babygirl95's Journal

Apr 2011
2:53 PM MST

Just One?

I wrote down everything about what had happened, but�it got deleted... Maybe it was for the best.�
�Maybe things will get better now that I let it all out. Or maybe they will get worse.
� Latly everything seems to just be getting worse. School, my relationships with my friends, the thoughts, the memories.
� I'm not sure how to deal with it all. I know how I used to cope but... I promised him I would stop. And I will NOT break that promise! Not again...

I keep telling myself that if I could just hold out a little longer things will get better but I wait, and wait, and wait, and nothing changes.

� Maybe there's something wrong with me. Maybe I'm just not meant to be trully happy. There are times when I start to think that I could actually be happy but then something else happens.
� I know crap happens to everyone but for once could the world give me a break?! for just five minutes?! I just want one day were I dont' have to worry about things going wrong. One day when I don't have those thoughts. One day were I don't have to be afraid of me having a melt down in front of my family and friends.�
��� One day. That's all I want.

Tags: day, one, pain
4 comment(s) - 04:58 PM - 10/01/2011
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babygirl95's Profile

  • Username: babygirl95
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Indiana
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    About Me: i'm the kind of person that laughs all the time and is always making a joke about something. I make all my friends laugh and they normally come to mean when they want to forget about everything that's going on and just have a good time. But the truth is, that ain't me. I'm completely the opposet.

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