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    lexly  56, Male, Oregon, USA - 92 entries
Aug 2008
4:58 AM PDT

The Bible

It was a few months back, I met a nice lady who gave me a goat skin leather bible at Subway.

I started to read it Monday. I started with Genesis.

MJ advised me to read Ephrasia for advice on marriage and relationships, forgiveness.

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    PastorPat  68, Male, South Dakota, USA - First entry!
Jul 2015
12:20 PM CDT

Hello Journal

I came across this site, it just what I was looking for. Hope all is well. Im a retired pastor. I love to discuse the Bible. If you have and bible or church questions Id love to talk about it with you. I live in Rapid City SD. Love it here. Hope to hear from someone soon.
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