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You searched for: Tag: usedtire
    navi41  44, Male, Japan - 3 entries
Mar 2020
12:51 AM EEST

The 4WD SUVs that want to be revived

Cross-country 4WD vehicles disappeared

SUVs are very popular worldwide, but in Japan there was an RV boom in the 1990s, and each manufacturer sold full-scale cross-country 4WD vehicles.

However, the number of vehicles has decreased dramatically, and the types of vehicles that users can select are limited.

Therefore, I will introduce three models that I want to revive from out of print SUVs.

The Toyota "Land Cruiser" series is recognized worldwide for its high durability, reliability, and ability to drive on rough roads, and is gaining popularity around the world.

The successive land cruisers can be broadly divided into three categories: "heavy duty", "light duty", and "station wagon". Among them, the 70 series is a car that has no high-tech equipment and pursues the origin of cross-country 4WD vehicles.

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