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    helltunga  30, Male, Indonesia - First entry!
Feb 2019
2:11 AM IST

Anda Pecinta Pantai? Explore Pantai Amed yang Ada di Bali Yuk!

Jika menyelam adalah salah satu olahraga air yang dapat memacu adrenalin anda, pergilah ke pantai ini karena pantai Amed adalah salah satu pantai yang memberikan anda pengalaman menyelam yang luar biasa. Untuk menambah pengalaman anda pada keindahan pantai ini, anda bisa memanjakan mata anda dengan kemunculannnya matahari terbit dan terbenamnya matahari yang paling indah dan romantis di pantai ini. Pantai ini juga terkenal untuk memancing dan membuat garam. Apa lagi yang bisa anda minta dari semua kelebihan pantai ini?

Segera setelah melihat pemandangan bawah lautnya yang terpampang indah, dengan bangkai kapal bersejarah yang menambah fitur alamnya, Pantai Amed menjadi destinasi favorit bagi para penyelam, terutama di Teluk Jemeluk. Jika anda meminta untuk menuju pantai ini, siapa pun akan mengarahkan anda ke pantai ini. Di samping itu banyak desa tepi laut lain yang memiliki beberapa nama seperti Jemeluk, Amed, Bunutan dan masih banyak lagi.

Jika anda mengunjungi Bali pada waktu liburan anda, kemungkinan Pantai Amed yang ada pada daftar kunjungan anda harus ditempatkan pada prioritas yang tinggi. Ini karena Pantai Amed merupakan salah satu tempat terbaik jika anda seorang penyelam yang bersemangat. Garis pantai Timur pulau ini juga menawarkan taman bermain bawah air. Beberapa penggemar wisata kuliner telah mendirikan basis mereka di tempat yang indah ini. Beberapa akomodasi di sini terbukti cukup nyaman ketika anda berada disini untuk berlibur dan juga memiliki fasilitas yang cukup mewah. Ada beberapa kios yang didirikan di sepanjang pantai yang dikenal menjual barang-barang tradisional. Suasananya cukup santai dan jika anda berencana untuk menyelam lebih baik anda mulai pada pagi hari. Jika anda adalah salah satu dari mereka yang juga tertarik untuk menyelam, anda dapat pergi berperahu di atas perahu tradisional Bali, yang sepenuhnya terbuat dari kayu dan disebut oleh penduduk setempat sebagai Jukung.

Tip Perjalanan: Bus adalah cara yang paling nyaman untuk melakukan perjalanan di seluruh Indonesia; bus memiliki kelebihan yaitu hemat biaya dan mudah untuk dipesan, bagaimana caranya? Pesan tiket online dari dan hematkan waktu anda dari memesan secara manual yang belum tentu anda mendapatkan kursi pada hari yang anda butuhkan. Portal pemesanan online ini membantu memilih dari berbagai jenis bus dan operator yang terdaftar. Prosedur pemesanan online cepat dan aman ini membuat kerepotan yang anda miliki dapat menghilang seketika!

Pantai ini menunjukkan matahari terbit yang sangat indah dan tidak dapat dilewatkan untuk melihatnya. Hadiah untuk mata semua orang yang dapat membantu untuk memulai hari yang baru.

Pantai Amed secara spesialisasi memiliki kelebihan dalam “Tidur, Makan, dan Menyelam”. Berbagai operator selam telah mendirikan basis mereka di sini, dan beberapa menjalankan bisnis akomodasi yang memiliki property dengan semua gaya dan ukuran, mulai dari homestay sederhana hingga villa mewah. Ada banyak restoran yang menyajikan masakan internasional, Asia, dan pilihan lainnya. Warung tradisional kecil didirikan di sepanjang jalan desa yang menjual barang-barang tradisional dan lokal yang dapat menjadi bagian dari pengalaman anda juga.

Wisatawan mendapatkan pengalaman menyelam dan snorkeling yang luar biasa di tempat tujuan ini. Terlepas dari menyelam, anda juga dapat melihat pemandangan indah dari matahari terbit dan terbenam di sini. Ketika anda menyelam jauh anda akan beruntung berjabat tangan dengan berbagai ikan tropis seperti penyu laut, hiu ujung terumbu dan taman karang yang mempesona. Jika menyelam telah melepas semua energi anda, anda dapat meremajakan diri dengan Pijat Bali tradisional. Bisakah anda mengakhiri hari dengan lebih baik?

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    Marktwin1  48, Male, New York, USA - 5 entries
Feb 2019
8:10 AM EDT

Hire Freelance Certified Novell Administrator

When you need a Certified Novell Administrator, finding the right freelancer is essential. These are the people who can help with the daily administrative needs of a business. Hire On-Demand Freelance Certified Novell Administrator Many companies run the software that these people understand inside out, meaning they can solve problems and offer fixes when something goes wrong. can help you find that freelancer quickly and reliably. is Used by Freelance Certified Novell Administrators Around the World There are lots of Certified Novell Administrators working freelance in 180 countries around the world on This makes it very easy to find the person that you’re looking for to complete your job in a swift and efficient manner. It’s the best platform around for finding this kind of freelance talent.

