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    edprice  58, Male, New York, USA - 16 entries
Jul 2008
4:16 AM EST

Hang on, here it comes........

Quote Of The Day

"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - M.K. Gandhi

Universe Entry Of The Day

Has it occurred to you that you could ask for more?

Not just more than what you now have, but more than you're now asking for?

This is why I'm HOT

-The Universe-

Journal Entry Of The Day

So things sometimes move along a lot faster than any of us could have planned for. I mean, we've all probably been part of the drama of sudden death or tragedy of some capacity. Although things seem like slow motion, hind sight tells us those times fly by.

I am immersed in my own life and I find myself stopping and forcing myslef to appreciate what's actually happening. Things are unfolding at a rapid rate and they are good things. Money is beginning to boil over like I planned and that is always a good thing.

I am practicing discipline and looking for order as always. I am in search of the peace that comes from no thought or meditation. I always realize that discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons.

MaxGXL has given me a new lease on life. I feel amazing and my body feels 10 - 15 years younger. Nancy and I just started MaxWLX this week and we are ever optimistic that it will change our world.

It's a Friday, the world is your oyster.

What are you going to do with your weekend?

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Current Tags: ed price, incomegps, max international, maxgxl, maxwlx, stayathomesystem

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    edprice  58, Male, New York, USA - 16 entries
Jul 2008
7:51 AM EST

Momentum, how it keeps you moving forward

Quote of the day:

"If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Universe Entry of the day:

Ten thousand years from now, Ed, your presence will still be felt, your name will still be whispered, and your goodness will still be expanding.

And that's just for the stuff you've already done!

You're a supa-star, The Universe

Journal entry of the day

So, I've been busy the last few dyas. Really busy. Probably busier than I've been in the last few years to be honest. Guess what? You know the answer, it feels great, that's what!

I am busy, busy, busy promoting Max International, and the products they produce, MaxGXL and MaxWLX. We have created this wave of momentum and are not looking back. It's been a long time since I went dog at it from 6am - 12 midnight. Barely eating and not feeling tired is a really nice feeling.

We have the lifestyle we deisre, we get up when we want, work when we want and play when we want.

Want some of this too?

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