in Singapore came to an end I was convinced that my next destination was Cameron Highland. The distance between the two bus points was about 448 kms and the duration of the journey was about 9 to 10 hours depending on the traffic condition.

One of the most major bus arrival stands in Cameron Highland is Brinchang Hotel. I figured that this is the best place for a bus to arrive as you can just check out from your bus and check in to your hotel in a matter of minutes. After a tiring Bus journey this place serves as one of the best spots for some refreshments and much needed rest. I booked my bus tickets through Since I booked my tickets almost a week in advance I could get a window seat. The process of booking seats becomes quite easy because of the 3D representation. There were only 2 operators, Konsortium and The One Travel and Tours plying on the route beteen these two bus boarding and arrival points. There were about 6 buses from Konsortium plying throughout the day on this route. Surprisingly, all of the 6 buses had the same departure time that was 10 PM in the night.
There were about 15 to 20 seats in a Bus which was the main reason as to why they had to ply six buses. Each of these seats had ample of leg room and elbow space. The seats were equipped with modern facilities like two bottle holders, charging point and LED entertainment screens. The cost of ticket per head was SGD55. The One Travel and Tours had about two buses plying throughout the entire day one was at 8:30 pm and the other one at 10:30 pm. If I were in your place I would book the 10:30 pm to escape the notorious city traffic. This Bus was a mini Bus and the cost of the ticket per head was SGD42. My experience with Konsortium was quite pleasant. You have to travel in order to experience the same.
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    afreen  40, Female, India - First entry!
Nov 2017
4:28 AM IST

5 Street Shops Spread across India

Street market or flea markets act as a boon peculiarly for folks whose notion of traveling or discovering the city means to replenish their bag with souvenirs. The nearby culture, the pleasant of what is within the fashion and for obvious the dirt-inexpensive premiums are the motives, which make roadside markets the sort of hit amongst home, overseas travellers and the neighbourhood crowd too.

Visiting to cities of India is consistently possible by means of buses. Booking on-line bus tickets makes your journey less complicated, while you order tickets from, all your concerns get resolved and tensions are removed instantly!

Simply read on to search out the record of top street markets in India, which you must go and keep from, should you prefer street browsing a lot!

Night market, Goa: The Arpora Saturday night Market is the most going down and energetic market in Goa, which begins after six within the evening.

Sarojini Market, Delhi: This market sells huge quantity of export material. This flea market is as a rule the first-class avenue market that you just would spot in the capital city. The market is normally thinking about modern-day fashion garments, luggage, and footwear at dust-low-priced costs.

Commercial Street, Bangalore: The spectacular and fancy streets of this flea market caters the quality of fashion. The market may be very good organized and it has bought a class, which differentiates this place from the clich of local markets in India.

Colaba, Mumbai: A road market in Mumbai, which is jam, filled with now not just the local people however with the fashionistas of the city too. That you can entirely believe this high-fashion market of Mumbai to keep your dresser full of contemporary stuff without burning a gap to your pocket.

Baapu Bazar, Jaipur: centred within the historic metropolis a part of Rajasthan, Baapu Bazaar includes nice Rajasthani handicrafts. That you may fill your browsing baggage with the bedsheets, Jaipuri jutti (ethnic shoes) and lots of matters which are more ethnic.

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    smithdebin  36, Male, India - First entry!
Sep 2018
5:58 AM IST

Occupy any 3 Ideal Hotels near Shivajinagar, Pune

Pune is the capital city of Maharashtra, recognized as one of the most important cities of India. The city consisting of less crowd and the moderate-paced lifestyle serves as a great travel destination filled with adventure and excitement. As a major destination of travel, this city displays many attractions and thus witnesses a good number of tourists/visitors every year. Visitors flock to the city or commute from Pune to other location via railways, busways or airways. Pune offers a good number of accommodation selection spread across in various parts of the city.

This beautiful city holds a modern infrastructure enabling travellers to stay at their convenient location anywhere in Pune, considering Shivajinagar area ass one of the most preferred place to take up an accommodation. As, this area comprises of a busy railway station and bus stand creating a major public communication scene. In addition, people prefer to opt for hotels in Shivajinagar and access all other the commercial places around it. Finding hotels in Shivajinagar, Pune is not a difficult job, as you can look up online accomodations in redbus hotels and choose an ideal stay within your budget. Browsing several categories of hotels listed at discounted rates and undergoing an easy room booking procedure will be of no hassle. Simply carry your booking confirmation copy in the hotel premises and enjoy your stay!

