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    Felix00  30, Female, Singapore - First entry!
Dec 2018
4:44 AM IST

Travel by bus to Kamper from Little India

Little India is one of the most famous districts in Singapore which is popular amongst tourists for its low priced good quality products. It shows Singapore’s vibrant shopping culture on the entire street. Little India once was a racecourse full of cattle herders. There are several outlets here selling flower garlands as well as dirt-cheap electronics at the same place. Apart from this, the street is full of modern eateries and boutique hotels.� One thing worth noticing is that the religious establishments of 3 different religions, Hindu, Muslim and Christianity. Do not forget to stop and eat at one of the famous eateries in Little India.�
A visit to this place was never on my wish list but I decided to visit this place after I came across it online while booking my bus tickets from, which showed Little India as a bus boarding point. Make sure that you visit the Tekka Centre, which is quite famous in Little India and across the rest of Singapore for its large selection of hawker stalls. In addition, a bright yellow and orange warehouse sells products at excellent prices especially if you want to buy fresh produce in bulk. If you are looking to buy quality products, fabric and materials Tekka Centre is definitely one of the places that you should visit.�
On the second floor of this establishment, you will find a sea of Chinese, Indian, Malaysian and Singaporean hawker stalls that serve cheap and tasty dishes in rather rough and ready surroundings. For those who have a sweet tooth it is worth hunting down this eatery called Chi Kak, which serves pale rice with a filling paste of sugared beans. Try this dish once and you will definitely order it one more time. I did!!� There are also plenty of drinks that you can have ranging from squeezed limesoda to fresh juices.� The centre may not have all the frills and decorations like other hawker centres but it offers a great choice of unusual dishes, which is one of the most fantastic ways to experience the whole of Little India on a single plate.�
There were about 3 Operators plying on the route between Little India and Kamper. The One Travel and Tours, Starmart Express and Transstar were some of the popular ones. The One Travel and Tours had about 4 buses plying throughout the day with the first one departing at 11:00 am in the morning. There were about 3 more buses between 11:00 am to 10:30 pm from this Operator.� Starmart Express has about 4 buses plying throughout the day with fares starting from SGD40.� I prefer travelling through the One Travel and Tours as my previous experience with this Operator was great and the staff was quite interactive. This Operator operates only the Executive class of buses and if you wish to travel in a luxury bus, you will have to book either the Starmart Express or Transstar. The fares for both these Operators start from SGD60.�
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    anav  49, Female, Serbia and Montenegro - First entry!
Dec 2018
9:41 AM CEST

How I solved dry skin problems with a Humidifier

Each winter, for as long as I can remember when the temperature drops and the air becomes dry, my skin also becomes dry and cracks on my hands and fingers.

How did I finally solve that? Easy, with a humidifier.

Where did I learn about the benefits of having a properly humidified room or entire home? I stumbled upon a blog that talks about how humidity affects our lives and how we need to control it in the environment we live.

And, to be honest, I learned a lot of things there, but what's most important? The humidifier helped me with my winter dry skin problems in like under a week!�

All you have to do is set it at 55%, leave it working, and take a shorter shower with water cooler than usual. Apply skin moisturizer while the skin is still damp, and then relax in the properly humidified room with a book for example.

And, don't forget to avoid dehydrating beverages like coffee and soda. They drain the water from your body.
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    thinguyen14  29, Male, Georgia, USA - 2 entries
Dec 2018
10:12 AM +07


When shopping for a new Sony LED TV in Singapore, it’s important that you get the full value for your money. To make sure you get your money’s worth, consider the technology integrated into the TV, the right size, and the picture quality.

LED Technology

LED comes in two variants: standard and edge-lit. Standard LEDs utilize a grid behind the panel to light the display. Meanwhile, edge-lit models allow the LEDs to be placed around the display's perimeter instead of behind it. They are also thinner than a standard LED TVs, so mounting them is a breeze. Whether you’re watching movies, TV shows, or anything else, LED technology displays a stunning picture. Their displays offer deep blacks, vibrant whites, and spot-on accurate colors.