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    pemmalui  32, Male, Indiana, USA - First entry!
Feb 2019
1:33 AM IST

Clubbers! Club Malam Jakarta di Bawah Ini Patut Anda Coba!

Apakah anda termasuk orang haus pesta? Jangan khawatir! Jakarta memiliki sejumlah tempat kehidupan malam dan hiburan malam yang menarik. Pub kelas atas, klub malam, dan bar, Jakarta memiliki semua yang diinginkan oleh seorang pecinta pesta! Pada jalur yang sama seperti Bangkok, Jakarta melayani beberapa tempat perkotaan terbaik dan tempat-tempat yang dihiasi dengan glamour dan perpaduan kecanggihan. Pusat kota yang paling urban dan chic adalah Kemang. Yang mana anak-anak muda lebih menyukainya karena banyak bar-bar yang dibuka disini. Tempat hiburan malam yang paling terkenal di sini adalah Ancol yang menawarkan jenis pengalaman bar dengan suasana pantai seperti di Segarra Ancol. Tempat-tempat ini menjanjikan peremajaan lengkap dari pikiran, tubuh, dan jiwa berkat suasananya yang menyenangkan. Hal ini memberikan istirahat dari kehidupan kota yang kacau. Ada juga beberapa tempat di sini yang memiliki live music. Oleh karena itu, anda dapat mengetukkan sepatu anda di lantai dansa dengan lagu-lagu yang diputar selagi bisa. Ini adalah suguhan bagi pecinta musik berkat genre yang berbeda seperti grunge, balada, jazz, dan rock klasik yang paling dipuja.

Tip Perjalanan:
Memilih untuk naik bus saat melakukan tur di Indonesia adalah pilihan yang nyaman bagi banyak orang. Bus terjangkau dan mudah dipesan, beli tiket anda secara online dari jejaring situs redbus dan hematkan waktu dan energi anda. Bepergian dengan santai dan nikmati perjalanan anda tanpa tersedu-sedu menangisi perjalanan yang tidak menyenangkan. Pilih kursi yang anda inginkan dari daftar bus yang tersedia di situs dan naiklah dengan nyaman dan nikmati jalan-jalan yang ada disekitar anda selama perjalanan!

Blok M: Daerah ini merupakan daerah yang kurang maju dan tidak begitu modern di Jakarta, namun Blok M adalah rumah bagi terminal bus terbesar di kota, sehingga tempat ini begitu mudah diakses. Karena harga sewa rendah di daerah ini, ada harga yang menguntungkan untuk minum dan makan di sini. Populer dengan para backpacker yang mencari hiburan malam dalam minim anggaran. Area yang bersemangat tinggi di tempat ini pada dasarnya ada di daerah sekitar Falatehan Street, di mana ada banyak tempat-tempat kuliner malam dan wisata malam yang menyenangkan.

Golden Crown: Tempat ini cukup terkenal di kalangan orang Indonesia, klub ini terdiri dari satu ruang besar yang berkonsep Techno Kota dan lounge dengan live music dan house / progressive DJ. Anda akan mendapatkan suasana kerumunan campuran orang yang ramai dan kegilaan yang biasa anda dapatkan dari suasana klub yang sedang naik daun di Asia. Golden Crown yang berlokasi di kawasan Pinangsia, Jakarta Barat tumbuh dan berkembang pesat sejak pertama kalinya berdiri pada tahun 2002. Menempati luas area lebih dari 15000 m persegi yang terbagi lagi menjadi 3 lantai, Golden Crown terus bekomitmen untuk menjadi pusat hiburan yang terbaik dari yang terbaik.

Plaza Indonesia e�€™X: Ini merupakan salah satu tempat hiburan malam paling populer baik diantara penduduk setempat maupun turis lokal serta internasional, tempat ini lebih dari zona komersial yang melayani tamu dengan beberapa bir dan minuman impor yang bagus. Tempat ini cukup mewah dan juga sangat menyenangkan.

Immigrant Lounge and Club:
Ketika matahari terbenam anda dapat langsung menuju ke Immigrant Lounge and Club yang berada di lantai 6 mall Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta. Klub ini memiliki balkon yang luas di mana anda dapat beristirahat dari kegiatan menari anda. DJ di sini memadukan perpaduan rumah, lagu tahun 80-an dan 90-an. Klub ini juga menyajikan berbagai minuman keras, suasana orang-orang berbicara mengenai pesta, dan koktail khas yang luar biasa. The Immigrant Dining Room juga dikenal menyajikan masakan Asia dan Barat.

Colosseum Club: Nama Club ini sesuai dengan venuenya yang besar dengan fasilitas cukup baik. Grand Club adalah salah satu pusat hiburan paling populer di Indonesia di bagian barat Jakarta. Klub ini tersebar di area seluas 1.000 meter persegi dan langit-langit setinggi 16 meter. Tempat ini dapat menampung hingga 2000 clubbers. Tempat ini dilengkapi dengan lampu laser kelas dunia dan mengunjungi tempat ini adalah salah satu pengalaman kehidupan pesta malam yang baik dan menyenangkan.