Pune has a flourishing industrial and economical structure attracting various types of travellers all throughout the year. Whereas, Shivajinagar area is lined up with restaurants (food at reasonable price), shops and an ample accessibility to active public transportation like the city bus service. The constant public transport activity makes it one of the most bustling areas in Pune that is frequented by the number of people on regular basis. The accommodation around the region offers all basic amenities and most of them are budget friendly. Some of the pros of staying around this place includes, locating yourself in the busy area of Shivajinagar, visiting all points of interests and access other locations without any difficulty. Here is a list of hotels mentioned below just to ensure a friendly stay in Shivajinagar and help you to choose an appropriate accommodation option offering a good location. These stays in Shivajinagar can be booked online and be assured as they are decently priced.

1. Hotel Sanman: The hotel offers culinary creativity and all other amenities at an affordable cost.

2. The Pride Hotel: This is a hotel that offers easy access to shopping centres, banks, post office, parks, restaurants, the world renowned BKS Iyengar Yoga Institute in close vicinity.� Besides, the Pune airport and railway station is located at a close distance.

3. Hotel Span Executive:� This is a boutique hotel, ideal stay choice for the ones looking for a little luxury at a decent price. Located very close to the Shivajinagar railway station. It is situated in a business hub in Pune offering a proximity to the railway station. The hotel deliver warm hospitality and ensures that you have a great stay experience.
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    rachelkim  39, Male, Indonesia - First entry!
Oct 2018
2:31 AM IST

Destinasi Wisata Terbaik untuk Meremajakan Diri dari Stress yang Ada di Indonesia

Mari kita lihat beberapa tempat keren untuk bersantai di Indonesia. Mulai dari hotel yang sangat terkenal di Nusa Dua yang memiliki beberapa pantai terkenal sampai kota Yogyakarta yaitu kota yang tidak dapat dilewatkan karena memiliki sejarah pembentukan Jawa dan fokus sosialnya, serta kota Bandung yang luar biasa, permata kepulauan Indonesia.

Tip Perjalanan: Jangan pernah lupa untuk naik transportasi bus ketika di Indonesia, transportasi lawas dan dapat beristirahat dengan tenang selama perjalanan. Pekerjaan jadi berkurang ketika anda dapat memesan tiket secara online dari� , ketika memesan disini anda jadi memiliki lebih banyak waktu dan membuat anda dapat memilih lebih leluasa dari beragam jenis transportasi yang banyak. Buat perjalanan anda menjadi sensasional!

Di sini, ketika muncul pertanyaan dimana sebaiknya mencari tempat untuk bersantai maka anda akan dapat menemukan tempat terbaik di mana segalanya, semua tempat mudah diakses. Cukup jauhkan kekhawatiran anda, karena ada 5 keputusan Hotel terbaik di Indonesia yang dapat anda pilih dan kami diberikan di bawah ini. Tempat-tempat ini akan membantu menendang anda untuk memulai perjalanan baru anda dengan sukses.

The Jayakarta Bali: Hotel ini memiliki keseimbangan antara taman-taman kaya nan indah yang terletak di Pantai Legian, dan memiliki kemahsyuran dengan pemandangan matahari terbenam yang menakjubkan. Sambil menawarkan kedamaian dan ketenangan, untuk tempat berbelanja, dan tempat menstimulasikan diri dapat dengan mudah diakses hanya dengan berjalan kaki dari hotel. Fasilitas yang ada di hotel ini yaitu kolam renang, kolam renang anak, taman bermain anak, pusat kebugaran, spa dan pijat, lapangan tenis, dan fasilitas untuk konferensi dan perjamuan.

Sheraton Hotel and Towers: Anda dapat merasakan setiap aktivitas anda disini sama seperti tempat beristirahat di rumah anda sendiri ketika menginap di Sheraton, kamar dan suite yang baru direnovasi dengan ruang yang dibuat dengan penuh perhatian memberi anda kesempatan untuk tetap berhubungan dengan semua teman dan keluarga anda. Terletak di jantung komersial yang berkembang dan berada di daerah perumahan utama di Jakarta Selatan. Hotel ini memiliki kolam renang outdoor sendiri dengan pemandangan kota yang menakjubkan di mana para tamu dapat menikmati minuman di bar. Hotel ini merupakan bagian dari kompleks blok super, yang menawarkan pusat perbelanjaan ritel, kantor serta pusat konvensi dan pameran. Setiap kamar hotel dilengkapi dengan fasilitas modern seperti TV layar datar serta area tempat duduk yang nyaman untuk bersantai setelah menghadapi hari yang sibuk. Tidak perlu pergi ke kafe untuk minum kopi, karena anda akan menemukan teko di kamar itu sendiri.
Selain itu salah satu yang perlu diapresiasi yaitu ada keuntungan tambahan dari Towers Lounge.