Right Size

Unless you have a limited room space or money in your pockets, if you choose between a 55-inch and a 60-inch Sony LED TV, you are more likely better off with the bigger screen. To determine the right size for your room, try calculating the distance between your couch and the wall by 0.84. For example, if you sit five feet away from the TV, the recommended size would be a 60-inch screen.

Picture Quality

If you are in the market for a Sony LED TV that is 40 inches or larger, don't select anything under�1080p�resolution, which is 1920x1080 pixels high. For smaller screens, you may not be able to tell the difference between 1080p and 720p. Despite having a 1080p resolution, you shouldn't expect that it will display the full HD effect on your LED TV unless you are watching an HD movie on Blu-ray or playing a Sony PlayStation console video game. Bear in mind that standard TV broadcasts and DVD players won't always give you 1080p HD quality.
Visit: iPrice�

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    brutuzz  25, Male, Indonesia - First entry!
Dec 2018
5:22 AM WIB

harga samsung j7 prime

Sebagai salah satu merek yang cukup terkenal di Industri smartphone, Samsung telah banyak menelurkan berbagai varian smartphone dengan berbagai type. Salah satunya yang cukup terkenal dan masih banyak dicari hingga sekarang adalah smartphone dari kelas menengah yakni Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime. Hadir di lini papan tengah, harga Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime ini pun dibanderol cukup terjangkau. Kendati demikian, spesifikasi smartphone ini tak murahan.

Hal tersebut menjadi bukti konsistensi Samsung sebagai salah satu perusahaan elektronik terbesar di dunia. Tak heran jika seluruh dunia lantas mengakui keunggulan produk keluaran vendor asal Korea Selatan tersebut. Samsung sendiri merupakan perusahaan yang didirikan oleh Lee Byung-chull pada tanggal 1 Maret 1938 di Daegu, Korea Selatan. Meski dikenal gencar mengeluarkan produk untuk kelas atas, Samsung juga tak lantas melupakan konsumen kelas menengah. Hal itu dibuktikannya dengan merilis smartphone untuk kelas menengah, yakni Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime resmi dirilis pada tahun 2016 lalu dan menjadi salah satu smartphone terlaris Samsung di Indonesia. Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime hadir untuk bersaing dipasar smartphone kelas menengah. Kesuksesan ini memang cukup wajar, karena harga Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime terbilang miring mengingat ponsel ini memiliki desain mewah dan spesifikasi mumpuni.

Dari semua varian seri Samsung J Prime, Galaxy J7 Prime merupakan varian dengan spesifikasi yang cukup tinggi dibanding 2 varian lainnya yang di rilis oleh Samsung, yakni Galaxy J2 Prime dan Galaxy J5 Prime. Nah, berikut ini rangkum dari berbagai sumber, Jumat (16/11/2018),�harga Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime dan spesifikasi unggulannya.

Sebagai bentuk upgrade, harga Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime lebih mahal dibanding seri sebelumnya. Selain itu kualitas permesinannya pun lebih canggih. Untuk prosesor, Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime telah ditenagai prosesor Exynos 7870 Octa yang disokong prosessor Octa-core 1.6 GHz Cortex-A53 dan dikombinasikan dengan RAM 3 GB untuk pengoperasian yang responsif dan pastinya dapat memberikan kinerja yang powerfull.

Untuk tampilan grafis, Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime menggunakan GPU Mali-T8300MP2 yang memiliki kualitas sangat baik. Semua komponen canggih ini berjala diatas Platform OS Android 6.0.1 dan dapat diupgrade ke sistem operasi terbaru.

Harga Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime yang ditujukan untuk kelas menengah tak lantas membuat ponsel ini dibekali spesifikasi yang biasa saja. Buktinya, Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime memiliki memori internal yang cukup besar yakni 32 GB ditambah slot microSD yang dapat digunakan untuk memperluas penyimpanan mencapai 256 GB dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan banyak file.

