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    SCR3AMM3ALOV3S0NG  29, Female, New York, USA - 8 entries
Jul 2008
4:06 AM PDT

J0URNAL ENTRY FiVE - Phobia Again.

Dear Journal,

�Fuck it's freaking happening again that stupid phobia crapp. Lemme tell you somethingg i have a big phobia of diabetes. That probably why i always freak out if i pee alot or if im thirsty or hungry or tired it's SO annoying. But, the thing is my mind is telling me your family doesnt get kid diabetes only older diabetes if that makes sense. I mean like yesterday night i drank alot and i peed alot and i freaked out. Ughh its so annoying and i know exactly why im afraid of having it cause my grandma died of it. Man.. i hope that i dont get it when im older i eat healthy for a kid. I mean the temptation of having alot of icecream i can stop myself. I only serve myself in little cups thats like 1 scoop or 2. So, yeah im going to the doctor for a checkup. And i havent had one since 5th grade ik ik your like your supposed to have one every year ik it's just how my doctor works. I hate the smell of the doctor's office it smells so horrific like something's going to happen. LOL lemme tell you about the other day. I thought i was pregnant &+ it was so stupid i mean im 13 i didnt have sex so no sperm thingys could hit my egg. Crapp it's so annoying sometimes i think im crazy but im not it only happenes once every 4 or 5 months. I swear man i get afraid of dieases so quickly. Here's another thing about me i always think about how everyone's going to die. Ik ik you probably think im emo im not. I just have those times and i know that everyone does. Well I better go call my mom to put the appointment today causee i might get my period [sorry guys] tomorrow.

peace & love

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