The Park Lane Jakarta: Tempat-tempat yang penuh daya tarik, Mall Ambassador, Mall Ciputra World Lotte Shopping Avenue, Kuningan City, ITC Kuningan, ITC Ambassador, Mall @ Kota Kasablanka, Mall @ Bassura City merupakan tempat-tempat untuk objek wisata berada di dekat hotel ini. Hotel ini terkenal dengan butiknya, dan juga menonjolkan warna-warna yang berpasir di semua ruang terbuka dan juga memiliki tempat privat yang besar yang berangin sejuk. Pintu masuk Lobi dan resepsi juga cukup besar.

Century Park Hotel: Hotel ini terletak di dekat kawasan pusat bisnis Jakarta dan hanya beberapa langkah dari pusat perbelanjaan paling bergengsi. Hotel ini adalah tempat yang sempurna untuk melakukan pertemuan bisnis dan juga untuk tujuan rekreasi.

Novotel: Novotel mengakomodasi 156 kamar penginapan, dan juga menawarkan ruang untuk pertemuan bisnis bersama dengan kenyamanan bagi pengunjung. Hotel ini terdiri dari pusat kebugaran, spa, klub anak-anak, dan sebuah restoran di mana anda dapat menikmati makan malam atau minuman di Lounge Bar.
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    Rihana  34, Female, India - First entry!
Nov 2018
1:52 AM IST

Travel Pune to Baroda by Bus (H.K. Travels)

Some people say that the history and trade of a city decides the snapshot and its type. Being the social capital of Maharashtra a lot may also be ascribed to the best historical past of this location, which has given the nation pioneers like Shivaji and Lokmanya Tilak. Some of the high getaways from Pune are the slopes and the forts around it. There are quite a lot of interesting recorded attractions simplest a short distance from Pune that can be noticeable over a pair days, in the occasion that you simply effectively put together your time proper.

Pune is very famous for the Dagdusheth Ganapati Temple.

This temple has a beautiful ambience. Anybody who visits Pune, must pay a visit to this temple. People from different places visit this temple to offer thanksgivings when their prayers are heard. This is what makes this temple very famous. It is a very peaceful place to visit. Cannot forget to mention that you must visit this place on week days as it is crowded with people on Tuesdays and weekends.

Amanora Mall is also one of the attractions of this city. It is one of the best malls in the city. There are plenty of shopping options and also available is the food court on the 7th floor.

Alternatively, Baroda certainly overpowers because of its myriad attractions. Exciting history, bustling shopping streets and regional food are some of the attractive things that pull visitors to this place. Although, there are numerous ways of reaching Baroda from Pune, a bus ride will be the most exciting one, as you are going to surpass scenic hamlets, historic constructions and alluring fields.

Traveling from Pune to Baroda is quite convenient since it has some major bus terminals. I booked online bus tickets from at cheaper rates. I opted for an AC Sleeper bus owned by H.K. Travels. The road journey turned out to be a pleasant one! I boarded the bus from Pune at around 7pm and reached Baroda at 5am.The distance between Pune and Vadodara (Baroda) is 420.0.

kms by road. H.K. Travels bus was very clean and comfortable, it gave rest stops too.

There are many bus-boarding points in Pune like Padmavati Parking, Ashray Hotel, Shankar Sheth Road, Fatima Nagar, Wakadewadi, Nashik Phata, Chinchwad, Nigdi and many more. Travelling by bus is easy due to many bus terminals in the city. Besides, the smooth connectivity of roadways help commuters to take up a bus without any hassle. My journey by bus was amazing and the bus staff was very cooperative and helpful.

Baroda or now known as Vadodara is a beautiful city and also known as the Garden City. We came across many gardens even as we were travelling on road Pune to Baroda.� It is also famous as an Educational Base of Gujarat. I found the Planetarium quite interesting in this city. It tours you around the Global Solar System. The best time to visit this city is during Navratri, when the entire city is lit up with colourful lights and the Amba Mata worshipped all across with dance and music, followed by Dussehra that is the 10th day of the Navratri festival.
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