Untuk menyokong semua kebutuhan daya saat smartphone dioperasikan Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime dibekali daya baterai dengan kapasitas besar 3300 mAh yang diklaim dapat bertahan selama satu hari penuh untuk pengunaan normal. Baterai tersebut bersifat Non-Removable

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    bella352  44, Male, Indonesia - First entry!
Dec 2018
3:58 AM IST

Pengalaman Berlibur dengan Transportasi Murah Seharga Rp 160.000 ke Kota Lumpia Semarang dari Kota K

Bandung, yang mana merupakan ibu kota Provinsi Jawa Barat di Indonesia. Meskipun kota ini secara mengejutkan memiliki populasi lebih dari 2 juta jiwa, saya merasa bahwa laju kehidupan disini cukup lambat dan bebas stres dibandingkan dengan Jakarta. Bagian terbaik tentang Kota Kembang Bandung adalah terletak di dataran tinggi 768 meter di atas permukaan laut dengan titik tertinggi berada di sebelah utara dengan ketinggian 1.050 meter di atas permukaan laut dan sebelah selatan merupakan kawasan rendah dengan ketinggian 675 meter di atas permukaan laut. Tempat ini memiliki iklim yang sejuk sepanjang tahun dengan suhu rata-rata 23.5 derajat Celcius dan merupakan kota Eropa nya Pulau Jawa. Jika anda merencanakan liburan di sini, satu hal yang patut dicatat adalah bahwa musim hujan di sini mulai relatif lebih awal daripada daerah lain di Indonesia. Hujan biasanya turun dari bulan Oktober hingga Mei tetapi Januari dianggap sebagai bulan yang memiliki tingkat hujan deras. Curah hujan rata-rata 200.4 mm dan jumlah hari hujan rata-rata 21.3 hari per bulan. Saya akan merekomendasikan anda untuk mengunjungi Bandung selama bulan Juni hingga Agustus agar anda dapat memanfaatkan waktu perjalanan anda secara efisien di sini! Temperatur Bandung pada siang hari yaitu 30 derajat Celcius dan 25 derajat Celcius pada malam hari. Matahari bersinar hampir sepanjang pagi tetapi sedikit berawan selama siang hari. Cuaca yang cukup menyenangkan sepanjang tahun, tetapi cobalah untuk mengunjungi selama bulan-bulan musim kering.
Anda juga dapat memilih beberapa perjalanan singkat ke resor gunung Lembang yang pasti terbukti akan menjadi salah satu perjalanan anda yang mengesankan. Lembang adalah satu-satunya kawah di Jawa yang dapat diakses oleh mobil sampai menuju lerengnya. Lembang adalah pemandangan menakjubkan yang dapat dilihat dari asap belerang yang memancar dengan indahnya. Anda juga akan diizinkan untuk turun ke salah satu kawah gunung berapi. Namun, anda harus melakukannya dengan bantuan panduan yang berpengalaman yang ada di tempat. Hanya 15 menit dari sini ada resor mata air panas di mana anda dapat berenang di kolam air mineral hangat, yang dikenal dapat menyembuhkan beberapa masalah kulit. Resor ini juga dikenal menyediakan pengunjung dengan bar, restoran dengan berbagai masakan, beberapa teleskop, dan sebuah hotel bergaya pondokan. Di Lembang juga terdapat wisata lainnya yaitu Puncak Punclut dan Floating Market, Farm House Susu Lembang, Observatorium Bosscha, Air terjun Maribaya, dan Desa Cikole. Setelah berjalan-jalan sekitar 7 hari, saya akan menuju ke tujuan berikutnya yaitu Semarang dengan naik Bus seperti pengalaman saya sebelumnya.�
Hanya membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 menit untuk memesan tiket bus saya secara online dari Sesuai situs web, ada tiga operator bus eksekutif dan satu operator bus mewah di rute ini. Kramat Djati Bandung, Bandung Express dan Nusantra adalah operator bus eksekutif yang melakukan perjalanan bus harian di antara kedua kota ini. Semua operator ini memiliki setidaknya 2 bus di sepanjang hari. Bus pertama Kramat Djati Bandung berangkat pada jam 14.00 siang dan dilanjutkan jam berikutnya yaitu satu jam kemudian pada jam 15.00 sore. Saya selalu bepergian dengan Kramat Djati dan cukup senang dengan pengalaman itu. Operator ini selalu memiliki bus yang bersih dan nyaman serta selalu tepat waktu dan tidak pernah terlambat. Biaya satu tiket dengan operator ini adalah sekitar Rp 160.000,- yang menurut saya cukup terjangkau dengan kualitas segala layanan yang diberikannya.
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    Bhanu00  29, Female, Singapore - First entry!
Dec 2018
2:51 AM IST