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    champanchampi  26, Male, South Carolina, USA - First entry!
Feb 2019
5:36 AM IST

A bus journey to the Top Veg Restaurants in Singapore

The days of being served up an uninspiring dish and a plate of mushrooms after you ask for something vegetarian are long gone. Whether or not your reasons for seeking out something vegetarian, organic or any combination of these are for health, within the interests of animal welfare or out of concern for the atmosphere, there are many choices here in Singapore.

Travel within Singapore quite comfortably with the help of express buses that will drop you off at the major points in the city. Book these express bus tickets online from for added convenience.

Singapore will never let you run out of options. You ask for it and Singapore has it.

Here are some of the best vegetarian restaurants in Singapore:

Original Sins

The enduring quality of this Mediterranean feeder edifice in Chip Bee Gardens may be a marvel in fickle Singapore, wherever such a lot of restaurants open and shut during a blink.

In the same manner that South Indian feeder food is downright satisfying, Marisa’s feeder interpretation of Mediterranean food is sensible enough that non vegetarians may not even notice the absence of fish or meat on the menu.

Start with the mezze platter, concentrated with preserved tomato ciabatta bread, dish balls and 4 contemporary and light-weight dips: tzatziki, chickpea spread, pumpkin and carrot, and eggplant babaganoush or another perennial favorite, the sacred mushroom.

For mains you can have the bosco mista, a yummy burger made up of spinach, feta and bean curd coated with crushed almonds and benne seeds and topped with mushrooms and fine asparagus with tart sauce. It’s delicious and complete value for money!!

Central Park

Singapore’s one and solely skilled cook trained in raw vegetarian food, Sandra Lee, heads up to central park, a reasonably new eating place at NUS Dover’s UTown field. Her menu of raw vegetarian and vegetarian food (raw that means unheated, or cooked below 40�C) is delicious, and worth the money. Go for the steamed mushroom curd served with a truffle-infused mushroom and vegetable gravy on prime of the fragile silk-like tofu or attempt a seafood flannel cake wrap ($9) stuffed & filled with salmon, dory, prawns and salty cheese. Central Park opens your eyes to the variability and depth of flavors. Focal Perk is exceptional in Singapore including the conspicuous coffeehouse bistro in FRIENDS where the posse hangs out, with original props, for example, the orange couch, green seat, neon billboards and block dividers. The underlying thought of opening a Friends subject bistro was begun by six men. The venture was put through crowdfunding to accumulate bolster in the opening of the bistro. Inside multi-week, gifts were pouring in and the likelihood of a genuine FRIENDS Cafe turned into the discussion of town. It can accommodate around 80 to 100 people. All around the bistro, you see reproductions of props from the TV appearance. If you have grown up watching this particular TV show and also happen to be a foodie at the same time then make sure to visit this place when in Singapore!!

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    NeeruBajwa  37, Female, India - First entry!
Feb 2019
5:58 AM IST

Travelling by bus to Bangalore from Guntur

Commuters willing to travel from Guntur to Bangalore preferably opt for buses, as they are traveller-friendly mode of transportation. Recognised as one of the frequently taken bus route in Southern India, which is serviced by several renowned bus companies. Therefore, I took online bus tickets from redbus and travelled at ease from Guntur to Bangalore. This online portal helped to book tickets in an easy way and saved a lot of my time too. I would love to recommend it to me friends and family members as this might help them to get discounts and travel without facing any hassles.
Guntur is home to the newly formed capital of Amravathi. It is about 30 kilometres away from Andhra Pradesh and also alternatively functions as the financial and administrative capital of the state. It is also home to one of the largest chilli markets and Guntur happens to be one of them. The locals told me that Guntur is one of the most densely populated places of the country. With the rapid industrialisation that is undergoing it is now become a part of the Vishakhapatnam and Guntur industrial corridor. Lying on the banks of the river Krishna, Guntur takes pride in hosting the only Buddhist Pilgrimage in the Southern Part of the country. There are several heritage structures in Guntur making it one of the most preferred tourist destinations of India. The place has also been home to some of the most prominent dynasties making it a must visit destination. Apart from being known for its chilli markets, Guntur is also quite well known in the market for serving as the busiest textile and transportation hub of India.
Bangalore being the capital city of Karnataka is recognized as a buzzing cosmopolitan city, also as the melting pot of various cultures. The excellent road connectivity and smooth bus system helps people to travel without any hassles. I boarded the bus at 2:30pm from Guntur and reached Bangalore at 5am the next day. The bus ride went on for almost 12 hours. I had opted for an Ac semi sleeper bus that was comfortable and came with clean interiors. The road distance from Guntur to Bangalore is approximately 624 kms and is spotted with many boarding points and stops along its journey. This makes it actually very convenient for folks commuting between the two cities.
In Bangalore, one shall find a lot of modern architectural works, many historical sites and stories of Indian dynasty as well as a pleasant weather, Bangalore is not only a home to engineers and researchers but is also one of the most attractive destinations for foreign tourists in India. I was visiting Bangalore for the first time, came here for a 2-days trip along with friends. The bus staff ensured safety and comfort of its passengers.
The bus gave a number of rest stops where most of the commuters refreshed up. The journey by road was a tiring one yet the vehicle simply made everything comfortable.
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    suzainlian  33, Female, United Kingdom - First entry!
Feb 1994
1:39 AM PKT

Our experienced online writers will create the nice paper for you!

