The Trials and Tribulations of... Life.

Jun 2012
6:20 PM CST

To smile a smile... its great!

Since meeting Shawn on the dating site, my days seem as though there is more color in everything I view, I find that I can laugh at myself, laugh to myself and just smile for no reason... most of the time it is from something that he said during any one of our conversations.

Although we had initially agreed to meet in a couple of weeks, we both can't wait that long.� If he's not considering a chance to come out here to meet me, I am considering a chance to go down there to meet him, it's a crazy, whirlwind, lack of planning notion and one that we have both came very close to doing at one time or another.

So we swapped ideas, made some changes that we both felt comfortable with and will be seeing each other on Sunday.

Is it possible to find someone so perfect for me and not even know him yet?

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4d9rfan4life's Profile

  • Username: 4d9rfan4life
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    4D9RFAN4LIFE's Interests:

    About Me: After finding the courage to leave a relationship that included domestic violence, I am learning to start my life over.

    Interests: Dancing, Billiards, Drawing, Computers

    Favorite Music: Rock, Oldies, R&B, Country

    Favorite Movies: Transformers, Star Wars, Robin Hood

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, Boston Legal, House