Take a bus from Hotel Fort Canning to the Pavillion Mall

Hotel Fort Canning
This is a boutique heritage hotel that was opened for the people in the year 2010, since then it has won several accolades. The hotel is known to have the highest standard of excellence and has been ranked amongst the top hotels of Asia and all over the world. The hotel has about 86 rooms and suites that have been well appointed and holds some of the most modern amenities. This luxurious hotel also has 2 huge outdoor pools and a 24/7 fitness centre.� �The building is believed to have been used as the British Far East command during World War II. The hotel is just 22 minutes away from the Changi International Airport.
The hotel has about 86 guest rooms, which is quite a low number, compared to other hotels.� However, this is because each of the rooms have been spaciously designed offering some of the best luxuries. My stay here was an experience that I would hardly ever forget. I was staying on the second floor and a base room cost me 280 SGD.��
Having travelled by bus all throughout my journey in Singapore, I found travelling by bus very convenient and since Kuala Lumpur Malaysia was next on my list, i booked a bus from Hotel Fort Canning to Kuala Lumpur. The bus stop was just 11 minutes away from my hotel and I boarded a bus from the Dhody Ghaut MRT Station Bus Stop. I booked my bus tickets online from .� The bus dropped me off to the Air Asia Bus Stop in Malaysia, which is just 4 minutes away from the Pavillion Mall. The journey took me about 9 hours. There were3 operators plying on this route which were KTMB, Rapid KL and SMRT.�
Pavillion Mall Kuala Lumpur�
Pavillion Mall is considered to be one of the biggest shopping malls of Malaysia. The mall occupies a huge chunk of prime real estate along Jalan Bukit Bintang. It was opened for the people in the year 2007 and is divided into 3 major sections – a retail mall, an office block and with two huge residential towers. It has kept the city’s trendy fashion followers completely up to date and setting a perfect example of how extravagant some malls can be, with a number of dining options. The mall is spread across 1.37 million sq ft of land and has been constructed using white marble. The mall is a combination of indoor and outdoor shopping venues and it consists of an oversized Grecian temple. The temple features modern pillars and has about 450 different stores. It also has some hip-hop dining options, big box retailers and international designer labels as well as local retailers. The mall is one of the most visited places by the people of Kuala Lumpur and it does not matter if it is a weekday or a weekend, the mall is always crowded with hundreds of people. It will not be an exaggeration to say that it will take you more than 2 days to explore the entire place.�
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    adaixiprice  44, Male, Malaysia - First entry!
Dec 2018
3:35 AM +08

Want to compare mobile prices before buying......

Smartphones are no longer a luxury; they are indispensable devices that work as a medium of information and entertainment. For this reason, it’s important to choose the right smartphone that has all the essential features you need for day-to-day use. Some of Malaysia's favourite smartphone brands are Samsung, Apple iPhone, Asus ZenFone, Xiaomi Redmi and Oppo.
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    khan  49, Female, India - First entry!
Dec 2018
7:08 AM IST

Best java Training Institute In Greater Noida

Best java Training Institute In Greater Noida.Computers can't definitely read or recognize the code that we produce. It need to be translated right into a format that the pc can interpret (bits and bytes). This translation method is referred to as compilation. The output of the compilation process is code in a format that gadget-readable and not commonly understandable to the human eye. Some examples of these languages are�

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    mritunjaysp  49, Male, India - First entry!
Dec 2018
7:43 AM IST