Our experienced online writers will create the nice paper for you!
Our provider is the safest, easiest, fastest and reasonably-priced manner to get written papers you need. you are welcome to cooperate with the excellent writers from UK who can compose any sort of article for you. lease our skilled expert and he/she can:
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Writing top essays for our customers is some thing we're surely enthusiastic about. Writers from our group have years of revel in inside the sphere of educational writing assistance. they've unique spheres of skillability and we ensure to assign the satisfactory professionals to create your texts hence. It way your article might be tailor-made with the aid of a person who has a complicated instructional level and specialization for your specific area. that is to ensure you get superb and low-cost assist tailor-made for your needs!
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    carlahouston  29, Female, New York, USA - First entry!
Feb 2019
9:47 AM EDT

Hire Skilled Freelance Laptop Technicians to Meet Your Business Needs

FieldEngineer is an intuitive, easy-to-use platform that simplifies the process of finding skilled freelance laptop technicians to meet your business��‚��„�s needs. The platform is entirely free to use, with no hidden fees, and provides access to an on-demand workforce that can assist with the deployment of your services with no need for an ongoing commitment.

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FieldEngineer is a truly global platform, with over 40,000 engineers across 40 different countries. All of the engineers have undergone thorough background checks and are ready to start work as soon as you require. You can manage the entire process of securing engineers within the platform with ease: simply upload your work order, then assess the available engineers and select the worker(s) that meet your criteria.

More info: � Laptop Technicians

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    deepikasinha  27, Female, India - First entry!
Feb 2019
1:28 AM IST

Travelling by bus to Hyderabad from Anantapur!!

The road distance from Hyderabad to Anantapur is estimated to be 356kms and takes around eight hours to complete the journey by bus. I opted for an AC sleeper bus, as they are secure for lengthy night visiting. Additionally, Hyderabad is connected well by using roadways; buses most commonly link many of the places frequented via vacationers. Anantapur being one of the favoured places in Andhra Pradesh is effortlessly accessed through bus from Hyderabad. I booked online bus tickets at and all my travel woes were reduced. There are a decent number of bus companies offering services between the two cities and creating enough amount of travel convenience for many commuters.

On the other hand, Anantapur is placed in the westernmost part of the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. This location is believed to be very renowned among vacationers given that the whole district of Anantapur is famous for its silk enterprise and holds fairly a combination of historical yore.

I boarded the bus from Anantapur pick up point at 2pm and reached Hyderabad at 11pm. The bus travel was for almost 8 hours where they gave rest stops too. I was travelling in an AC semi sleeper bus that was comfortable and the staff in the bus ensured that all its passengers were travelling in ease.

At a separation of 149 km from Kurnool, 168 km from Kadapa, 361 km from Hyderabad, 475 km from Vijayawada and 215 km Bangalore, Anantapur is a city and the central station of the Anantapur locale in Andhra Pradesh. This is the most significant area in the state limited on the north by Kurnool, on the east by Kadapa and Chittoor and the south and west by the Karnataka State. This is likewise one of the favourite Andhra Pradesh vacationer places.

This district is additionally known by the name of Anantapuram and was before known as Anantasagaram, which implies an eternal sea. The towns of Anantasagaram and Bukkarayasamudram were built by Chilkkavodeya, the priest of Bukka-I, a Vijayanagar ruler. Amid the Vijaynagar time frame, Anantapur was an immediate focus and prevalently known as Hande Anantapuram. Anantapur and several different spots were talented by the Vijayanagar rulers to Hanumappa Naidu of the Hande family. Penukonda in Anantapur area was the capital was Vijayanagaras after the fall of Hampi. The place accordingly went under Qutub Shahis, Mughals, and the Nawabs of Kadapa, although the Hande boss kept on a decision as their subordinates. Later it came into the ownership of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan.

Hyderabad being one of the popular travel destinations in Southern India, I always wanted to visit this place. My bus travel experience was a pleasant one!

I waiting to explore the Charminar,�Golconda Fort,�Mecca Masjid, The Salar Jung Museum, Quli�Qutub Shahi Tombs�and many�others. I also waited to sample the Mughal and Persian style of cuisine.

As I reached the bus stop, I found my friend waiting for me. Overall, it was a great experience of traversing to Hyderabad by a bus!

