Just another sad story...

Jul 2010
7:17 AM EDT

Fair week, Friends, & My lil puppy, Michigan Adventures!!

���� So I've decided what song I will use for my free style riding pattern next year. Its called 300 Violin Orchestra by Jorge Quintero. Its pretty cool. I think Im going to teach my horse to bow... for the end of the song. Who knows. And I think I'll have one of my many trainers help my come up with the coreography for it. Fuun! hahaha So this year for fair Im totally pumped. My friend Kayla and I have like MAGER plans to prank my�sister hard. Its gunna be tons of fun.�O, and we might have like five or more kids staying in our camper at fair. O.o Now that will be crazy. B/c My sister, Kayla and I�already created enough chaos with just us in the camper. hahaha�And we like just found out this year that Kayla's mom could hear everyithing that we were doing last year. And no, it was nothing innappropriat. lol Pinky Promise

���� I think the one person I miss on Inboxjournal from the old days is brokentearsRcryd92 She was an AMAZING writer. In fact one of her poems even got published. O.o It was pretty good, not gonna lie.

���� So yesterday I was playing with my lil puppy Buddy outside. Well he's not exactly little. He weighs 95pds, thats three more than his dad! Not to mention He's only 10months old!! Buddy is a silver lab btw. Anyways we were playing and let me tell ya, this dog can run!! Well he took a turn to sharp and hurt his front leg. So my mom ended up taking him to the vet. Luckily he didnt break anything. At least thats what the vet said. Not to mention he listed off a TON of different possibilites that could accure in the next few days. Ugh, its frustrating b/c Buddy wants to run and play, so Im constintly telling him to lay down. But only b/c the vet said to have Buddy lay down as much as possible.

���� So my friend Molly and I went to Michigan Adventures on Tuesday. Soo much fun. Anyways When we were getting on the Thunder Hawk, some older girls were talking to this little girl (she didnt understand english) So when these to girls realized that she didnt understand english, they started talking to her in Spanish. Well when the little girl still didnt respond, they started laughing at her!!! I was sooo mad. As it turned out she spoke french. Lucky for her I took a little bit of French this year. As it turned out she had lost her family and was trying to find them. So my friend Molly and I stayed with her. It was really cool. and in the end I found her mom. And yeah everything turned out to be okay. I was soo happy when we found her mom! It was totally the best part of�my day. hahaha
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  • Username: Sportygirl15
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Michigan
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    SPORTYGIRL15's Interests:

    Interests: Equestrian team Hunting Barrel Racing Poetry Running(for fun) Chatting Does shopping count? lol

    Favorite Music: Anything that does not involve opera, oldies, jazz, or anything along those lines, but my fav song is: Dont Speak Liar by We The Kings

    Favorite Movies: The Titannic

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, Knight Rider, Gossip Girl, did I miss anything?

    Favorite Books: Same difference, Would You, The book of Luke, and more