Oracle dba training institute in Noida

Oracle dba training institute in Noida, Around the arena, numerous businesses and groups are appreciably utilizing Oracle merchandise together with databases, ERP, CRM and software solutions. Therefore, Oracle certified professionals are in exquisite demand today. In case you own a valid know-how and proven technical talents in Oracle and associated fields, it's miles advisable that you cross for 10g DBA Certification to decorate your process profile and enhance your profession potentialities to amazing heights. There are three major task roles related to Oracle certification along with database administration, software developing and web administration.
The position of a information Base Administrator is important in any business enterprise. The middle activity responsibilities of a DBA consist of administering oracle facts bases and medium to large database programs. A DBA expert is likewise liable for a selection of different essential roles like deployment, installation, backup, recuperation and repairing the database as according to the springing up needs and expectations of the company. A number of the distinguishing features predicted of an Oracle DBA consist of admirable verbal exchange, awesome technical understanding and a verified understanding in real international state of affairs in addition to a radical information of databases idea and a legitimate operating information with revel in within the Oracle databases and technologies.
10g DBA examination is an access-level certification exclusively designed to advise the foundation abilities wanted for both database management and alertness improvement. The principal goal of this certification is to degree a professional's capacity to do his task as a junior group member with both database administrators and software developers. This certification is taken into consideration as the first step closer to getting the extra superior OCP - 10g certification.
Sql �Is a query language. It's far English-like and clean to apply. But, although there are greater than 90 square reserved phrases, most programmers seldom use more than the following handful of commands - select, INSERT, replace, DELETE, FROM, where, HAVING, between, LIKE, OR, AND, no longer, IN, ORDER, group and via.
For instance, in case you had a database desk named "personnel" and also you wanted to retrieve all facts wherein the worker has the final call "Goodman", you'll use the subsequent square assertion:
Select * FROM employees wherein last name = 'Goodman';
There are many distinct classes of sq. Statements however the basic ones which all programmers have to be acquainted with are the sq. Statements that:
1. Create tables and manipulate their definitions
2. Query the desk data
3. Control the desk records
Sql Is predominantly used by 2 varieties of customers - programs and human beings (keying in the instructions through a database client) - to bypass instructions to databases. Square commands may be keyed into a database customer just like the MySQL query Browser or the square Server company supervisor and achieved to both go back a end result or adjust data inside the database. Square can also be used together with programming language or scripting language like Microsoft visual fundamental or personal home page to speak with the database.
Even though sq. Is a global fashionable, it's far unlucky that maximum database vendors have give you exceptional dialects and variations. That is due to the fact every database seller desires to differentiate their database merchandise from the group. One good instance is Microsoft square Server's TRANSACT-sq.. TRANSACT-sq. Is a superset of square and is designed for use handiest with Microsoft sq. Server. Although it does make programming lots less difficult for software program builders, it isn't always compliant with different databases like Oracle or MySQL - making TRANSACT-square packages non database-portable. As such, despite the fact that a lot of those functions are effective and sturdy, it is right practice to exercising caution and restricts your sq. Use to be compliant with the ANSI/ISO square requirements and ODBC-Compliant.
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    indocoz  49, Male, Indonesia - 5 entries
Mar 2019
8:32 PM WIB

Huawei Mate 20 Pro: The Best Huawei Phone Yet?

Last March, Huawei released the P20 Pro �€“ a premium device that was packed with a massive battery, swift face unlock, and triple cameras (the first in the world). Up till now, it remains as one of the best in the market, toppling many newer premium devices. Now, within the same year, the Chinese tech giant released another flagship lineup �€“ the Huawei Mate 20 series. Its top flagship unit, the Mate 20 Pro, boasts impressive specifications that seem to be leaps and bounds better than the P20 Pro.

See how the�Huawei Mate 20 Pro�compares spec-by-spec with the P20 Pro.

On paper, the Huawei Mate 20 Pro gets the upper hand in all departments, as it is packed with a bigger and more vibrant display, a more advanced chip, a much-improved triple camera array, and a larger battery capacity. Let's break them down further.

huawei mate 20 pro price in malaysia

Much like the Huawei P20 Pro, the Mate 20 Pro has a notch that is nestled on top of its 6.39-inch display. Not only does it have a larger screen size but it also has a better resolution at quad HD - a step up from the P20 Pro's 1080p resolution. What's more, it has an under-display fingerprint scannerthat allows you to easily unlock your device, unlike today's fingerprint sensors that are typically mounted on the back.

mate 20 pro release date malaysia

The Huawei Mate 20 Pro is definitely faster than theP20 Pro, as it houses the latest Kirin 980 chip that harnesses a 7nm manufacturing process (first in the world!). Since it's smaller than the P20 Pro's 10nm manufacturing process, it produces less thermal output and more efficiency, resulting in more speed with less power consumption!

