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    Sissy7  27, Female, Minnesota, USA - 2 entries
Oct 2011
8:05 PM EDT

Have you ever sat on the side?

Have you ever forced yourself to smile, while tears trembled behind your eyes? Have you ever laughed, while you throat wanted to curddle a shrill? Have you ever stood tall, while you want to be on the floor curled in a ball of hurt? Have you ever said "love", while you felt hate? Have you ever tried to be yourself, while others try to form you? Have you found the answers? We want to please. We want to hide. We want to be brave. We want to change our feelings. We want to fit. What if I don't please you? What if I want to be seen? What if I am fine with being scared? What if I can't change my thoughts? What if I want to be me? The other day I sat along side the bleachers of my high schools homecoming dance and watched the boy I was going to ask, dance with a girl whom has repeatedly interferred with my relationships. As sitting with tears and a combination of black mascara trickling down my cheeks I realise that I don't need anybody. I am fine sitting alone with my thoughts. Not that they are nice to me, but this way I don't have to worry about anyone hurting me other than myself.
2 comment(s) - 03:18 PM - 02/27/2012
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