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    Racquelc6  46, Female, New York, USA - 28 entries
Mar 2011
8:48 AM CDT

When will it end?

I'm totally bummed. I thought that yesterday evening I had finally gotten my period. But I was deceived. This morning I woke up and it was back to the brown minimal spotting. I want to get my period already! I want to be able to try again! Why can't this spotting just stop and I get my real period already?!
I had the D&C over four weeks ago on Feb 15. It should have stopped by now. It was on Feb 7th that I found out the baby had stopped growing. ENOUGH WITH THE SADNESS!!!!! I want to move on already. Until I can move on I feel like I have something hanging over my head. I don't want to�perseverate on the loss. I want something to look forward to!!!!
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