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It looks like Huawei has more tricks up its sleeve. The Mate 20 Pro may have the same number of sensors and megapixel values as the P20 Pro, but its 20MP lens is an ultra-wide camera instead of a monochrome sensor. With that, you can expect better close-ups and wider shots! Even without a dedicated monochrome lens, it can still capture decent black-and-white shots.

huawei mate 20 pro release date in malaysia

In the battery department, the Huawei Mate 20 Pro tops P20 Pro's 4,000mAh battery, as it offers 4,200mAh. However, given its higher-resolution display, it can suck up more power than the P20 Pro. With normal use, its battery can last for a day and a half just like the P20 Pro. What's more, the Mate 20 Pro comes with wireless charging, which you can't find on the P20 Pro.

No doubt, the Huawei Mate 20 Pro topples the P20 Pro in all aspects, as it is packed with an impressive design and top-notch specifications. Now, the question is - could it top the latest flagships from Apple and Samsung? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Huawei Mate 20 Price and Release Date

The Huawei Mate 20 Pro retails forRM3,599and isnow availableon Huawei Malaysia official website! Check it out now to learn more details on how you can buy one. And you can buy it on Lazada, and use voucher lazada and get the special price

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    huffdentistry  5, Male, Louisiana, USA - 4 entries
Jan 2019
1:24 AM GMT

Cosmetic Dentist Lafayette LA

Are you longing for a perfect smile? Our cosmetic dentist can make positive changes in your smile to make you love yourself. Contact Huff Family Dentistry and set up an appointment. Based in Lafayette, LA we have a wide range of experience in different areas of dentistry, from cosmetic and restorative dentistry to surgical treatments and root canal treatments.
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    meetingplanners  49, Male, Washington, USA - 4 entries
Jan 2019
1:31 AM IST

Event Planning Portland

So, you are assigned for arranging everything for official or family event. Don’t worry. Pacific Northwest Meeting Planners Guide is with you as we are here with a list of the best event planning services in Portland. We have years of experience in bringing meeting planners and venues together for the perfect meeting.
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    northcolorado  34, Male, Colorado, USA - 3 entries
Jan 2019
2:58 AM IST

Nebraska Orthopaedics

If you are suffering from orthopaedic problem and want to know about current non-surgical and surgical methods available for viable treatment, then contact North Colorado Spine & Orthopaedics and schedule an appointment for Dr. Dhupar in Nebraska.
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    oceanisinc  34, Male, Arizona, USA - 3 entries
Jan 2019
4:01 AM IST

Paper Craft Supplies

Whatever kind of paper work, bring the inner creativity front and make the best by using paper craft supplies from Oceanis, Inc. From 1991, we have been one of the largest wholesalers of 1st quality name brand closeouts. We buy large quantities of craft supplies directly from manufacturers and sell them to retailers all over the world at huge discounts.
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    supergaragedoors  5, Male, Florida, USA - 6 entries
Jan 2019
1:31 AM IST

Roll up doors Miami

If highly secured, durable, customized and easy to operate like features are in your checklist for garage doors, think no further and opt for roll up doors from Super Garage Doors in Miami. Our outstanding reputation is due to our excellent service and pricing.
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    taslogisticsinc  5, Male, Florida, USA - 5 entries
Jan 2019
2:39 AM IST

Truck Transportation Services

Enable your business to reach each and every corner and deliver the best products to every door by counting on�truck transportation services�of TAS Logistics. We deliver quality service and consistently meet and exceed your expectations whether it is customer service, truckload, volume, LTL or expedite freight.
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    thejonesact  49, Male, Florida, USA - 11 entries
Mar 2020
6:08 AM IST

Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer Miami

If you are sustaining an injury in an accident at cruise ship due to negligence, instead of bearing the pain of injury and losses lifetime, consult the seasoned cruise ship injury lawyer of McGill Law Firm and make informed decisions in Miami. We accept serious injury and death cases from maritime injuries, motor vehicle accidents and injuries from any type of defective product.
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    Stenny352  44, Male, Canada - 2 entries
Jan 2019
12:34 AM IST

