The Trials and Tribulations of... Life.

Jun 2012
2:25 AM CST

The conversation

So despite that Shawn and I seemed to hit it off, both on the phone and then in person, we seemed to be heading in the opposite direction.

We were so comfortable with each other that it felt as though we were best friends for many many years, to the point that we somehow managed to keep from crossing a line, one that neither of us put down, but obviously was there.

So for the last week, contact between us has been sporadic.� So I finally asked him the other day, what's going on?� To my surprise, he was wondering the same thing.� So after deciding that perhaps we are just better off as friends, he totally turned the tables on me, something that no one, no man in my life has ever done.� He is pleading his case on why we should give it another shot, a second date.

In the movie, Jerry Maguire, that scene where he is told to 'Shut Up', 'You had me at Hello'... now I get the exact depth of that saying.� I have never been so speechless in my life, I have never been so flattered.
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  • Username: 4d9rfan4life
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    4D9RFAN4LIFE's Interests:

    About Me: After finding the courage to leave a relationship that included domestic violence, I am learning to start my life over.

    Interests: Dancing, Billiards, Drawing, Computers

    Favorite Music: Rock, Oldies, R&B, Country

    Favorite Movies: Transformers, Star Wars, Robin Hood

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, Boston Legal, House