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    shhhhhh  47, Female, Philippines - 8 entries
Nov 2011
1:37 AM PST


l-e-t g-o...
take a stand
stand firm
don't lose your balance
let if flow
if you must
let it end
let it end
Tags: thoughts
1 comment(s) - 10:03 PM - 12/07/2011
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    WENDYWITCH  57, Female, California, USA - 5 entries
Mar 2011
12:50 PM


Your FEELINGS, Good or Bad, generate your THOUGHTS, your THOUGHTS, if allowed to become consistant, you will express through your WORDS, your WORDS will then create HABITS, your HABITS, turn into your BELIEF SYSTEM, your BELIEF SYSTEM determines your DAILY CHOICES, your DAILY CHOICES, create your REALITY and your REALITY manifests your DESTINY. Therefore, YOU create your own destiny by the simple feelings and/or thoughts you choose to ALLLOW to take root on a consistant basis. So, you must remember when a negative thought jumps into your head, simply do not allow it to take root. Dismiss it as quickly as possible and then replace it with several positive thoughts. "REMEMBER TO WEED YOUR GARDEN OFTEN AND PLANT MANY FLOWERS."
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    Hedda  61, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 4 entries
Jan 2008
5:52 PM EDT


It's a new year so I decided that I would start writing my thoughts down. Hopefully it will help me heal this broken heart of mine, if nothing else, to see my life and situation in a concrete form. Maybe it will be easier for me to analyze my situation seeing it in writing. I've always wanted to keep a journal but I am so scatter brained that it's hard for me to collect my thoughts and keep them long enough to put them down on paper. It's all so overwhelming to me.

I'm reading this book now call the Sorcer's Crossing and in it the author speaks of recapitalization (going through every event, feeling you've ever experienced in your life and with your breath you release it's hold on you and gain back that energy that was taken during these events.It takes me months sometimes years to read a book. Like writing, reading books takes forever for me due to my lack of focus and scattered energy. I wish it were not that way as I really do enjoy reading.

I would love to be a writer but I just don't have that talent. Not right now anyway. My mother was a writer and my husband writes and so does my 8 year old daughter. I do have a knack with poetry though but I haven't had any poetry come to me in quite some time.

Some things that I write may be embarrassing moments that I remember and other things may be embarassing fears or a confused outlook on things. I was thinking of making this journal private but I feel that I can gain so much more insight into myself and what's actually going on if I share it with you and maybe get some feedback.

Alot that I write will more than likely focus around my relationship with my husband and my relationship with my daughter. Also I will probably mention my aunt whom I'm very close to and a few other people in my life. Also, my religious feelings, past, present and future will send alot of your heads reeling.

So let me just say welcome to the Diary of a Confused Soul.



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    heykaro89  35, Female, Taiwan - 6 entries
Aug 2007
1:12 PM EDT

ok this is my first time writting something up here..hope im doing alright. :D
so heres the deal.i've been watching "the OC" these days..well i know this is soooo 2003 but i gotta admit that this is totally awesome!!!!! i'm not really that kind of daily drama person but i think im totally addicted to this one..and i found some side effects about watching these stuff...the more you're into it,the more desperation about your own life! oncei turn off the TV after seeing all that luxurious life they led,i was like: gosh im gonna do the dishes again instead of drinking cocktail with my friends in the "holly's pool house" (a house in "the o.c") i wish i could make some friends...hey so that counts for why im here HA! i could meet people around the world and improve my Enlish a little by trowing stuff up here..oh and i didnt tell any of my friends about this so that i could say anything i want up here...doesn't it feels great to say something out loud without hesitating? sometimes you just need a listener that's all.

p.s oh by the english sucks..if it's difficult to read,my bad! :p
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Current Tags: deperation, drama, first entry, hello, making friends, the o.c, thoughts

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