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    jimmymarshall7  44, Male, United Kingdom - 21 entries
Apr 2018
9:18 AM IST

Examples of wordings for proper resignation letters

Examples of wordings for proper resignation letters
The body of the letter should be simple. Some examples include proper wording:
Please accept this letter as an official notice and I walk on [date] [company]'s name. Thank you for your development, this company gave me. Please let me know if I can need help during this transitional period.
I am writing to tell you that I will leave the [date] [company] name. I want to thank you for the valuable experience I have worked in this company. These skills teach me [insert what I have learned]. Read more
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    jessicarose55  39, Female, United Kingdom - 22 entries
Apr 2018
9:20 AM IST

In the process of pursuing your own ideals of life?

In the process of pursuing your own ideals of life, do you not want to continue self-control?
A person actively pursues the ideal of becoming a valuable person, cherishes the worthy life he cherishes, and reflects on his ideals. This is an action and a willingness to actively pursue life (positive freedom). It is self-directed and self-responsible. An autonomous person is actually a person who practices freedom because he uses his rationality to make independent judgments and reflections and make meaningful living actions. Read more
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    mljohny33  43, Male, United Kingdom - 21 entries
Apr 2018
9:23 AM IST

Confucius thought

Confucius thought
Mao Shi and Xi Shi are lovely beauties, but the birds will fly away and the fish will sink to the bottom of the water. It can be seen that the human aesthetic standards cannot be recognized by the birds and fish; In the gorgeous house, the muddy people have to live in the mud while the ape monkeys like to live in the woods. It can be seen that people's living needs cannot be recognized by the animal community. By analogy, how can one say that generalized morality is the universal law of heaven and earth? It criticizes Confucianism to exaggerate the role of "man," thus forming the division between "the Heaven" and "humanity." Read more
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    jacychain77  41, Male, United Kingdom - 20 entries
Apr 2018
9:25 AM IST

The essential characteristic of literature different from other art categories

Language is the essential characteristic of literature different from other art categories
Literature is the art of language. Expressing life and shaping the image in language is the essential characteristic that distinguishes it from other art categories. This can be explained from the following aspects:
First, the art of literary language is based on the means of constructing images and the materials used. Although the distinction between literature and other arts can be carried out from many aspects. From the angle of perception of art image, the existence of art image, the presentation of art image, etc., it can distinguish between literature and other art categories. Read more
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    barnesd66  45, Male, United Kingdom - 20 entries
Apr 2018
9:26 AM IST

What are the tips for writing conference papers?

What are the tips for writing conference papers?
Prompt writing conference papers is best introduced through experience gained. The summary of most academic conferences is published at a conference or a paper that submits a full paper. When the cover of the paper was a review by participants, attendees could not hear the details of the presentation of the oral report. If the document is a problem that arises after the meeting, the points that can be given in a particular direction during the presentation process are the readers who may be most interested in the meeting. Read more
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    misjessica  44, Male, United Kingdom - 23 entries
Apr 2018
11:28 AM IST

Which is better to write in a British paper?

Which is better to write in a British paper? How to choose a quality organization?
Want to pick a good agency to write, looks like it is easy, after all, there are many online writing studios, find someone to write is not difficult. But if you really want to know which one is good for the British paper and which one is the strongest, we must also make a comprehensive comparison. Read more
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    leanneloach10  43, Female, United Kingdom - 22 entries
Apr 2018
11:30 AM IST

How long is the length of my paper?

How long is the length of my paper?
It's really annoying when a teacher or professor gives a writing assignment and doesn't provide specific guidance on how to respond to it. There is a reason, of course. The teacher likes students to focus on work not just to fill a certain amount of space.
But students like the guidance! Sometimes if we don't have parameters to follow, we start when we get lost. Read more
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    jessicarose55  39, Female, United Kingdom - 22 entries
Apr 2018
11:36 AM IST

8 ways to increase your attention?

8 ways to increase your attention?
Is it hard for you to concentrate on whether you are reading a book or listening to a lecture? You can put your heart knowledge and you can improve your attention. Although there are some medical reasons for distraction, this is not always the case. Sometimes your attention span can be improved by non-medical factors. These activities may be very different in improving your study habits. Learn more
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    mljohny33  43, Male, United Kingdom - 21 entries
Apr 2018
11:39 AM IST

The mutual integration of education and education

When one of China’s earliest educational monographs, The Book of Rites and the Book of Education, described this period of history, it was clearly enough to reflect the contemporary historical angle at that time: “It is the ancient king who is the king of the ancients, who is the same as the king, teaching first.” It is said that the establishment of a country and the management of the people are the highest priority and the most important thing for education. The idea of consolidating the purpose of education in the governance of the country and the people has continued for thousands of years in China and is in line with the current slogan "Emphasize China's education, building a strong human resource nation." Read more
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    jacychain77  41, Male, United Kingdom - 20 entries
Apr 2018
11:41 AM IST

Art division

Art division
Seen from the relationship of species, literature is only a category of art. Therefore, to grasp the essence and characteristics of literature, we should further distinguish the literature from other categories of art.
The relationship between various arts is complex, and different characteristics can be summarized from different perspectives. According to different standards, different art categories can be distinguished. At present, the more popular art categories are the following. Read more
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