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You searched for: Tag: all i want in life is to be happy
    MyNameIsSteve  31, Male, Illinois, USA - 6 entries
Jun 2011
10:13 PM CDT

Ass Itch

I give up on everyone. It's too much for me to deal with the same mind-numbingly dull personalities every day. They're all the same. Im not even sure anymore�if im any different. Id be happy if i could meet one person with a mind like mine so i could stop feeling insane and alone. I can't relate to anyone around here. I fucking hate feeling this way, i feel like other people would look at this as typical teenage high-school-drama bullshit... but im not in high school anymore, im not 12 years old anymore, i should stop being this way, i just cant seem to do it by myself.
i have my goals and plans on how to reach them. I just need to get far far away from here. I don't even know if anyone would understand what im trying to say. Ill be 18 on the 29th of this month. I plan on getting black out drunk and high as fuck. It'd be cool if i got laid too, but on account of how distant ive become with everyone, i doubt anything like that is gonna go down.

On an unrelated note, i have a deviantart account that i update far more often than this. i doubt ill even be back on here any time soon. If you're interested, here,
i like writing. I hate sharing it with people i know because... well... i think its weird for a guy to write shit like i do. but it helps to clear my mind so.... whatever...
and before you assume your ass off, no its not over dramatic poetry about how my life sucks. Im not THAT typical pfft.....
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