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    Natashaaiken  49, Male, Alaska, USA - First entry!
Feb 2019
2:49 AM PKT

Assignment Globe

I am an experienced journalist and editor - online and in print - having worked on several national publications in a range of sectors, including trucks/transport, health, mental health, learning disabilities, corporate finance and SME businesses. Currently I am working on Assignment Globe and we are providing�
research paper outline

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    rena00  31, Female, India - First entry!
Feb 2019
1:02 PM IST

Experience the 5 Solo Travel Destinations of India

There are sure things in life that you should do individually, all by being independent for at least once in your whole life. India is an overwhelming nation where everybody certainly appreciates the disclosure. Voyaging Solo in India is procuring fame among the travel community continuously because of the sheer immediacy that accompanies it. The desire to find oneself alongside profound revival and stream of bold adrenaline turn into an ideal motivation to gather your travel sack. Simply cherish the joy to climb those tranquil mountains or walk around serene shorelines, without anybody input.

When you are a solo traveller, taking buses is a recommendable option. Undoubtedly, Buses are safer and cost effective compared to other modes of transport. Booking online bus tickets from��online booking process and enjoy the roads leading to your destination, all by yourself!

Solo travel additionally concedes you as not be detained by the impulses and fancies of your kindred explorers and your travel arrangement is generally unblemished by bunch progression. By chance if you need to trek up that hill on your next outing to the Himalayas, or watch the dawn by the shoreline on your next visit to Gokarna, so motivate yourself, get set and go! You get a feeling of autonomy and flexibility, from being out of your comfort zone while additionally getting energizing stories to impart to individuals back at home! Here are a few spots you should find on the off chance that you have been touched slightly by the bug called craving for new experiences!

The exhilarating mountain air and undulating topography, the ridges of the desert, tranquil seashore, extravagant culture, a mix of dance moves and music, sizable chunk food, myths behind old temples, life behind obsolete fortresses and royal residences all of these has something to reveal to the world. Just explore them in your own way!

A lone traveller will never run out things in the following destinations of India:

1. Zanskar:The secluded Himalayan valleys called the Zanskar is to be explored by those who want to experience virgin and pristine beauty of India.

2. Jaisalmer:Jaisalmer is a jewel in the Rajasthan crown. Camels and sand dunes almost give it an Egyptian feel but the forts remind you that you are still at home. The ultimate feel of the enormous places and royal residences leave you awestricken. You will be busy marvelling into the past!

3. Gokarna:In the event that a relaxed shoreline encounter is the thing that you are searching for, then Gokarna must be your solo goal. Despite the fact, that it is a temple town, the shorelines here have some crazy blaze evenings and gatherings for all. All the shorelines are with hardly a pause in between each other, each being considerably more wonderful than the earlier one.

4. Manali:Old and modern are both beautiful when it comes to sighting Manali. Thick pine forests and a gushing river make it seem like you have stepped into a perfect world that only exists in books and imaginations.

5. Pondicherry:Fabricated boulevards fixed with splendid yellow townhouses, seafront bistros and eateries draw in numerous explorers to visit India's own particular French Rivera. It is best to sit on a bike and explore the enchanting town, treat yourself at the bistros or take a stroll down the amazing avenue.

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    tameyajha  30, Female, Alaska, USA - First entry!
Feb 2019
5:53 AM IST

Dua Kota Penuh Kuliner : Jalan-jalan di Jakarta Yuk! Setelahnya Kita ke Kota Yogyakarta dengan Moda

Jakarta adalah ibu kota sekaligus salah satu kota terbesar di Indonesia. Kota yang memiliki semboyan Berhati Nyaman atau kepanjangan dari �€œBersih, Sehat, Asri dan Nyaman�€ ini adalah salah satu kota di mana saya menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu untuk melihat situs-situs terkenal, makan di berbagai restoran, berpesta di klub malam dan mengunjungi berbagai tempat terkenal lainnya. Terletak di barat laut pulau Jawa, ini adalah pusat budaya, ekonomi, dan politik negara. Ini juga merupakan kota terpadat di negara ini, serta di seluruh asia tenggara. Sebagai turis, saya cukup khawatir ketika saya mulai berkeliling kota karena ada tingkat polusi yang tinggi, namun kehidupan malam dan area belanja yang semarak benar-benar menutupi itu semua.

