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    swordbearer  69, Male, New York, USA - 21 entries
Jun 2010
7:32 AM EDT

How retirement feels to a man with no money.

It's been a little over 5 weeks since I retired and I see the benefits and shortcomings of living on one's own schedule. I feel the freedom and ability to flex to anything I need or want to do. But at the same time I need to constantly be creating schedules for myself to remain busy and productive, else boredom WOULD set in. I feel no special pressure over what day it is, no Monday blues or Friday anxiousness, no Saturday relief or Sunday resolve to start Monday over again. On the other hand, I feel no days at all. Each day blends into the next and I often forget what day IT IS! I have been exercising more in the gym but I haven't lost any weight because more of my day is spent in front of the computer doing my ministry. I clean the house and cook, a nice little house husband. I hope that there is rewards in heaven for this and that the ministry is blessed because of the work in it. I am socially deprived. My wife constantly goes off to work and I am left with no one to talk to. I am despirate for other folks to talk to. But the good side of that is that I am spared the constant over and over complaining that I heard when I was working. So all in all I am glad I am retired but learning to adapt. It will take a few months but I will get a routine that I can live with because I think the routine is what I miss most. A lonely Swordbearer.
1 comment(s) - 08:52 AM - 06/28/2010
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    xxangelxx  34, Female, United Arab Emirates - 2 entries
Mar 2008
9:23 PM EDT

busy busy

Dear Diary

I fought w/ my boyfriend but i missed hima lot that's why ive called him and he andwe went to the beach,holding hands together....then he apologized for all the things that he have done,and we kissed, we was so romantic..then suddenly he grabed me and kissed my nose......then i was so shocked bcoz he put a kiss mark in my nose and i got angry...but after few minutes i was ok....hmmm..that's it...anyway..ill just write it later just busy right now....

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