blahbee jr.

Aug 2009
11:27 AM MDT



Okay. SO i lost my magic touch in journaling. kinda.

I don't even feel like journaling that much anymore ... BUT... i need a place to express myself so i don't freak the hell out because i'm not exactly the talking type. at least not anymore. bleh.


Nope. I'm no the talking type but when somebody gives me a pencil and a piece of paper. I fly. Literally. Angels sing in the backround and words from my heart is being written down. - heh. or typed down actually cuz i stopped diary-ing on paper a while ago-

OH GOD. You know what? I hate it when something you forgot to do suddenly hits you in the back of the head.



I dunno, i hate talking on the phone. It always ends up in awkward silence. There's one exception but you don't need to know about that =P

"OKAY. so like what are you doing this like... weekend like .. yea?"

"I dunno... um.. you?"

"Oh i'm like.. TOTALLY going to the mall this weekend. OMG (literally OH EMM GEE- GOD don't you hate it when people do that?) I TOTALLY have to get like... NEW jeans!"

"Oh. Cool. "

-AWKWARD? yea. definately.


2 comment(s) - 12:46 PM - 08/24/2009
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blahbee's Profile

  • Username: blahbee
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: Canada
    BLAHBEE's Interests:

    About Me: i like purple. i like teal . My cat is the best thing that has happened to me in the past 2 years. We found her as a stray with no tags no microchip, no tattoo and i begged my heart out to take her in. She has been with us for two years now. I hate people who are hypocrites. Just be who you really are! I tend to get bad haircuts. I usually bring a picture of a haircut that i love to the hair salon... and somehow.. it ends up WAY too messed up. I'm going in 9th grade. Not many friends that i could actually have a deep conversation with. Yea.

    Interests: piano, swimming, anime, scrapbooking =D

    Favorite Movies: Ratatouille! Confessions of a Shopaholic, Homeward Bound

    Favorite Television: LOST! One Tree Hill, House, Project Runway, Gossip Girl, Canada's Next Top Model,

    Favorite Books: The frog princess - E.D. Baker. The Breadwinner CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC - sophie kinsella Kiterunner