Penduduk setempat menyebut Jakarta sebagai lelehan budaya yang dinamis. Bagian terbaik tentang kota ini adalah bahwa setelah Anda selesai berurusan dengan supir taksi dan mulai berinteraksi dengan penduduk setempat anda akan menyadari bahwa orang-orangnya cukup ramah dan baik. Kota ini dibagi menjadi 5 zona - pusat, barat, selatan, timur dan utara. Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi kota ini adalah antara Juli hingga Oktober. Daya tarik disini sebagian besar adalah wilayah kota tua yang disebut sebagai Kota oleh penduduk lokal disini. Jakarta adalah satu-satunya kota di Indonesia yang memiliki kejutan yang disimpan untuk anda. Jalan-jalan yang ramai, ratusan bar dan restoran serta beberapa klub malam terbesar di seluruh Asia, terletak di Jakarta.Kota ini memiliki populasi sekitar 10 juta penduduk dan orang-orang disini kebanyakan berbicara Bahasa Indonesia dan Jawa. Budaya di sini adalah campuran dari agama Asia dan Asia Tenggara. Namun, ada pengaruh besar Belanda dan Islam di antara orang-orang. Pastikan untuk mengunjungi Kepulauan Seribu yang merupakan tempat di mana Anda dapat menikmati menyelam di laut dalam di hadapan taman laut dengan berbagai kegiatan dan salah satu tujuan kehidupan malam terbaik, Jakarta benar-benar merupakan pengalaman yang pantas untuk dicoba. Jakarta memiliki makanan khasnya, yang paling terkenal adalah Kerak Telor, Soto Betawi, Kue Ape, Roti Buaya, Combro, dan Nasi Uduk.

Terlepas dari belanja dan kehidupan malam kota ini juga terkenal dengan makanan lokalnya. Makanan manis dan asam pedas di kota ini eksklusif hanya untuk bagian Indonesia ini. Jika Anda merasa agak sulit menahan panas cobalah minuman Es Podeng yang pada dasarnya adalah es serut dengan susu kental, kelapa dan buah-buahan yang bisa anda pilih. Saya menghabiskan total sekitar Rp 5.000.000 / - dan saya menyadari bahwa tinggal lebih lama di kota yang baik ini dan berbagai macam kegiatan yang saya dapat nikmati, saya akan bangkrut. Saat itulah saya segera memesan tiket Bus saya ke Yogyakarta dari situs web yang dinamakan�

Jakarta merupakan kota yang cukup terkenal dengan berbagai pilihan, ada sekitar 7 Operator yang memiliki bus harian antara dua kota ini. Namun, yang paling terkenal adalah Pahala Kencana, ABM Travels dan Rendra Travels. Pahala Kencana menjadi salah satu Operator yang paling tepercaya karena biasanya memiliki lebih dari 10 bus menuju Yogyakarta pada siang hari. Bus itu berangkat lebih awal pada pukul 4:30 pagi dengan yang terakhir berangkat jam 9 malam di malam hari. Biaya satu tiket adalah sekitar Rp1.800.000 / - yang cukup masuk akal. Butuh waktu sekitar 15 jam untuk mencapai Yogyakarta. Namun, saya cukup terkesan dengan pemandangan indah yang saya amati di jalan ke kota. Ini tidak akan mungkin jika saya telah mengambil penerbangan ke Yogyakarta.
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    eyekongroup  48, Male, North Carolina, USA - 6 entries
Mar 2019
3:39 AM IST

Pop Up Display

If gearing up for participating in trade show or exhibition, have you pondered about how will you attract more and more attention and generate leads? If no, our pop up display products can help you. Eyekon Group, LLC can design & build your display, design & product your graphics, schedule shipping and everything you don�€™t have time to do.
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    saimonsem  28, Male, Indonesia - First entry!
Mar 2019
1:34 AM IST

Hal-hal Penting untuk Diingat saat Bepergian ke Jakarta dengan Menggunakan Bus

Jika anda mendarat di Kota Jakarta, anda perlu tahu bahwa kota ini adalah kota yang sangat indah terutama pada malam hari. Anda dapat melihat jalan-jalan yang padat dan banyak kendaraan, mengemudi dengan kendaraan kecil maupun besar di sepanjang jalan yang diterangi lampu-lampu kota serta di tengah-tengah banyak gedung tinggi. Ini tentunya pemandangan yang indah untuk dilihat. Anda pasti tidak ingin menyetir sendiri disini, karena anda mungkin tidak ingin terkena tilang oleh polisi peraturan lalu lintas, karena ada banyak aturan yang rumit dan membingungkan yang anda sebagai orang asing disini pasti tidak mengerti dan tidak ingin memiliki kejadian seperti itu!

Meskipun, itu seharusnya tidak menghalangi rencana anda untuk menikmati kota dan menjelajahi banyak hal hebat yang disediakan Jakarta untuk anda. Bus dengan transit yang cepat adalah salah satu bagian transportasi yang paling disukai disini dari upaya yang sedang berlangsung untuk mengurangi kemacetan lalu lintas di kota. Berikut ini daftar pilihan transportasi umum yang tersedia untuk berkeliling di Jakarta. Ini mungkin sangat membantu bagi para traveller seperti anda.

