Additri84's Journal

Nov 2017
1:51 AM IST

Bepergian Naik Bus dari Kebumen Menuju Jakarta


Kebumen is one of the cities located on the island of Java and is the capital of Kebumen District. The city has a population of about 122,000 people. In recent years, the city has become the administrative center. The city is quite famous for its very unique culture and its people are warm enough and friendly to welcome the tourists who come. Has a total area of ​​about 203 miles 2, the city is in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean. Most of the people who live here are Javanese and the majority religion here is Islam. The city is rich in food crops especially rice, soybean and coconut plantations. Some of the best tourist attractions you can visit in Kebumen are Menganti Beach, Jatijajar Cave, Van der Wijck Castle and also Karang Bolong Beach. The weather in this city is quite comfortable because it ranges from 24 o Celsius throughout the year, and this is also what makes the city cooler than other cities in Indonesia.

One of the best transportation means in Indonesia is bus. Compared to having stuck congestion on the street and paying more, most local residents prefer to travel by bus. The number of buses available is also quite a lot with buses arriving almost every 15 minutes. One thing I suggest is book your bus ticket first from karena tiket bus setiap hari terjual habis dengan cepat. Website ini menawarkan tiket dengan harga diskon yang besar dan Anda memiliki pilihan untuk memilih dari berbagai macam bus seperti ekonomi, ekspres dan VIP. Perjalanan dengan menggunakan bus akan menghabiskan biaya antara Rp 50.000,- sampai Rp 200.000,- semuanya tergantung dari kelas bus yang dipesan. Saya merekomendasikan Anda untuk memesan bus ekspres karena jenis bus ini memiliki lebih sedikit pemberhentian dan tentunya akan membawa Anda ke tempat tujuan lebih cepat, jika Anda sedang dikejar waktu. Anda bisa memesan tiket di bus ekonomi, jika Anda sedang menghemat pengeluaran Anda. Bus VIP adalah kelas bus terpisah dengan tempat duduk dan dilengkapi dengan film dan makanan ringan. Pesanlah tiket bus Anda sekarang dan rencakanlah liburan yang menyenangkan.


Jakarta adalah salah satu kota yang paling penting di Indonesia dan merupakan ibu kota Negara Republik Indonesia. Negara Indonesia terdiri lebih dari 13.000 pulau dan memiliki total jumlah penduduk lebih dari 180 juta jiwa. Kota ini terdiri dari 300 kelompok etnis yang berbeda yang berbicara dalam 200 bahasa yang berbeda. Oleh karena itulah, Jakarta terkenal sebagai salah satu kota yang memiliki populasi penduduk paling beragam di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kota yang megah ini telah lama ditetapkan sebagai sebuah provinsi khusus yang terdiri dari Jabodetabek dan memiliki total luas daerah sekitar 637 km2. Lokasi kota ini yang sangat strategis telah memegang peranan penting dalam menjalankan bisnis dengan negara-negara internasional. Di dalam kota ini terdapat banyak bangunan pemerintah, pusat komersial dan pusat industri utama. Kota Jakarta juga telah berhasil membangun jaringan komunikasi yang luas di dalam kota dan ke berbagai kota di dalam negeri, serta dengan dunia luar. Kota ini memang dikenal oleh para wisatawan sebagai pintu gerbang menuju Indonesia.

Perjalanan antara Kota Kebumen dan Kota Jakarta akan menghabiskan waktu sekitar 7 jam dan 15 menit dengan menggunakan bus. Operator bus yang beroperasi pada rute ini adalah Senar Jaya. Anda bisa naik bus dari Terminal Bus Kebumen. Bus berangkat setiap hari tepat pada pukul 17.30 sore hari. Harga tiket kelas ekonomi di Bus AC akan menghabiskan biaya sekitar Rp 70.000,-.

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Nov 2017
1:52 AM IST

Bepergian Naik Bus dari Kebumen Menuju Jakarta


Kebumen is one of the cities located on the island of Java and is the capital of Kebumen District. The city has a population of about 122,000 people. In recent years, the city has become the administrative center. The city is quite famous for its very unique culture and its people are warm enough and friendly to welcome the tourists who come. Has a total area of ​​about 203 miles 2, the city is in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean. Most of the people who live here are Javanese and the majority religion here is Islam. The city is rich in food crops especially rice, soybean and coconut plantations. Some of the best tourist attractions you can visit in Kebumen are Menganti Beach, Jatijajar Cave, Van der Wijck Castle and also Karang Bolong Beach. Weather in this city is quite comfortable because it Celcius year-round, and this is also what makes this city cooler than other cities in Indonesia.

One of the best transportation means in Indonesia is bus. Compared to having stuck congestion on the street and paying more, most local residents prefer to travel by bus. The number of buses available is also quite a lot with buses arriving almost every 15 minutes. One thing I suggest is book your bus ticket first from Book your bus ticket now and plan a fun holiday.


Jakarta is one of the most important cities in Indonesia and is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. The country of Indonesia consists of over 13,000 islands and has a total population of over 180 million people. The city consists of 300 different ethnic groups speaking in 200 different languages. Therefore, Jakarta is famous as one of the most diverse population cities in the whole of Indonesia. This magnificent city has long been designated as a special province consisting of Jabodetabek and has a total area of ​​approximately 637 km 2. The location of this city is very strategic has played an important role in conducting business with international countries. Within this city there are many government buildings, commercial centers and major industrial centers. The city of Jakarta has also succeeded in establishing a wide communication network within the city and to various cities in the country, as well as with the outside world. This city is known by tourists as a gateway to Indonesia.