Avoiding car accidents ? and what to do when you have one

They happen in an eye-blink, and usually what comes next is a blur. We’re not talking about your vision -- it’s a car accident.
If you’ve never been in a car accident, and think you never will, here are some sobering numbers from the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC). In its last full year of statistics, ICBC reported 330,000 car accidents in the province -- 220,000 of them occurring in the Lower Mainland.
No matter how careful and skillful a driver you may be -- your chance of being in an accident is roughly one in 10 every time you’re on the road. And the results of an accident range from light car-body damage to injury to a tragic death (273 throughout BC in 2016).�
The rules of safe driving are, for the most part, common sense, or at least clearly indicated by road signs. We also rely on our years of driving experience to follow the rules and keep safe.�
Unfortunately, all too often, our experience behind the wheel can make us lax about following laws and regulations. Here are the basics, which can never be revisited enough.
  • Be alert; never drive impaired or fatigued.
  • Always wear your seat belt -- and make sure everyone in your car is, too.
  • Maintain a speed-safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you.
  • Look ahead -- if you see a line of brake lights coming on, slow down too.
  • Take particular care at intersections: left-hand turns crossing your path, and pedestrians.�
  • Be wary of our BC rain: more accidents occur in rainy conditions than snow.
  • Pay attention to road signs: they’re there for a reason.
But no matter how carefully you drive, accidents can be completely unpredictable, and often not your fault. What do you do then?
Mostly, common sense things -- as hard as it may be to think that way after such a shock to your system.
If anyone’s injured, call 911, and get paramedics at the scene fast. Call for the police if the other driver seems impaired or was driving aggressively. Exchange information with the other driver. Get as much information as you can but, at the very least, write down their licence plate number.
Immediately seek legal representation with a law firm that specializes in ICBC law. At the time of the accident, there are too many things to deal with on your own; whether it’s assessing the damage to your vehicle, seeking treatment for your injuries or making sure witnesses are contacted to support your side of the story.
You don’t have to call ICBC immediately. In fact, you or your lawyer can contact them within a “reasonable” time. He or she will look out for your interests and make sure that ICBC doesn’t take advantage of you. Your representation should start as soon as possible.
Helpforme� has one of the largest groups of personal injury lawyers under one roof in BC. They’re your personal advocates to help you through the complexities of an ICBC claim, and ensure you’re getting the settlement or court award that you deserve.� Helpforme has contingency-based fees, so you don’t pay until your claim is resolved. Find out how Helpforme can help you.
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    rachana  31, Female, India - 2 entries
Jan 2019
6:43 AM IST

Android app development companies in Bangalore

Android can be called as trend setter in the smartphone industry because of its open source nature and flexibility. FuGenX Technologies, a global Android apps development company Bangalore, India�provides outstanding and exceptional android apps according to the client requirements. FuGenX develops top-notch utility apps, enterprise apps, game apps and grocery apps at an affordable cost.
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Current Tags: androidapp, androidgame, app developers, mobileapp

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    vallipravallika  34, Male, New York, USA - 3 entries
Jan 2019
6:23 AM EDT

Fiber Optics Design Engineer

The professional is responsible for taking care of the schedules, budgets and project criteria for physical design and layouts. Organize and maintain all revisions of project drawings, plot files and project-related information in a logical and well-structured manner.

It is the designer who must initiate the process of documentation chain for a better understanding of the on-going problems and overall network performance. The professional must archive network blueprints, notes, and records with diligence for future use. They need to update documentation throughout the project on an ongoing basis.

The Fiber Optics Designer Job Description or Fiber Optics Designer should take the responsibility to Design and Install, Service and Maintain Fiber Optics System as per documented protocol. They should enable the future creation of useful, integrated network design and upgrades. The designer must be an expert in design principles, industry standards, and installation practices. They will be responsible for splicing, termination and testing methodology.

The Fiber Optics Designer should have hands-on experience in the design and delivery of telecommunication products. They need to have good knowledge of copper, fiber, aerial, underground and intra-building solutions. There is a need for Fiber Optics Designer to prioritize safety, quality and time management.
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