Busway Jakarta: Indonesia terhubung dengan baik dengan rute bus dan dikenal dengan layanan busnya yang lengkap. Bahkan dengan konektivitas bus yang hebat, ini dapat sulit dimengerti bagi anda bahwa anda benar-benar dapat berkeliling kota hanya dengan bus. Perjalanan dengan Busway memiliki jalur khusus bus yang tidak dapat dilewati oleh kendaraan lain yang memungkinkan anda sampai tujuan lebih cepat karena tidak adanya kemacetan di jalur khusus ini dan perjalanan dengan transportasi ini juga cukup murah. Namun, bagi anda yang pertama kali mencoba naik busway, anda diharuskan untuk memiliki E-Ticket yang akan membebani kocek anda sekitar Rp 20.000,- untuk harga kartu dan tambahan Rp 20.000,- sebagai saldo awal anda. Kartu ini dapat dibeli di setiap halte Bus dan mudah diisi ulang. Anda diperbolehkan naik bus hanya dari pemberhentian khusus. Tidak ada jadwal pasti keberangkatan bus tetapi anda dapat melacak bus secara real time melalui Google Maps. Ini adalah salah satu sarana yang paling terjangkau dan nyaman untuk berkeliling kota.

Selama berkeliling di Jakarta, mereka memiliki angkutan cepat bus sendiri, yang dioperasikan oleh TransJakarta, yang oleh penduduk setempat disebut sebagai 'busway'.

Kerepotan anda akan berkurang setelah anda dapat memesan tiket bus anda secara online melalui jejaring situs yang memungkinkan anda dapat memilih dari berbagai bus dan mengkonfirmasi reservasi bus dalam waktu yang singkat. Portal online ini memastikan metode pembayaran online yang aman dengan biaya pemesanan nol rupiah. Naik bus adalah ide bijak ketika anda di Jakarta!

Taksi di Jakarta: Taksi-taksi selalu menjadi cara termudah dan paling nyaman untuk berkeliling di Jakarta. Ada juga berbagai layanan taksi eksekutif, seperti Silver Bird, yang dioperasikan oleh Blue Bird. Taksi Silver Bird dapat dengan mudah dilihat dan dijangkau di sebagian besar hotel bintang lima yang ada di sekitar kota serta di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta, dan anda juga dapat memesannya lewat telepon. Kini juga ada taksi online yang dapat anda pesan melalui smartphone anda.

Taksi Minivan di Jakarta: Ada kendaraan umum yang dikenal sebagai 'Mikrolet' dan 'Angkutan Kota' disingkat sebagai 'Angkot'. Anda akan menemukan kendaraan ini mengambil dan menurunkan penumpang di tujuan yang mereka inginkan tanpa memiliki halte atau tempat penurunan penumpang yang jelas. Satu ‘Angkutan Kota’ dapat memuat total 14 penumpang yang mana cukup sempit dan kurang nyaman.

Penyewaan Mobil: Jika anda ingin menyetir sendiri di dalam mobil sewaan dan berjalan-jalan di jalanan Jakarta, yang anda butuhkan hanyalah Lisensi Mengemudi Nasional atau Internasional. Jika itu tidak menarik bagi anda, carilah mobil sewaan yang sudah termasuk dengan sopir. Apa lagi, lihatlah pemandangan sekitar kota di dalam mobil sewaan serta sopir sewaan anda.

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    pre  46, Male, India - First entry!
Mar 2019
11:20 AM IST

padmavathi travels - chennai to tirupati packages

India is famous all around the world as the �€˜Land of Temples�€™, and Indians are known for their unconditional, unshakable faith in their religion. Consistently, a large number of aficionados throng these Indian temples, attributable to the rich legacy and social hugeness these sanctuaries are associated with. People of different religions and convictions offer numerous valuable resources for the temples as a token of their love and belief. So, on the same lines, let�€™s take a tour of the richest temples in India. Here is a list of the temples (in no particular order), which are so loaded with riches, that if together, they can literally regulate the economy of India.

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    nativefineart  37, Male, Washington, USA - 4 entries
Mar 2019
4:52 AM IST

Bentwood Box

Enhance the look and quality of your home d�cor by including bentwood box from Native Fine Art. We are a renowned gallery showcasing museum quality Northwest Native and Inuit artwork for collectors from 1981. Along with, we have earned a reputation for bringing fine native artworks from emerging and renowned artists.
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    seattleauto  39, Male, Washington, USA - 7 entries
May 2020
4:43 AM +08

Dent Repair Seattle WA

A single scratch no matter whether big or nano can affect the branded look of your vehicle. So, bring it at Big E Auto Rebuild for customized dent repair with right set of equipment and cleaner in Seattle, WA. By providing high end customer service and lifetime warranty on our work, we feel pride.
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    Salsabillailla  27, Male, India - First entry!
Mar 2019
3:49 AM IST

Top 4 Bizarre Travel locations in India which must be experienced!!

Journeying to fascinating places in India are for the rationale of relaxation and rejuvenation. Nevertheless, when you visit a noted vacationer destination, exceptionally for a long period, what do you in most cases find? Pricey accommodation, crowded vacationer locations and lengthy queues everywhere. These can be kept away from by taking the roads less travelled and not more-known holiday destinations within the nation. India is filled with beautiful locations that is yet unexplored and you can reach them by buses. Most of the places in India are well connected with busways, booking bus tickets fromredbuswill lower hassles for you. This portal gives tickets at discounted rates and assures a safe road journey experience.