The journey between Kota Kebumen and Kota Jakarta will take about 7 hours and 15 minutes by bus. The bus operators operating on this route are Senar Jaya. You can take a bus from Kebumen Bus Station. Buses leave daily at 17.30pm. The price of economy class ticket in AC Bus will cost around Rp 70.000, -.

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Nov 2017
1:54 AM IST


Kebumen is one of the cities located on the island of Java and is the capital of Kebumen District. The city has a population of about 122,000 people. In recent years, the city has become the administrative center. The city is quite famous for its very unique culture and its people are warm enough and friendly to welcome the tourists who come. Has a total area of ​​about 203 miles 2 , the city is in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean. Most of the people who live here are Javanese and the majority religion here is Islam. The city is rich in food crops especially rice, soybean and coconut plantations.Some of the best tourist attractions you can visit in Kebumen are Menganti Beach, Jatijajar Cave, Van der Wijck Castle and also Karang Bolong Beach. The weather in this city is quite comfortable because it ranges from 24 o Celsius throughout the year, and this is also what makes the city cooler than other cities in Indonesia.

One of the best transportation means in Indonesia is bus. Compared to having stuck congestion on the street and paying more, most local residents prefer to travel by bus. The number of buses available is also quite a lot with buses arriving almost every 15 minutes. One thing I suggest is book your bus ticket first from redbus.idbecause every day bus tickets were sold out quickly. This website offers tickets at a wide range of buses such as economy, express and VIP. Travel by bus will cost between Rp 50.000, - to Rp 200.000, - it all depends on the class of buses booked.I recommend you to book an express bus because this type of bus has fewer stops and will certainly take you to the destination faster, if you are being chased the time. You can book a ticket on an economy bus, if you're saving your spending. The VIP bus is a separate bus class with seating and is equipped with movies and snacks. Book your bus ticket now and plan a fun holiday.


Jakarta is one of the most important cities in Indonesia and is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. The country of Indonesia consists of over 13,000 islands and has a total population of over 180 million people. The city consists of 300 different ethnic groups speaking in 200 different languages. Therefore, Jakarta is famous as one of the most diverse population cities in the whole of Indonesia. This magnificent city has long been designated as a special province consisting of Jabodetabek and has a total area of ​​approximately 637 km 2. The location of this city is very strategic has played an important role in conducting business with international countries. Within this city there are many government buildings, commercial centers and major industrial centers. The city of Jakarta has also succeeded in establishing a wide communication network within the city and to various cities in the country, as well as with the outside world. This city is known by tourists as a gateway to Indonesia.

The journey between Kota Kebumen and Kota Jakarta will take about 7 hours and 15 minutes by bus. The bus operators operating on this route are Senar Jaya. You can take a bus from Kebumen Bus Station. Buses leave daily at 17.30pm. The price of economy class ticket in AC Bus will cost around Rp 70.000, -.

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Nov 2017
1:54 AM IST

Bepergian Naik Bus dari Kebumen Menuju Jakarta


Kebumen is one of the cities located on the island of Java and is the capital of Kebumen District. The city has a population of about 122,000 people. In recent years, the city has become the administrative center. The city is quite famous for its very unique culture and its people are warm enough and friendly to welcome the tourists who come. Has a total area of ​​about 203 miles 2, the city is in the vicinity of the Indian Ocean. Most of the people who live here are Javanese and the majority religion here is Islam. The city is rich in food crops especially rice, soybean and coconut plantations. Some of the best tourist attractions you can visit in Kebumen are Menganti Beach, Jatijajar Cave, Van der Wijck Castle and also Karang Bolong Beach. Weather in this city is quite comfortable because it Celcius year-round, and this is also what makes this city cooler than other cities in Indonesia.

One of the best transportation means in Indonesia is bus. Compared to having stuck congestion on the street and paying more, most local residents prefer to travel by bus. The number of buses available is also quite a lot with buses arriving almost every 15 minutes. One thing I suggest is book your bus ticket first from Book your bus ticket now and plan a fun holiday.


Jakarta adalah salah satu kota yang paling penting di Indonesia dan merupakan ibu kota Negara Republik Indonesia. Negara Indonesia terdiri lebih dari 13.000 pulau dan memiliki total jumlah penduduk lebih dari 180 juta jiwa. Kota ini terdiri dari 300 kelompok etnis yang berbeda yang berbicara dalam 200 bahasa yang berbeda. Oleh karena itulah, Jakarta terkenal sebagai salah satu kota yang memiliki populasi penduduk paling beragam di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kota yang megah ini telah lama ditetapkan sebagai sebuah provinsi khusus yang terdiri dari Jabodetabek dan memiliki total luas daerah sekitar 637 km2. The location of this city is very strategic has played an important role in conducting business with international countries. Within this city there are many government buildings, commercial centers and major industrial centers. The city of Jakarta has also succeeded in establishing a wide communication network within the city and to various cities in the country, as well as with the outside world. This city is known by tourists as a gateway to Indonesia.

The journey between Kota Kebumen and Kota Jakarta will take about 7 hours and 15 minutes by bus. The bus operators operating on this route are Senar Jaya. You can take a bus from Kebumen Bus Station. Buses leave daily at 17.30pm. The price of economy class ticket in AC Bus will cost around Rp 70.000, -.

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Additri84's Profile

  • Username: Additri84
  • Gender / Age: Male, 38
  • Location: Indonesia