The Trials and Tribulations of... Life.

Jun 2012
8:24 PM CST

In a few hours.... wow!

So am I getting nervous that the date between Shawn and myself is less than a day away... surprisingly, no!

I think that since we took the opportunity to talk as much as possible, putting everything on the table that was asked, I think that makes the pending meeting not such a nervous or stressful thing.

Don't get me wrong, there are going to be nerves in play just on the idea that we have never met before, but I believe it is going to go real well.

As for the meeting place, it is at a very well known and semi-busy place, even for a Sunday.

As for Colin.... you know I haven't heard from him since sending that email in which I believed it was best for us to go our seperate ways.� I hope that he is okay, I really do, but at this time, I couldn't really tell you.
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  • Username: 4d9rfan4life
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    About Me: After finding the courage to leave a relationship that included domestic violence, I am learning to start my life over.

    Interests: Dancing, Billiards, Drawing, Computers

    Favorite Music: Rock, Oldies, R&B, Country

    Favorite Movies: Transformers, Star Wars, Robin Hood

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, Boston Legal, House