These locations are usually unaffected by commercialization but in addition provide a lot-needed break away from the maddening metropolis lifestyles. Anytime as per your journey plans, get set to explore some of these locations in India, which might be a must-talk over with for all passionate guests and those visitors who are searching for a high quality travel experience.

Mawlynnong Village, Meghalaya: Quite famous as the Cleanest city in Asia and probably the most wonderful village in India. Wrapped in the East Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, this village is legendary for its pristine roads and air pollution-free surroundings.

Gurez Valley, Jammu & Kashmir: probably the most spell binding valleys of Kashmir, it is located on the banks of the strong Kishenganga River, close to Srinagar, within the northern a part of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. No longer are many folks acquainted to this wonderful valley in Kashmir!

Majuli in Assam: Take a bus from Guwahati to Jorhat; Majuli located on the banks of River Brahmaputra is just 20kms faraway from Jorhat. Regarded as a paradise for travel freaks, Majuli boasts of exceptional beauty and vibrancy that is ready to be discovered.

Orchha, Madhya Pradesh: This location used to be once the capital city of Bundelkhand Empire. It is noted for the fort developed on the banks of Betwa River. The strong structure, pleasing palaces and intriguing temples makes it a must visit location for each tourist. Very sporadic people are mindful of this spot; explore the speciality of the location! Madhya Pradesh which is also considered to be the heart of India has got its incredible name because of its geographical location within the country. Madhya Pradesh has everything that a tourist can ask for ranging from historical monuments to modern amenities. Madhya Pradesh also happens to be one of the only states to be surrounded by states on all the other sides. This beautiful place was once home to the Gondwanas. One of the must visit destinations in Madhya Pradesh include the glass temple. Not to the forget the world famous Kumbh Mela festival is organised here as well!! Some of the top places that you can visit when in Madhya Pradesh include Ujjain, Khajuraho and Bhopal. The food in Madhya Pradesh is a blend of several styles and specialities.
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    Artiba  35, Male, Texas, USA - 2 entries
Apr 2019
11:41 PM IST

Increase in Demand for Artificial Intelligence Engineers

Artificial Intelligence is easing up the lives of humans by making the tedious tasks easier and interesting. There is nothing that these AI integrated technologies can�€™t do. From scheduling meetings to turning off the lights of your room, AI is leaving no chance to fascinate us. Organizations are looking for the right talent in this world of competition. Since AI is revolutionizing the world, It�€™s time to build a career in this lucrative field right away!
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    academyofpastryarts  32, Male, India - First entry!
Apr 2019
7:42 AM IST

Leading Culinary School in India

Academy of Pastry Arts is an esteemed group of Professional Culinary & Pastry Schools with Pan- Asia presence in Malaysia, Philippines, Delhi NCR, Mumbai and Bangalore. We believe in providing the best tool that can contribute to our student's success.

Personal instructions and hands-on training from world class chef instructors in a professional environment remain to be our hallmark. We guarantee thorough, personal attention to each student�€™s individual career goals from the moment they attend their first class with us to the time they are prepared in top-notch culinary dexterity.
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    umaprasad  33, Male, India - 7 entries
Apr 2020
6:36 AM +08

What to consider while choosing uPVC Doors for your home?

As a homeowner, you have more options for every aspect of your home than people ever did in the past. Thanks to innovation and technology, everything from home hardware to home decor has undergone a massive upgrade, giving you a wide range to choose from, based on both, functionality and design.

The same holds true for uPVC doors. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) is a highly versatile and sustainable material that is used for making doors and windows. Because it is unplasticized,�uPVC�is more durable and rigid, thus bringing a range of benefits that traditional materials like wood cannot match. uPVC is the ideal choice for doors and windows because, unlike wood, steel, iron and others, it retains its shape in all weather conditions.

Here are the points you should consider while buying uPVC doors for your home:

Different spaces, different frames

Not every home is the same, and similarly, not every space within a home is the same. For common areas like the living room, you might prefer a door that lets in a lot of light and gives you a seamless view of the outdoors, especially if you are facing a garden or a similarly attractive landscape. For more private spaces like bedrooms, you should opt for doors that are more basic and functional. The frame that you choose depends on factors such as the design aesthetic of your space, your personal style preferences, functionality, and the convenience of the people living in your home.

uPVC Casement doors�are the most basic design of doors with a single open system. They are ideal for spaces where doors serve a purely functional role. They are extremely secure and provide excellent insulation when closed.

uPVC Sliding doors consist of two or more frames that slide horizontally, to the left or right on tracks. These doors are very smooth and easy to operate since they are slightly raised above the tracks.�uPVC Sliding doors�are a perfect fit for spaces that need to look well-lit and spacious, like living rooms and drawing rooms.

The unique�uPVC Slide and Fold doors�are designed to provide maximum flexibility while lending a smart and attractive look. uPVC Slide and Fold doors come with a sash which lets you move them in either direction or allows you to stack them to one end. They are also highly durable, making them ideal for all temperatures and weather conditions. They have the option of being opened completely or partially, letting you regulate the amount of ventilation you need.

For More CLICK�choosing uPVC Doors for your home

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