loveKL92's Journal

May 2009
3:48 AM EDT

Razor blade kisses
She’s dreaming,
It’s the nightmare again,
She flying,
Flying to see him.
Just to find,
That he’s not there.
She’s bleeding; she wants to.
It’s strange isn’t it?
Her little silver friend,
Her little blue towel,
Her little clear bottle,
She’s about to break down.
She’s thinking,
Don’t do it,
Some other part says yes.
So with one quick motion,
She’s done it again,
And again.
She’s stuck in between,
Some place,
Called misery and peace.
Some where that everyone’s,
Dying, hiding, or lying.
Where some of us wouldn’t,
Dare to go.
A place that’s never calm,
She opens her eyes,
To see,
That she’s been razor blade kissed.
She holds the silver relief,
In her hand.
Opens her mouth,
But cannot speak,
Stuck on the streets of
Misery and peace.
She bleeds as she cries,
As she watched the world,
As they all say their good-byes.
This time, it won’t be her time to cry.
3 comment(s) - 06:30 AM - 05/27/2009
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  • Username: loveKL92
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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